1 Timing 节奏
It may em kind of silly to even have something as basic as timing on the list. Obviously timing is the esnce of animation. The speed at which something moves gives a n of what the object is and why it is moving. Something like an eye blink can be fast or slow. If it's fast, a character will em alert and awake. If it's slow the character may em tired and lethargic.
John Laster gave a good example in his famous Siggraph paper using a character with a head that turns left and right. Esntially, he gives different durations for the exact same he
ad turn motions, and shows how it can be 'read' differently bad merely on the timing. If the head turns back and forth really slow, it may em as if the character is stretching his neck. A bit faster it can be en as saying "no". Really fast, and the character is reacting to getting hit by a baball bat.
John Laster在他的那篇著名的Siggraph论文里使用了一个关于头部从左向右的转动的范例。虽然是同一个转头的动作,但他按照不同的时间节奏做出来,却表现出不同的意思,而本质上他仅仅是改动了运动的timing“节奏vasana”而已。如果头从后往前转的很慢的话,角色看上去只是在活动颈部而已。加快一点速度,看上去就象是在说:borrow和lend的区别NO! 再快点,角色看上去就很象被物体砸到头部一样。
Having a good n of timing is critical for good animation. Cartoony motion is usually characterized as fast snappy timing from one po to another. Realistic tends to have more to do about going between the pos. But both require careful attention to the timing of every action.
I think it was Chuck Jones who said "The difference between the right timing and the almost right timing, is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug."
humidity记得Chuck Jones曾经说过:“好的timing节奏和差强人意的timing节奏之间的差别就有如“伊藤隆大光”和发光的萤火虫之间本质的差别”卡萨布兰卡主题曲。
2 Ea In and Out (or Slow In and Out) 渐进和渐出(或慢进慢出)钢铁侠3票房
Ea in and out has to do with gradually causing an object to accelerate, or come to rest, from a po. An object or limb may slow down at it approaches a po (Ea In) or gradually start to move from rest (Ea Out).
For example, a bouncing ball tends to have a lot of ea in and out when at the top of its bounce. As it goes up, gravity affects it and slows down (Ea In), then it starts its downward motion more and more rapidly (Ea Out), until it hits the ground.
It's important to note that "gradually" here doesn't have to mean slow. It just means the object isn't moving 100% and then in one frame coming to a complete stop. For snappy cartoon motion, you may have ea in and out over only a couple of frames. But even 3 frames of ea in and out may help a limb from looking too stiff or mechanical.
As applied to character animation, you usually u ea in and out for most movemnts. Even if the character is just turning their head, you will probably want a few frames to soften up the start or end of the motion.
3 Arcs 运动弧线
In the real world almost all action moves in an arc. When creating animation one should try to have motion follow curved paths rather than linear ones. It is very ldom that a character or part of a character moves in a straight line. Even gross body movements when you walk somewhere tend not be perfectly straight. When a hand/arm reaches out to reach something, it tends to move in an arc.
Sticking with the head example, the head rotates in an arc like fashion. That is if a characters head rotates from left to right, at the halfway point, it should actually be dipped or raid slighly depends on where it is looking. This stops the rotation from being perfect linear or mechanical looking.
4 Anticipation 动作预备
Action in animation usually occurs in three ctions. The tup for the motion, the actual action and then follow-through of the action. The first part is known as anticipation.
In some cas anticipation is needed physically. For example, before you can throw a ball you must first swing your arm backwards. The backwards motion is the anticipation, the throw itlf is the motion.