作者:邱瑞 朱振华
lee kuan yew>月饼的英文>eager 关键词:公安大数据;知识图谱;图数据库
中图分类号:TP311; ; ; ; 文献标识码:A; ; ; ; 文章编号:1009-3044(2018)35-0196-04
Abstract: By analyzing the existing knowledge map technology and combining with the existing public curity business scene, the knowledge map of public curity Bad on the large data of public curity is constructed. By using the mixed storage technology Bad on graph databa, we can realize the mixed storage of distributed knowledge atlas, design the query language and method of knowledge atlas for public curity industry, and realize the effective updating and fast query of knowledge atlas. Finally, we introduce the application of knowledge map in public curity industry.