Elementary ‐ Daily Life ‐ Cleaning the Hou (C0012)
M: Hello everyone! And welcome back to EnglishPod! My name is Marco.
E: I‟m Erica.
M: And today we have a great intermediate lesson for you.
E: That‟s right, we‟ve got some excellent real English for you all about cleaning the hou.
M: Cleaning the hou, that‟s a real life situation, so, we‟re gonna give you real English.
E: Exactly, so, on today‟s lesson we‟re gonna look at language about cleaning the hou. We‟re also going to learn a few phras that you can u if you wanna ask someone for help and maybe if you‟re a little bit lazy like me…
M: Hehe.
E: A phra or two to avoid doing work. Okay, well, let‟s get started then with our “vocabulary preview”.
Voice: Vocabulary preview.
M: Alright, great, we have two great words for you today. Erica, why don‟t tell us the first one?
E: The first word is such a mess.
M: Such a mess.
E: Such a mess.
M: So, when something is a mess…
E: It‟s dirty.
M: Yeah, or things are everywhere.
beeE: Disorganized.
M: Yeah, so, you know, you have your clothes on the floor and your shoes on…
E: Okay, so, that sounds a lot like my desk at work.
M: Hehe. Your shoes on your desk, yeah, I‟ve en that; I‟ve been wanting to ask you about that.
E: Hehe. Okay, such a mess – really, really dirty.
M: Okay, now let‟s take a look at our cond word – chores.
E: Chores.
M: Chores.
E: Chores.
M: Chores is a really common word for…
E: Things you have to do around the hou.
M: Like, for example, laundry…
baidu com udog topE: Or making the bed.
M: Or when you have to take out the garbage.
E: Tho are all examples of chores.
M: Chores, yeah. I guess everyone can remember when they were kids, they had chores to do.
E: Yeah, when I was a kid, it was my chore to chop wood.
珠海女子学校M: Chop wood?
E: Yeah!
M: That‟s a great chore. Playing with an axe.
E: Hehe. Maybe if you‟re a boy, but for a girl it was not so great.
M: Uh, that‟s why you‟re so strong and fit.
E: Yeah. Hehe.
M: Alright, so, let‟s listen to our dialogue for the first time. It‟s gonna be kind of fast.
E: But don‟t worry if you miss something, becau we‟ll explain all of the important language afterwards.
lily allenE: Oh my God, Marco, what happened there?
M: An explosion.
E: We love a good explosion here at EnglishPod.
M: We‟re gonna give you as many explosions as possible. Hehe.
E: Okay.M: Alright, so, let‟s take a look at our “language takeaway”.
Voice: Language takeaway.
E: So, „language takeaway‟ is the part of our lesson where we teach you what we think are some really important words that are found in the dialogue.
M: Exactly, and we have three really important words in our dialogue today, so, let‟s start with the first one.
E: Tidy up.
M: Tidy up.
E: Tidy up.
M: So, to tidy up means to…
E: Put things in their correct spot.
M: Right, so, put the shoes on the floor.
E: Yeah.
M: Take them off…
E: Get the shoes off my desk.
M: Exactly, so, tidy up – organize things a little bit.
E: Yeah, put things away.
M: Okay, let‟s take a look at our cond word now – spotless.
E: Spotless.
M: Spotless.
E: Spotless.
M: So, when you want something to be spotless…
E: You want it to be really clean.
M: Really clean, not a spot of dirt on it.
E: Like your desk.
M: Exactly, my desk is spotless.
E: My desk is not spotless.
M: Hehe. Alright, great word. Now let‟s take a look at our last word for language takeaway – mall.
E: Mall.
M: Mall.
E: M-A-L-L, mall.null什么意思
M: Mall, yeah. It‟s a strange sounding word.
E: It is a little bit funny sounding, but it basically means a large building with many shops inside, many different stores inside.
M: Right. Now, in British English you would say shopping center.
breathe again
E: Yeah, I think that‟s a little bit more common, but in American English we say mall.
M: Mall. Great, so, now it‟s time in our show to look at “putting it together”.
Voice: Putting it together.
E: Okay, so, in „putting it together‟ we take a word from the dialogue and we show you how to u this word in real English, so, we give you a couple of examples of how this particular word can be ud.
M: Exactly, so, the word that we have for today is groceries.
E: Groceries.
M: Groceries.
E: Groceries.
M: Erica, why don‟t you tell us what groceries are all about?
E: So, groceries are all of the food items that you need to buy at the supermarket, so, like your bread and milk and meat and…