netlog>elitesThe Chine zodiac, also known as Sheng Xiao (in pinyin) or simply the 12 Zodiac Animal Signs, is a popular system rooted deeply in the Chine culture. It dates back to thousands of years ago and is ud to reprent certain personalities, talents, or even destiny of an individual. Tho born within a certain period of the year are believed to specialize in certain attributes, each related to its own zodiac sign.pep小学英语四年级下册教案
Below is a list of all the 12 Chine symbols and their English translations:
flamethrower1. Rat (鼠) – Although the rat is widely believed to be the most disliked animal, it is surprisingly the first of all zodiac animals.
2. Ox (牛) – The Ox is a sign of hard work and patience.
英语专业四级考试hexa3. Tiger (虎) – Known for its strength, courage, and aggressiveness, the Tiger is considered one of the most symbolic and powerful animals.
4. Rabbit (兔) – Reprenting feminine energy, the Rabbit is well-known for its gentleness and renity.
5. Dragon (龍) – Perhaps the most majestic and powerful of the Chine zodiac animal signs, the Dragon is believed to bring good fortune.
6. Snake (蛇) – The Snake is one of the signs associated with mysteries and crets. This particular animal denotes deep thinkers.
7. Hor (马) – Reprenting freedom, strength, ambition and independence, the Hor is also known for its agility and intelligence.
8. Sheep (羊) – Sheep (or GOATS) people are known for following the herd and being hardworking, motivated, and persistent.
托福答案9. Monkey (猴) – Reprenting flexibility, communication, and intelligence, the mischievous Monkey can often be en as inventive and innovative.
10. Rooster (鸡) – Reprenting honesty and confidence, the Rooster is considered a symbol of integrity and reliability.
11. Dog (狗) – Reprenting loyalty and intelligence, Dogs are thought to be loyal and reliable allies.
12. Pig (猪) – APigs are thought to be mild-mannered and sincere signs, with a strong n of justice.
As we can e, the Chine zodiac animal signs are each associated with certain traits or qualities. They reprent various aspects of our lives and can offer guidance and protection to tho who bear strong connections with the animals. Understanding and embracing your zodiac animal sign can help you develop deeper personal traits and lf-awareness.