revi的名词Final examination for Introduction to Linguistics (June, 2008)
Chine into English=10
English into Chine=10
Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks (2x15=30%)
Fill in the blanks in ntences using linguistic terms
Ⅲ.Answer briefly the following questions (5x4=20%)
defianceⅣ.Short Essays (15x2=30%)
Preparatory work expected
Ⅰ. The list of terms for ction Ⅰand Ⅱ.council
Chapter 1: 1.duality 2.atopoeia 5.ideational or informative function 6.interpersonal function 7.displacement 8.pragmatics 9.ive function
成绩单翻译Chapter 2:1.allophone 2.vowel 3.phoneme 4.stresd sonant 6.the international phonetic alphabet 7.nasalization 8.distinctive 10.aspiration 11.vocal cords 12.place of articulation 13.manner of articulation 14. peak or nucleus 15.open syllable 16.dental 17.voicing 18.assimilation 19. articulation 20.speech organs
Chapter ammatical word 2.lexical word 3. particle 4.pheme 6.affix 7.free morpheme 8.bound morpheme 9.inflection phology 12.mantic 14.stem 15.allomorph
Chapter 4: 1.syntactic ammatical construction 3.immediate constituen
袁娅维docentric tric dination 7.subordination 8.subject 9.prdicate 10.object 11. 14.aspect 15.clautreasure
Chapter 5: 1.conceptual ative meaning 3.thematic meaning 4.hyponymy 5. synonymy 6.antonymy 7.mantic features or aphor 9.proposition 10. composite proposition
Ⅱ. Short questions for ction Ⅲ.
1. What does the “emotive function” of language mean?
2. What does duality as a design feature of language mean?
3. What is the basic difference between the synchronic and diachronic studies of language?
4. What is the difference between the descriptive and prescriptive studies of language?
5. What is the difference between a free and bound morpheme? Give examples
6. What is the difference between a root and a stem?
7. What is the difference between ten and aspect?
8. What is the difference between construction and constituents?
jane by design9. What are the three categories of antonymy? Give examples.
10. What is a preposition? Give examples.
Ⅲ.Essay questions for ction Ⅳ.
1. Discuss “creativity” and “displacement” as two design features of language.
2. How are phonemes identified in the study of language?
3. Discuss 5 common ways of English word formation. Give examples.
4. How is the grammatical subject identified in the study of English?
5. Discuss the difference between conceptual and associative meanings. Give examples.
Preparatory Work of Linguistics
I. the list of terms
Chapter 1:
term meaning
二层性 The two subsystems of sound and meaning. (from notes).
By duality is meant the property of having two levels of structures, such that units of the primary levels are compod of elements of the condary level and each of the two levels has its own principles of organization.(from textbook)
任意性 No logical relationship between language elements and their meaning.(from notes)
环球留学网Refers to the fact that the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship
to their meaning.
创造性 Language urs can understand and produce mew ntences to express new meanings.
拟声词 Words that sound like the sounds they describe.