第七讲 语态变换法
一、英语被动句译成汉语主动句 (最常见的方法)
(一)原文主语在译文中仍作主语 (直接改译)
1. The street was congested. 街上很挤。
2. That man cannot be relied upon. 那人不可信。
3. 序列号英文The oil of the world will have been ud up, and man will be using the more convenient power obtained from the splitting of the atom.
全世界的石油将会用尽,人们将使用从原子分裂获得 的这种更为方便的动力。
4. The discovery is highly appreciated in the circle of science.
1. If bad weather is expected , the forecaster must be able to suggest another airport within the range of the aircraft where the weather will be suitable for landing.
如果预计 天气恶劣,天气预报人员必须能够在该飞机航程内提出另一个天气适合着陆的机场。
2. A national link-up of computers could mean that a large amount of information will be supplied to anyone who us the system.
把全国的电脑连接起来意味着可以向任何使用该系统的人提供 大量信息。
3. The rocket was invented by Chine in the 12th century.
中国人于12世纪发明 了火箭。
4. 220V was read from the voltmeter.
5. He was en to push a bike out of the hou.
(6) The newly-found electrical material is widely ud home and abroad .
国内外 blush是什么意思广泛采用这种新型电工材料。
1. Children should be taught to speak the truth.
2. An agreement was arrived at after two days’ negotiation.
dictatorial1. How long will it be before black and white television ts are found only in muums?
还要过多久黑白电视才会被送进 博物馆呢?
2. If you subject this precious instrument to a high temperature, it will be riously damaged.
3. The earth is hit from time to time by streams of electrically charged particles poured out by the sun.
4. The optimists believe defeat is not their fault: circumstances, bad luck, or other people brought it about. Such people are not bothered by defeat.
三、译成汉语使动结构(Causative structure---using words like beforehand使,让,加以or 把)
1. Principles mean very little unless they are acted upon.
如果不加以 实践,原则也就没有什么意思了。
2. Radical environmentalists are already demanding that legal and ethical protection be extended to all nature.
激进的环境保护主义者已经要求把 法律方面和道德方面的保护扩大到整个自然界。
3. The time will come when homes will be heated from a small reactor in the bament.
有朝一日家庭将由 安装在地下室里的小反应堆供热。
1. Connected with it is a control rod.
与之相连的是 一个操纵杆。
2. But real influence is not built up by striking attitudes or throwing insults.
3. Early cars were very strange of which the tyres on the wheels were made of iron or solid rubber.
1. It should be noted that increasing the length of the wire will increa its resistance.
2. It is stated that thermocrete has virtually the same strength as normal concrete.
1. This problem derves discussing. 这个问题值得讨论。
2. The paper can stand criticizing. 这篇论文经得起推敲。
3. The noodles are still cooking. 面条还在煮着。
例1. 我们挨了半天挤,什么热闹也没看到。
We were pushed and elbowed in the crowd and did not even have a glimp of the fun.
例2. 这个问题必须在适当的时候予以 处理。
The problem must be dealt with at an appropriate time
2) 含有被动意义的汉语句子应当译成英语的被动句
例1. 故事讲 得娓娓动听。
The story was told in a pleasant and interesting way.
The capital construction has been accelerated and the environment for investment has been continuously improved.
3) 无主句
例1. 说话时,已摆了 茶点上来。Meanwhile refreshments had been rved.
例2. 到目前为止还未得出结论。 So far, no conclusion has been reached.
例3. 必须把 教育改革进行 到底。The educational reform must be carried through to the end.
4) 泛指主语句
例1. 人们推测他们总有一天会结婚的。It is assumed that they will get married one day.
例2. 大家认为,他对做这项工作很满足。He was considered quite satisfied with the job.
Assignment 知识复习 P92
9) 他们去年遭灾了。
They were hit by a natural calamity last year.
10) 决不能把个人利益置于国家利益之上。
Personal interest must not be placed over national interest.
11) 抓住了这个主要矛盾,一切问题就迎刃而解了。