Good evening, viewers, let's pay attention to the weather. The sky in our city is still extremely clear, and the northern inland also continues to maintain high temperature weather, with a maximum of 39.8 ℃, and the highest in other districts and cities is also above 37 ℃. The high temperature weather has an adver effect on the lives of residents. However, in coastal areas, due to stronger southerly winds, the highest temperature in the urban area was only 27.6°C, slightly lower than the day before yesterday. In addition, due to the control of the subtropical high, the fog in the coastal area completely dissipated yesterday, and the visibility incread to more than 10 kilometers. Yesterday afternoon, the Municipal Meteorological Obrvatory continued to issue a high temperature yellow warning signal, which is the third concutive high temperature yellow warning signal issued by the Municipal Meteorological Obrvatory. Affected by the subtropical high pressure, the highest temperature in most of the inland areas of our city is expected to reach over 35°C today, with local temperatures reaching 37°C, and the highest temperature in coastal areas is 28-32°C. Plea take precautions. "The subtropical high continues to be
controlled, and the high temperature weather has not changed much." The chief forecaster of the Municipal Meteorological Obrvatory said that the high temperature weather showed obvious differences between the coast and the inland. The aside was affected by heavy fog, and the temperature was always around 30 ℃ Hovering, the suburban city is clo to 40 ℃.
感恩节 英文The latest weather forecast shows that from tomorrow, under the influence of cold air, the subtropical high will retreat, the cloud cover will increa in our city, and thunderstorms will begin to occur. And, over the next few days, the rain bands are likely to swing back and forth around our city, creating a pattern of continuous rain. In early and mid-July this year, the subtropical high continued to move to the south, and the rain belt stayed in the Yangtze River Basin. In the past few days, it suddenly jumped north and controlled the island city, bringing high temperature and sunny, hot and less rainy weather to our city. However, during the retreat of the subtropical high from tomorrow, our city will usher in a continuous rainy weather, and the high temperature and sultry will temporarily come to an end. During this rainy weather, it is expected that there will be thunderstorms or showers i多元智能>你在眺望着谁
冰雹英文n the city, and gusts of 7-8 during thunderstorms.
leann rimes翻译:
sudo观众朋友晚上好,下面让我们一起关注天气。我市天空依然晴朗无比,北部内陆也继续维持高温天气,最高39.8℃,其他区市最高也在37℃以上,高温天气对居民生活有不利影响。不过,沿海地区,由于南风加大,市区最高气温仅为27.6℃,略低于前天。另外,由于副高控制的缘故,昨天沿海一带的雾气完全消散,能见度升高到10千米以上。昨天下午,市气象台继续发布高温黄色预警信号,这已是市气象台连续三日发布高温黄色预警信号了。受副热带高压的影响,预计今天我市内陆大部地区最高气温可达35℃以上,局部可达37℃,沿海地区最高气温28~32℃,请注意防范。 “副高持续控制,高温天气也就没有太大变化。 ”市气象台首席预报员说,此次高温天气,呈现出明显的沿海和内陆差别,海边受大雾影响,气温始终在30℃上下徘徊,郊区市则接近40℃了。