
更新时间:2023-06-23 04:04:45 阅读:14 评论:0

(一)Elements of Poetry
Rhyme (Rime)
Rhyme is the repetition of the stresd vowel sound and all succeeding sounds
1. Single or Masculine rhyme 单(阳)韵----rhyming soundsinvolve only one
cold, bold;瓦瓦祖拉
thing, king;
day, way
1.Double or Feminine rhyme双叠(阴)韵----rhyming sounds involve two or more
begin, again
flatter, matter;
3. Triple rhyme 三叠韵----a kind of feminine rhyme in which identical stresd
vowel sounds are followed by two identical unstresdsyllables.
baleE.g. machinery, scenery;
tenderly, slenderly;
spitefully, delightfully;
remember, September
4. Internal rhyme(行内韵)----at least one of the rhyming words are within the
line. E.g. Each narcroewll in which we dwell; thgerainsbeyond age, the
dark veinsof her mother
5. End rhyme(or Terminal rhyme)(行尾韵)----the both rhyming words occur at
2021四六级考试the ends of lines. (The commonestand most consciouslysought-after soundbaxia
repetition in English poetry.) E.g.
behaviorismUnder my window, a clean raspingsound
When the spade sinks into gravellyground.
Let us roll all our strength, andall
Our Sweetness, up into oneball.
6. Beginning Rhyme 行首词韵----rhyme that occurs in the first syllable or
syllables of successive lines. E.g.
Why should I have returned?
My knowledge would not fit into theirs.
I found untouched the dert of the unknown.
7. Interlaced or Crosd Rhyme 交织韵----Words in the middle of each line
rhyme. It occurs in long couplets, especially the hexameter. E.g.
Laurel is green for aason, and love is sweet for a day,
But love grows bitter withtreason, and laurel outlives not May.
8.Perfect or Exact rhyme(全韵)----differing consonant sounds are followed by
identical stresd vowel sounds, and the following sounds are identical.
foe, toe; meet, fleet; buffer, rougher; fix, stic;ks
9 .Half rhyme or off rhyme, near rhyme, oblique rhyme, slant rhyme) (斜韵)
----the feminine rhymes that do not rhyme completely. E.g.
frightful, slightly;
yellow, pillow
mirth, forth
trolley, bully如何美白脸
10.ye rhyme(视觉韵)----formed by words that look alike a rhymed unit but do
not have the same sounds. E.gc.ough, boughhome, some; hear, bear
11. Approximate rhymes
Alliteration 头韵----repetition of initial sounds. E.g. al l the awful auguries..
Bring me my bow of burning gold;
more often defined as the repetition of consonants. E.g.
af ter lifefsitful fever
(二)Rhyme scheme(押韵格式)
八年级下册英语课文翻译人教版----the pattern of alternating end rhymes in a stanza or poem. In analysis of a
rhyme scheme, each rhyme is reprented by a small letter. E.g.
Love is a sickness full of woes, (a)
All remedies refusing; (b)
A plant that with most cutting grows (a)
Most barren with best using. (b)Why so? (c)
a group of lines of ver forming one of the units or divisions of a poem.It is
usually recurrent, characterized by a regular pattern, with respectto or under
determination of, the number of lines, and arrangement of meter of rhym网上免费学英语口语)e.
Common stanza forms include the couplet, the triplet, and the quatrain
Couplet----two successive rhyming lines:
mmppFor thy sweet love rememb red such wealth brings
That then I scorn to change my state with kings.
The couplet is one of the main ver units in Western literature, and is a form
of great antiquit y. Chaucer was one of the first English poets to u it and it s
generally thought that Chaucer developed the form.
Triplet----a stanza of three lines; an individual poem of three lines. E. g.
When as in silks my Julia goes
Then, then (methinks) how sweetly flows
That liquefaction of her clothes.
Next, when I cast mine eyes and e
That brave vibration each way free;
O how that glittering taketh me!
Quatrain ----a stanza or an individual poem of four lines rhymed or unrhymed.
It occurs as the commonest of all stanzaic forms in Eastern and Western poetries,
and lends itlf to wide variation in meter and rhyme. E.g.
I envy not in any moods
The captive void of noble rage,
The linnet born within the cage
That never knew the summer woods;

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