1.1 材料
1.2 仪器
1.3 试剂
1.4 方法
样品名称 | 全氮含量 |
A1 | 3.2884% |
A2 | 3.3018% |
A3 | 3.2513% |
A4 | 3.0729% |
A5 | 0.2221% |
b1 | 3.0167 |
b2 | 2.7785 |
b3 | 2.5330 |
b4 | 2.4976 |
| |
说明1=2# Albion 2=2# San Andreas 3=3# Albion 4=3# San Andreas 5=3# soil
A 12月 B1月 2#=2号温室 3#=3号温室
Kjeldahl determination to measure N elements
Kjeldahl Digesting Method using potassium sulfate and copper sulphate for accelerating agent consumes longer time, but it is difficult to lead to nitrogen loss, easy to know the digesting extent, stable with measurement results and high accuracy as long as the amount of control the accelerator. The nitrogen after digesting is detected by distillation method. Determination results were made in the biological center of Beijing Forestry University.
1 Materials and methods
1.1 Materials
Fresh strawberry leaves were weighed, we pestle them into powder after 95℃ drying (1 to 2 # Albion, 2 健身私教学校to 2 # San Andreas, 3 to 3 # Albion, 4 to 3 # blaineSan Andreas)
1.2 Instruments
Kjeldahl apparatus KDY-9820
1.3 Reagents
vistar400g / L sodium hydroxide solution, methyl red - bromocresol green mixed indicator, 20g / L boric acid, 20g / L boric acid - indicator solution, 0.02mol/L1/2Na2B4O7 standard solution, 1mol / L hydrochloric acid solution, 0.02mol / L hydrochloric acid standard solution.
1.4 Methods
Digestion: samples digested with concentrated sulfuric acid, potassium sulfate - copper sulfate as accelerator.
Distillation: to 250mL conical flask 15mL20g / L 谢丽尔的生oric acid - indicator solution, the flask placed in fixed nitrogen distillation unit to undertake the condenr tube, the tube port pla
ced in boric acid solution at the surface of 3-4cm. The solution containing all of the Kjeldahl digestion flask in the distillation unit installed, open the condensate. The three-way pipe to join 30mL400g / L sodium hydroxide solution. Now open the steam folder, 8mL speed per minute steam distillation, when the conical flask half a vial of solution when the pH test paper in the condenr with a wide mouth test distillates, such as non-alkaline reaction, distillation has been completed, said nitrogen; otherwi need to continue distillation.
Titration: absorption of nitrogen in the boric acid solution with 0.02mol / L hydrochloric acid standard solution titration, from blue to purple as the end point, a note of spent hydrochloric acid standard solution in ml, while the reagent blank test. 面点培训中心
2 Results
Sample | Full N content |
A1 | 3.2884% |
A2 | 3.3018% |
A3 | 3.2513% |
A4 | 3.0729% |
A5 | 0.2221% |
b1 | 3.0167 |
b2 | 2.7785 |
b3circuit | 2.5330 |
b4 | 2.4976 |
金融英语听力 | |
Introduction: 1=2# Albion 2=2# San Andreas 3=3# Albion 4=3# San Andreas 5=3# soil
A= December B=January 2#=greenhou number 2 3#= greenhou number 3