
更新时间:2023-06-23 23:29:44 阅读: 评论:0

语言的交际功能,使词语之间的搭配成为必然和普遍的现象,但这方面的研究相对滞后。并置理论研究习惯性的搭配,从Firth提出collocation这一概念,到现在已经发展成为一种公认的研究方法和角度,但各家各派研究目的不同,使得理论内包庞杂,没有形成统一的认识和理论体系。本文试图综合各种研究成果,建立一个关于并置理论的清晰的界说,其中包括对理论本身的认识,理论的运作层面和机制,最后,展望该理论对其他研究的启示。全文共分三个大的部分。一、理论界定及发展Collocation,词典译为(词语的)搭配,相配;经常搭配着用的词语Collocational Theory,本文取并置理论的译法,关于它有代表性的定义是:研究“‘相关的(或然的)spellcraft词汇-语义关系的。这种理论的基本论点是:某些词与另一些词是有联系的;这是一种dpg相关的(或然的)语义联系。” Collocation主要有三个发展阶段:作为意义的搭配;作为内聚的搭配;作为限制的搭配。二、理论解析2.1概念理解:以理论的点睛之处相关有声读物mp3打包下载和或然为线索。2.1.1相关:几个词语倾向于在一起出现,首先必须是语义上相关,这种相关还应该是一定条件下的相关,体现在口语中就是话题,体现在书面语中,就是语域,它们对所生成话语的词语选择构成宏观限制。2.1.2或然:几个意义相关的词语能否连续出现,只能期待,而不能强制要求。通过区分几个概念:选择限制与选择倾向;类连接与搭配;个人搭配与常用搭配;固定搭配与自由搭配;可能性与典型性,掌握或然的实质,并将并置理论的研究范围设定在几项区分的连续体的后端。2.2glamorous运作情况:词汇为其体,短语、句子、语篇为其用。 2.2.1词汇:并置理论虽以语义上的相关为根基,但词汇仍是它表现的挚爱的英文“外衣cur跨距是进一步讨论的基础,原则上,并置理论不做跨距限制,同现的词语不必在同一句法结构内,但为了操作方便,在语料库语言学中,一般把跨距定为节点词左右四个词语。2.2.2短语和句子:同现于其中的词语多在一个句法结构内,是外语教学研究的重点,也是计算机信息处理的难关。2.2.3语篇:搭配是语篇词汇衔接的手段之一,以语义连贯为宏旨。一般来说,连贯需要词汇上的衔接,衔接手段丰富会导致语篇连贯。并且,衔接标记有利于篇章连贯性的定量分析。2.3运作机制2.3.1外延的解释:语言是客观现实的反映,在现实中有联系的事物,它们之间的关系在语言中也能得到反映。但语言毕竟是一个独立的符号系统,它有自身的逻辑语义规范。2.3.2内涵的解释:一般来说,在语义上有联系的词语,思维时就容易将它们放在一起,这样的词语共现的可能性就比较高。但有的并置的词语难以用语义解释,因为词义只是概括地反映事物的本质特征;有的有语义关系的词语却不能并置在一起,这说明,搭配是无理性的。出现上述现象的原因只能理解为习惯使然,并置理论是语言使用因循性的反映。但由于语用的因素不易确定,对并置理论的研究至今仍然限定在语义范围内,这是必要的。三、理论应用3.1对语义研究的启示3.1.1义素分析和语义场是现代语义学两个基础性的理论,意义重大,但也有缺陷。通过并置理论,可以为确定义素的标准、分化义素之间的地位、修正义素的静止状态、建立组合语义场提供依据。3.1.2搭配意义:同现词语构成所研究词的微型语境,词语的意义就存在于这个语境中,这就是搭配意义。由于语言的交际功能,它的存在有理论上的支持。搭配意义有静态和动态之分,是每个词语独有的意义。了解搭配意义的存在,有利于深化对词语之间联系的认识,如同义词和反义词。3.2对句法研究的启示3.2.1并置理论代表词语之间搭配或然性较强的趋势,这种倾向性到达一定程度,就是语法上的限制性,这是由词语驱动的。3.2.2词语在句子中的出现不仅受语法结构的限制,还受词汇结构的限制。词是集意义和语法于一体的形式。搭配一词的含义就在于它揭示了词语组合行为的有限性。3.2.3这种词汇关于语法的陈述,一方面可以解释语法不能处理的那部分语言形式,另一方面,这种陈述其实就是词汇研究本身。3.2.4由此可见,自然语言是复杂的,通过语料库语言学建立或然语法应该是语法研究的前瞻课题,可以帮助发现以前从未被注意的语言事实。
The communicative to unction of language thanes collocation necessary and universal. But the study of this aspect is relatively behind. Collocational Theory is the study of inertial collocation. The concept of collocation has been developed into a kind of established teethed and angle since it was put forward by firth. But the purpos of different schools are different, which make the contents multifarious and disorderly. Therefore, there is no connsus of recognition and theoretical system. This article tries to synthesize various achievements and establishes a clear statement about Collocational Theory in clouding the recognition of the theory itlf, the level and mechanism of the theory and the prospects of the theory for the study of other studies.The whole article divides into three main parts.First, the definition and development of the theoryThe word collocation is trancted as “(词语的)搭配,相配;经常配着用的词语”in Chine. The phra Collocational Theory is translated as “并置理论”in this artier. The reprentative definition of Collocational Theory is the study of the related (the tike hood) probabilistic-lexical relations. The basic view of this theory is that some words and other worded ave related; this is a related (likelihood) mantic relation shop. Collocation has mainly three stages: meaning collocation, cohesive collocation and restricted collocation.Second, the analysis of the theory2.1 The understanding of the definition: we take the striking key points “related” and “likelihood” as the clue.2.1.1 Related:the co-occurrence of vered words acquires related meaning, which should be with certain conditions. It is topic in colloquial language and register in written language.They are micro-limit of the word choice. 2.1.2 Likelihood: whether veral words with related meaning can appear continuously only can be expected but cannot he forced. The esnce of the word “likelihood”can be grasped by distinguishing veral concepts. They are ctional restrictions and lect ional preference, colligation and collocation, bound collocations and free collocations, probability and typicality.2.2 U of it: vocabulary is the body of it; phra, ntence and text we the u of it.2.2.1 Vocabulang: though Collocation Theory is bad on related meaning, vocabulary is the outer clothing of it.Span is the ba of further discussion. In principle, span is not the limit of collocation theory. It is unnecessary for co-occurrence of words to be in the same ntence structure. For convenience, the span is limited to four node words in corpus linguistics.2.2.2 Phra and ntence: co-occurrence of words are mostly in the same ntence structure, which is the major part of foreign language teaching and rearching and difficulty of information processing in computer.2.2.3 Text: collocation is one means of vocabulary cohesion and its main theme is meaning coherence. Generally speaking, coherence. Generally speaking, coherence needs cohesion in vocabulary.Enough coherence can lead to text coherence. And the mark of cohesion is good for quean tentative analysis of text coherence.2.3 The mechanism of using it2.3.1 Explaination of extension: language is the reaction of objective reality. The relations of things in reality will be reflected in language. After all, language is an independent symbol system. It has its own logical mantic standard.2.3.2 Axplaination of intension: Generally speaking, it is easy to put the words with related meanings together. This kind of words hare high probability of co-occurrence. But it is difficult to u mantics to explain some coalitional words becau mantics only reflect the nature of things in genera way. Some words with mantic relations up cannot be collocation is irrational. Haleits lead to the above phenomena. Collocational Theory is the reflection of conventionality of language. It is necessary to limit collocation theory study in mantics becau in not easy to fix pragmatic factors.Third, applicat
The idea of collocational analysis is not a new one. In the early 1950s, the British mantician J.R. Firth propod a throey of collocational study. In his work Speech, he suggested that by analyzing the distribution surrounding a given ambiguous word, one could then predict the environment that would connote one meaning versus another. Until recently, attempting this type of analysis emed unthinkable. One hesitated becau finding an exhaustive list of a word\'s occurrences would be nearly impossible. Thanks to computer databas, we are now able to request a arch for a word to analyze the distribution through collocation as Firth intended.

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