Forecasting and Predictive Analytics with Forecast X, 7e (Keating)
amc官网Chapter 12 Forecast/Analytics Implementation
1) Which of the following is important if forecasting is to have the desired positive effect on decisions?
A) Communication between forecast staff and management
B) Ranges of forecasts are reported to management.
英语小短文带翻译C) Forecast combination is examined.
D) Forecast prentations should not be overly technical unless management desires.
E) All of the options are correct.
如何提高胆量Answer: E
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: The Forecast Process
Learning Objective: 12-04 Explain the nine-step forecast/analytics process.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Gradable: automatic
2) Which of the following is not an important role played by time in the forecast process?
A) Determining the forecast horizon
B) Determining the forecast method
C) Determining the forecast urgency
D) Determining the relevancy of forecast errors
E) All of the options are correct.
Answer: D
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: The Forecast Process - Identify Time Dimensions
Learning Objective: 12-04 Explain the nine-step forecast/analytics process.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Gradable: automatic
3) For the forecasting process to be effective, internal data should be
A) kept on an annual basis.
B) highly aggregated.
C) sampled once a year.
D) highly disaggregated.
E) None of the options are correct.
Answer: D
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: The Forecast Process - Data Considerations
Learning Objective: 12-04 Explain the nine-step forecast/analytics process.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Gradable: automatic
4) In preparing the actual forecast numbers, the forecast staff should
A) prepare a range of possible forecasts.旅游局英文
B) prepare forecast intervals.
C) prepare forecasts using different methods.
D) examine combined forecasting methods.
E) All of the options are correct.
Answer: E
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: The Forecast Process
Learning Objective: 12-04 Explain the nine-step forecast/analytics process.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Gradable: automatic
5) Forecast errors
A) are inevitable, so discard them.
B) are inevitable, so they are not worth discussing with management.
C) are uful to the extent that they contain valuable information.
D) will get you fired!
E) None of the options are correct.
Answer: C
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: The Forecast Process - Tracking Results
Learning Objective: 12-04 Explain the nine-step forecast/analytics process.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Gradable: automatic
6) Which of the following methods requires technical experti in the area of survey methods?
A) Sales force composites
B) Customer Surveys
C) Jury of Executive Opinion
D) Delphi method
E) All of the options are correct.
Answer: B
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Choosing a Forecasting Technique - Customer Surveys
Learning Objective: 12-04 Explain the nine-step forecast/analytics process.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Gradable: automatic
7) Which of the following models cannot absolutely be applied to asonal data?
A) Winter's smoothing
B) Regression-bad trend with asonal dummies
C) Naïve models
D) ARIMA models
E) None of the options are correct.
Answer: E
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Choosing a Forecasting Technique
Learning Objective: 12-04 Explain the nine-step forecast/analytics process.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Gradable: automatic
8) Which of the following models does not require stationary data?
A) Simple Exponential Smoothing
B) Time Series Decomposition
C) Adaptive Respon Rate Smoothing
D) Moving Averages
E) All of the options are correct.
velocityAnswer: B
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Choosing a Forecasting Technique
Learning Objective: 12-04 Explain the nine-step forecast/analytics process.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Gradable: automatic
9) Which of the following models are not generally the best to u when generating short-term forecasts?
A) Naïve methods
B) Moving averageslal
C) Simple exponential smoothing
D) Consumer Surveys
E) All of the options are correct.
Answer: D
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Choosing a Forecasting Technique
Learning Objective: 12-04 Explain the nine-step forecast/analytics process.