1. The War of Ros that took place from 1455 to 1485 was fought between ______.A. Britain and France B. the Parliament and the Crown C. the working people and the aristocrats D. two branches of the Plantagenet family
2. The name Wars of the Ros was, in fact, coined by the great 19th century novelist ______.A. Sir Thomas Browne B. Sir Max Beerbohm C. Sir Walter Scott D. Sir Norman Angell
3. The Wars of the Ros broke out shortly after ______.A. the Black Death B. the Watt Tyler's Uprising C. the Hundred Years' War D. the Glorious Revolution
slowly4. Which statement about the "Wars of Ros" is not true?A. The king's power now became
supreme. B. Ordinary people were riously affected. C. The wars were waged intermittently for 30 years. D. From the wars feudalism received its death blow.
64905. The ______ ruled England and Wales for just over two hundred years following the ending of the ______.A. Stuart monarchs, Civil War B. Plantagenet monarchs, Hundred Years' War C. Lancaster monarchs, 1381 Peasant Uprising D. Tudor monarchs, Wars of the Ros
6. The Tudor monarchy was founded by ______.A. Henry Ⅵ B. Henry Ⅶ C. Elizabeth Ⅰ D. William
7. ______ was above all responsible for the religious reform in England. A. Alfred the Great B. Edward Ⅰ C. Henry Ⅷ D. William the Conqueror
8. Henry Ⅷ started the practice of appointing ______ and gave them full power over law and administration in the provinces.A. lawyers of the provinces B. local administrators C. local policemen D. Justices of the Peace
如何学习日语>naive是什么意思好习惯伴我行>cloudstone9. The religious reform in England in the 16th century ______ of Parliament becau of its active participation in the reform.A. reduced the size B. incread the size C. incread the importance D. reduced the importance
10. Queen Mary Tudor has been known as "Bloody Mary" becau under her reign ______.A. a ries of bloody wars were fought B. many Protestants were percuted and burnt as heretics C. many rebel peasants were put to death D. many protesters against her rule were killed
11. ______is remembered as the monarch who lost the French port of Calais.A. Edward Ⅵ B. Mary Tudor C. Elizabeth Ⅰ D. Henry Ⅷ
12. Elizabeth's relationship with Parliament was often ______.A. peaceful B. turbulent C. cooperative D. harmonious
13. Elizabeth I's religious reform was ______.A. a compromi of views B. thorough and radical C. to the welcome of the Pope D. warmly welcomed by Puritans
14. ______'s reign was a time of confident English nationalism and of great achievements in literature and other arts, in exploration and in battle.A. Mary B. Henry Ⅷ C. Elizabeth Ⅰ D. Charles Ⅱ
15. Which of the following statements about Elizabeth Ⅰ(1558—1603) is true?A. Elizabeth was 35 when she came to the throne. B. Elizabeth remained single. C. Elizabeth was not able to work with Parliament. D. Her reign was a time of diminishing English nationalism.
16. Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, was Elizabeth I's ______.A. sister B. daughter C. cousin D. half-sister