词汇课29 课堂笔记-词根“kin-”,“na-”

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词汇记忆 第29节
词根“kin-”,“na-”及其变体“nasc-”,“naiv-”,“nat-”等都来源于词根 “gene-”, 表示“基因的;遗传的;生”
kin [kɪn] n. (统称)家属;亲属;亲戚 7478
词源:c. 1200, from Old English cynn “family; race; kind, sort, rank; nature” (also “gender, x,” a n obsolete since Middle English), from Proto-Germanic *kunja- “family” (source also of Old Frisian kenn, Old Saxon kunni “kin, kind, race, tribe,” Old Nor kyn, Old High German chunni “kin, race;” Danish kjön, Swedish kön, Middle Dutch, Dutch kunne “x, gender;” Gothic kuni “family, race,” Old Nor kundr ‘son,” German Kind “child”), from PIE root *gene- “give birth, beget,” with derivatives referring to procreation and familial and tribal groups.
助记:kin (=family )→亲戚,家族
搭配:kith and kin :亲戚朋友 next of kin :最近的血亲
kind [kaɪnd] n. 种类;性质 adj. 仁慈的;良善的 250
词源:(NOUN) "class, sort, variety," from Old English gecynd "kind, nature, race," related to cynn "family" (e kin ), from Proto-Germanic *kundjaz "family, race".
(ADJ) "friendly, deliberately doing good to others," Middle English kinde, from Old English (ge)cynde "natural, native, innate," originally "with the feeling of relatives for each other," from Proto-Germanic *kundi- "natural, native," from *kunjam "family" (e kin), with collective or generalizing prefix *ga- and abstract suffix *-iz.
助记:kind (=class ,sort ,variety :种类,多样)→种类,性质disrupted
kind (=kind :innate ,family )→对待彼此像对待家人、亲戚一样→仁慈的,良善的 搭配:one of a kind :独一无二的 all kinds of :各种各样的
kinda ['kaɪndə] adv. 有几分;有一点10078
助记:1890, reprenting a casual pronunciation of kind of  (e kind (n.)).
搭配:kinda invisible :有点像隐形人
kindergarten ['kɪndə,g ɑːt(ə)n] n. 幼儿园;幼稚园 6206
助记:kind (来自德语Kinder-Garten ,字面意思是儿童的花园),这种实施幼儿教育的机构起源于德国,是位名叫Friedrich Froebel (1782 -1852)的德国教育家首创的。1837年他在布朗根堡(Blankenburg)开办了第一所kindergarten的英文
搭配:go to kindergarten:去幼儿园
kindle ['kɪnd(ə)l] vt. 点燃;激起(兴趣、感情等)17206
词源:c. 1200, cundel, "to t fire to, to start on fire," probably from a Scandinavian source akin to Old Nor kynda "to kindle, to light a fire," Swedish quindla "kindle," all of uncertain origin, + frequentative suffix -le. Figurative u (of feelings, passions, etc.) is from c. 1300. Intransitive n "to begin to burn, to catch fire" is from c. 1400.
助记:kind(=nature)+-le(动词后缀,表反复)(c. 1200, cundel, "to t fire to, to start on fire")
搭配:to kindle a fire/flame:点火,点燃火焰
kindle interest in music:激发对音乐的兴趣
kindly ['kaɪndlɪ] adv. 亲切地;温和地;仁慈地10938
搭配:not take kindly to sth/sb:不喜欢某事物/人
kindness ['kaɪn(d)nɪs] n. 仁慈;善良体贴;友好的行为7835
搭配:milk of human kindness:恻隐之心,人情
kindred ['kɪndrɪd] n. 家人;亲属关系adj. 血缘的;同族的;相近的19717
助记:kind(= kin:家属,亲属)+ -red(=condition,rule:表状况、规则,来自古英语ræden)→家人,血缘关系,相近的
搭配:ties of kindred:亲属关系kindred spirit:志趣相投的人
king [kɪŋ] n. 国王;佼佼者;…之最;王棋2359
助记:在现代英语中,单词king往往被翻译为“国王”,表示“一国之君”,然而古代,king 其实并没有这么高的地位,仅仅是氏族部落的首领,相当于“酋长”。king来自古英语cyning,与单词cynn(kin,家
族,种族)相关,仅仅是“一族之长”(leader of a kin),指的是公元4世纪时入侵不列颠的日耳曼民族的部落首领。当时入侵不列颠的日耳曼民族包括撒克逊人、盎格鲁人和朱特人。后来,这些人在不列颠东南部(即英格兰)建立了七个小国家,或者说是七个部落,包括三个撒克逊人的、三个盎格鲁人的和一个朱特人的。这些部落的首领就是king,这些部落因而被称为kingdom(王国)。后来,这些部落统一为英格兰后,其首领依然被称为king。从此以后,英格兰的男性首领都被称为king,该词也就被译为“国王”了。助记:kin(=family,tribe:部落)+g→家族、部落的首领→国王,佼佼者
搭配:the king of the jungle:丛林之王  a king penguin:帝王企鹅
kingdom ['kɪŋdəm] n. 王国;管辖范围;自然三界(动物、植物和矿物)之一;界(生物的五大类别之一)4534
a bite of china
搭配:the animal kingdom:动物界
kinship ['kɪnʃɪp] n. 亲属关系;(因出身或态度相似而产生的)亲切感9063
助记:kind(= kin:family,家属,亲属)+ -ship(抽象名词后缀,表关系)→亲属关系
搭配:the ties of kindship:亲属关系
malignant [mə'lɪgnənt] adj. 恶性的;有恶意的;恶毒的12622
词源:1560s, in reference to dias, "virulent, tending to produce death," from Middle French malignant and directly from Late Latin malignantem (nominative malignans) "acting from malice," prent participle of malignare "injure maliciously," from Latin malignus "wicked, bad-natured," from male "badly" (e mal-) + -gnus "born".
助记:mal-(“badly”) +gnant(=-gn:nature,本性,性质)→virulent, tending to produce death;wicked;bad natured:身体内部有恶性病变、可导致死亡的;本性邪恶的;出于恶意行事为人的→恶性的,恶毒的
搭配:malignant cells:恶性癌细胞
malignancy [mə'lɪgnənsɪ] n. 恶性(肿瘤等);恶意19690
搭配:malignancy formation:恶性病变
nascent ['næs(ə)nt; 'neɪ-] adj. 新生的;萌芽的;未成熟的13666
词源:1620s, "in the act of being born;" 1706 in the figurative n of "beginning to exist or grow, coming into being," from Latin nascentem (nominative nascens) "arising young, immature," prent participle of nasci "to be born" (Old Latin gnasci), from PIE root *gene- "give birth, beget."
助记:nasc(-nasci:to be born,新生)+-ent(形容词后缀,表状态)→新生、萌芽的状态,开始存在或生长,还未成熟的→新生的,萌芽的,未成熟的
搭配:nascent period:发育期nascent state:新生态
nation ['neɪʃ(ə)n]n. 民族;国家;国民413
词源:c. 1300, nacioun, "a race of people, large group of people with common ancestry and language," from Old French nacion "birth, rank; descendants, relatives; country, homeland" (12c.) and directly from Latin nationem (nominative natio) "birth, origin; breed, stock, kind, species; race of people, tribe," literally "that which has been born," from natus, past participle of nasci "be born" (Old Latin gnasci).
助记:nat-(=na:birth,origin, race)+ -ion(名词后缀)→宽泛的说,指来自同一个族群、说同一种语言的人的集合。狭义来讲,由一个政府及国民组成的政治集合,一个有组织的群体,居住在固定疆界,在其中行使国家主权→国家,民族
搭配:host nation:东道国
national ['næʃ(ə)n(ə)l] adj. 民族的;国家的;全国的232
搭配:national and international news:国内和国际新闻
nationalism ['næʃ(ə)n(ə)lɪz(ə)m] n. 国家主义;民族主义;民族自豪感5695
搭配:economic nationalism:经济民族主义
nationalist ['næʃ(ə)n(ə)lɪst] n. 民族主义者;国家主义者;怀有本民族优越感者adj. 民族主义的7274
搭配:White Nationalist:白人民族主义者
nationalistic [,næʃnə'lɪstɪk] adj. 民族主义的;国家主义的15026
搭配:nationalistic identity:国家认同
nationality [ˌnæʃəˈnælətɪ] n. 国籍;(构成国家一部分的)民族7892
搭配:dual nationality:双重国籍
nationalize ['næʃnəlaɪz]vt. 将…国有化;使…收归国有19642
助记:national(民族的,国家的)+-ize(动词后缀,使…)→使…国有化,使…归国家所有搭配:nationalized industries:国有化企业
nationally ['næʃnəli] adv.全国性地;举国一致地;以国民立场地5359
搭配:nationally recognized:举国承认
nation-building ['neɪʃ(ə)n 'bɪldɪŋ] n. 国家建设19708
搭配:nation-building party:建国政党
nation-state [,neiʃən'steit] n. 民族国家; 单一民族独立国家10781
搭配:territorial nation-state:地域性民族国家
nationwide ['neɪʃ(ə)nwaɪd; -'waɪd] adj. 全国性的adv. 遍及全国的4983
搭配:nation-wide polls:全国性的民意测验
native ['neɪtɪv] adj. 出生地的;本地的;土著的;属于某地的;与生俱来的;天赋的1410
词源:From early 15c. as "born in a particular place, of indigenous origin or growth, not exotic or fore
ign," also "of or pertaining to one by birth" (as in native land). Also ud from early 15c. in a now-obsolete n of "bound; born in rvitude or rfdom." Of metals, minerals, etc., "occurring in a pure state in nature," 1690s.
助记:nat(=na:innate, produced by birth, of indigenous origin or growth,出生就固有的)+-ive(形容词后缀)→出生就属于某人的→本地的,本土的,天赋的
搭配:native species:当地的物种native land:故乡go native:入乡随俗
nature ['neɪtʃə]n. 大自然;本质;性格;基本特征697
词源:late 13c., "restorative powers of the body, bodily process; powers of growth;" from Old French nature "nature, being, principle of life; character, esnce," from Latin natura "cour of things; natural character, constitution, quality; the univer". By mid-14c. as "the forces or process
of the material world; that which produces living things and maintains order." From late 14c. as "creation, the univer;" also "heredity, birth, hereditary circumstance; esntial qualities, inherent constitution, innate disposition" (as in human nature); also "nature personified, Mother Nature."
beginner是什么意思搭配:by nature:本质上in the nature of things:事出必然
the forces/laws of nature:自然力╱规律
natural [ˈnætʃrəl] adj. 自然的;天生的(行为);天赋的(才能等);不拘束的n. 天才716

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