摩登家庭大结局hurding jumping over a ries of wooden frames in a race n. 跨栏运动
boxing /5bCksiN/ sport flighting with fists n. 拳击
hula hoping 玩呼啦圈
△pogo stick jumping弹簧单高跷游戏
△jumping jack跳爆竹(一种跳跃运动,跳起时双腿展开,双手在头顶接触,然后慢慢恢复到双脚并拢,手臂垂放在身体两侧的姿势)somersaulting n. 翻筋斗
lunge /lQndV/ sudden forword movement of the body n. vt. 刺,越近,前冲
△Ashrita Furman阿什里塔.弗曼
Guinness /5^inis/ 吉尼斯(人名)
Guinness book of Word Records 《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》
approximate /E5prCksimeit/ almost correct but not exact;more or less adj. 近似的,大概的
president huapproximately /EprRksI5mEtlI/ adv. 近似地,大约地
conventional /kEn5venFEnl/ following accepted practices,customs or standards adj. 习俗的,传统的
laughter /5lB:ftE/ act,sound or manner of laughing n. 笑,笑声
reality /ri(:)5Aliti/ quality or state of being real n. 真实,事实
in reality actual fact;really in 实际上,现实
ajustment act of changing slightly in order to fit into a particular job or new conditions n.调节,调整
tough /tQf/ difficult adj. 强硬的,困难的 adv. 顽强的
extreme /iks5tri:m/ very great in degree;very vere or rious adj. 极端的,偏激的
vomit /5vRmIt/ to throw up (contents or the stomach) through the mouth n. 呕吐,呕吐物
gymastics exercis performed to develop the muscles or fitness n.(pl) 体操,体能训练
gymnastically of physical exerci and training adv. 体能训练方面
unfit /5Qn5fit/ not perfectly healthy and fit adj. 不适宜的,不太健康的
fascinate /5fAsineit/ to attract or interest (sb) greatly vt. 使着迷,入迷
meditation /medi5teiFEn/ practice of deep religious thought;deep thought,esp about spiritual matters n. 沉思,冥想
△Sri chinmoy /sri:5 tFInmCI/ 斯里琴摩
spritual of the human spirit or soul;not of physical things adj. 精神上的
精灵旅社插曲marathon /5mArEWEn/ long-distance running race of about 42 kilometres or 26 miles n.
urge /E:dV/ to beg or persuade with force vt. 催促,力劝
accomplish /E5kCmpliF/ to succeed in doning sth;to achieve vt. 完成,实现
motivation /7mEuti5veiFEn/ act or state of providing sb with a reason or cau for doing sth n. 动机
devotion /di5vEuFEn/ deep strong love;giving onelf to n. 热爱,投入
soul /sEul/ spiritual or non-material part of a person,beliveed to exist after death n.灵魂,心灵,精神
shoosacred /5ikrid/ connected with a god or religion;regarded with great respect adj. 宗教的,庄严的;神圣的
deed /di:d/ act;things done n. 行为,功绩
conception /kEn5pFEn/ an idea or a plan n. 主意,计划
tact /tAkt/ ability to do or say the right thing at the right time;skill at not offending people n. 机敏,乖巧,老练,技巧
regret /ri5^ret/ be sorry about sth vt. vi. 后悔,感到抱歉
repentance /ri5pentEns/ regret or sorrow for wrongdoing n. 后悔
wisdom /5wizdEm/ quality of being wi n. 智慧
virtue /5vE:tju:/ any good quality of character or behaviour n. 美德
noble / nEubl/ having or showing an excellent character /n. member of the highest social class adj. 高尚的,贵族的 n.贵族
doom /du:m/ vt. to cau to experience or suffer sth unavoidable /n.fate,esp a tragic or ruinous one vt. 注定,判决 n.厄运;毁灭
bid /bid/ vt.&vi. to offer to pay a price or to provide rvices for price /n. an offer or proposal of a price vt. vi. 出价,投标 n.出价,投标
juggle /5dVQ^l/ to throw things up into the air,catch them and throw them into the air again and again vt. vi. 耍把戏,玩杂耍
triathlon /trai5AWlCn/ sports competition in which competitors run,swim and cycle long distances n. 三项全能运动
triathlete /traI`AWli:t/ sb who competes in a triathlon n. 三项全能运动员
amateur /5AmEtE(:), 5AmEtjuE/ person who practis a sport or artistic skill without receiving money for it or as a partime rather than profession n. 业余爱好者champion /5tFAmpjEn/ person,team,animal or plant that has defeated all others in a competition n. 冠军,优胜者
therefore /5TZEfC:/ for that reason;so adv. 因此,所以
△Barcelona /7bB:si5lEunE/ 巴塞罗那(西班牙东北部港口城市)
springboard /5sprINbC:d/ strong board for jumping on or off n. 跳板
economics /7i:kE5nCmiks, 7ekE-/ science or principles of the production,distribution and consumption of goods,esp with reference to cost n. 经济学地道战的观后感
△Slovenia /slEu5vi:njE/ 斯洛文尼亚(国名)
no matter what mp3
entire /in5taiE/ whole;complete adj. 全部的,完整的
△the Danube River /5dAnjU:b/ 多瑙河(位于欧洲)epg
attain /E5tein/ to succeed in getting sth;reach or arrive at sth vt. 获得,达到
△the Parana River /pE5rB:nE/ 巴拉那河(位于南美洲中南部,该州第二大河)
profile /5prEufail/ short description of sb/sth in a newspaper,broadcast programme or on television n.(人物或事物之)简介,侧面,轮廓
courageous /kE5reidVEs/ brave;fearless adj. 勇敢的,有胆量的
appreciate /E5pri:Fieit/ to understand and enjoy sth;to be thankful for vt. 鉴赏,感激
appreciation /E7pri:Fi5eiFEn/ grateful feelings;understanding and enjoyment n. 感谢,感激,欣赏