《干校六记》--学圃记闲 杨绛 | “The Vegetable Garden: On Idleness” From A Cadre School Life: Six Chapters By Geremie Barme | 北京语言大学网络教育“Leisure: Tending a Vegetable Plot” from Six Chapters from My Life “Downunder” by Howard Godblatt | “Leisure Between Chores at the Vegetable Garden” from Six Chapters of Life in a Cadre School:Memoirs from China’s Cultural Revolution 章楚 译 |
我在菜园里拔草间苗,村里的小姑娘跑来闲看。 | When I was pulling out weeds some of the young girls from the village came to watch. | Whenver I was weeding and pruning in the vegetable plot, some of the village girls would run over to watch me work. | Once, as I was weeding in the vegetable garden, two young girls from the village came to visit me. |
我学着她们的乡音,可以和她们攀话。 | I imitated their local accent and struck up a conversation with them. | Once I had mastered their local speech I pasd the time of day with them. | I carried on a conversation with them by imitating their native dialect, albeit imperfectly. | prerve
我把细小的绿苗送给她们,她们就帮我拔草。 | I gave them some green edlings and they helped me with the weeding. | I gave them some of the smaller twigs and they helped me do the weeding. | I gave them some surplus young edlings and they in return helped me in the weeding. |
她们称男人为“大男人”;十二三岁的小姑娘,已由父母之命定下终身。 | They called all males “big men”, and though none of them were old enough to be married - they were all about twelve or thirteen - their parents had already chon their future mates. | The referred to their men folk as “the big guys”. | They referred to their men folk as “bid daddies”. |
They were all young girls of twelve or thirteen who future marriages had been arranged by their parents. | Their marriages were arranged by their parents; even girls as young as twelve or thirteen were promid in future marriages. | ||
这小姑娘告诉我那小姑娘已有婆家;那小姑娘一面害羞抵赖,一面说这小姑娘也有婆家了。 | One girl pointed to a friend who, she said already had “in-laws”. | One of them told me that one of the others had already been accepted by her in-laws. | One girl pointed a finger at the other one, saying, “she has been engaged and is expected to be married soon.” |
The girl in question blushed shyly and denied it, claiming that it was actually the girl who had been speaking who had the “in-laws”. | This comment obviously embarrasd the girl refered to, who denied the charge and turned it right back to the first girl. | Embarrasd, the latter retaliated and said, “she has been promid in marriage to a family too. ” | |
她们都不识字。 | Neither of them could read. | Neither of them was literate. | Both were illiterate. |
我寄居的老乡家比较是富裕的,两个十岁上下的儿子不用看牛赚钱,都上学;可是他们十七八岁的姊姊却不识字。 | The family I had been staying with was relatively well off – neither of their two ten-year-old boys had to earn their pocket money by herding cows, and both of them were still going to school, though their eighteen-year-old sister was illiterate. | The family I had lived with for a while in another village was better off than the families of the girls; their two sons, who were in the neighborhood of ten years of age, didn't need to tend oxen to make a little money, but were both in school. | The family with which I stayed when I first arrived was comparatively well-to-do. |
Their venteen- or eighteen-year old sister, on the other hand, was illiterate. | Two boys about ten years old were attending school, as there was no need for them to herd cows for a little extra money. | ||
However, their sister, about venteen or eighteen years old, was illiterate. | |||
她已由父母之命、媒的之言,和邻村一位年貌相当的解放军战士订婚。 | Her parents had ud a matchmaker to find a husband for her and she was engaged. | Her parents had enlisted the aid of a match-maker, and the girl was already engaged to be married to a PLA soldier who age and appearance were just right. | She had been engaged to a soldier of the Liberation Army from a neighboring village thorugh a marriage broker at the insistence of her parents. |
The young man was a People’s Liberation Army soilder from a neighboring village who was about the same age as she was. 环保服装制作 | |||
两人从未见过面。那位解放军给未婚妻写了一封信,并寄了照片。 | They had never met, and he wrote her a letter with a picture of himlf inside; he only had a primary-school education and had the solid honest look of a peasant. | The two of them had never laid eyes on one another, but the soldier had written his fiancee a letter and nt her a photograph. | The couple had never met. The young man had nt his fiancee a letter and a photograph of himlf. |
他小学程度,相貌是浑朴的庄稼人。 | Both his level of education and his apperrance were tho of a simple farmer. | From the photograph, he looled like a person of solid peasant stock and had received a primary school education. | |
twista姑娘的父母因为和我同姓,称我为“俺大姑”;他们请我代笔回信。 | Her parents called me “elder sister” becau we had the same surname, and they asked me to write a reply to the boy from their daughter. | The girl’s family and I shared the same surname, so they called me “Auntie”; they asked me to write a letter for them in reply. | Tpluothe girl’s parents happened to share the same name with us so I was addresd as “cousin”. |
It therefore became the cousin’s duty to write a reply to the future son-in-law. | |||
我举笔半天,想不出一句合适的话;后来还是同屋你一句、我一句拼凑了一封信。 | I asked for some suggestions from my room-mates as to what to write, and then sat, pen in hand, starnig at the paper in front of me for a long time. destro | But I sat there, pen in hand, for the longest time without coming up with a single appropriate line, until finally my roomate and I put our heads together and managed to compo a letter. | I held the pen for a long time without putting down a single appropriate word. |
Finally, the people who shared the dwelling with me made their contributions – one ntence here and another ntence there. | |||
The letter was thus haphazardly patched together. | |||
那位解放军连姑娘的照片都没见过。 | Her future husband had never en her picture. | The soldier had to do without a photograph of his intended. | 洋泾中学官网But the soldier was not favored with a picture of his fiancee. |
村里十五六岁的大小子,不知怎么回事,好像成天都闲来无事的,背着个大筐,见什么,拾什么。 | I was constantly amazed that the young boys in the village, all of them in their mid-teens, never emed to have anything better to do than wander around with large wicker baskets tied to their backs, throwing into them whatever they laid their eyes on. | For some reason, the fifteen-and-sixteen-year-old boys from the village emed to loaf around all day long with nothing to do. | Surprisingly, young men of fifteen or sixteen from the villages didn't em to have regular work to do. |
They spent much of their time in small groups loitering around. | |||
With large baskets slung over their shoulders, whenver they saw something that interested them, they picked it up. | With big baskets hanging on their backs, they arched for kindling here and there. | ||
有时七八成群,把道旁不及胳膊粗的树拔下,大伙儿用树干在地上拍打,“哈!哈!哈!”粗声訇喝着围猎野兔。 | Sometimes ven or eight of them would band together to hunt rabbits by beating the ground with sticks made from small stripped saplings, screaming and shouting all the while. | Sometimes they went out in groups of ven or eight and uprooted young trees alongside the road that were no bigger than a man’s arm. | Occasionally, they pulled up trees of considerable size and beat the ground with them, yelling in unison, “Ha…Ha… Ha…” in order to scare up wild jack rabbits. |
Then they would smack the ground with them and shout loudly --- “Ha!” Ha! Ha!” as they hunted around for wild rabbits. | |||
有一次,三四个小伙子闯到菜地里来大吵大叫,我连忙赶去,他们说莱畦里有“猫”。 | Once, when a few of them came stomping into the vegetable garden making a great commotion, I rushed over to e what was going on. | Three or four of them came rushing into our vegetable plot one day, clamoring and yelling for all they were worth. | Once, three of four youngsters rushed into my vegetable garden, yelling at the top of their lungs, “A cat!...a cat!” |
They told me they were after “cats”—“cat” being the word they ud for rabbit. | They said there was a “cat” in one of the vegetable beds. | In their dialect, cat and rabbit were synonymous. | |
“猫”就是兔子。 | “Cats” were what they called rabbits. | I went out to have a look and told them there was no cat in the vegetable garden. | |
我说:这里没有猫。 | I had barely finished telling them that our vegetable garden didn't have any “cats” in it when a rabbit that had been hiding under a leafy vegetable nearby suddenly sprinted for safety. | I told them there were no cats here. | |
躲在菜叶底下的那头兔子自知藏身不住,一道光似的直窜出去。 | The rabbit that was hiding among the cabbage leaves knew instinctively that there in additionwasn't enough cover to protect him, so he darted out like a flash. | But the rabbit hiding there knew that he had been detected and rushed out like a flash of lightning. | |
兔子跑得快,狗追不上。 | It was so fast that they had to nd their dogs to hunt it down. urbanfox | He was much too fast for any of the dogs chasing him, but under the direction of the young hunters, they split up and went after from different directions. | Several dogs pursued him relentlessly at the command of their masters and soon he was surrounded. |
可是几条狗在猎人指使下分头追赶,兔子几回转折,给三四条狗团团围住。 | For a few moments, there was some furious running and dodging before the rabbit was cornered by the four yelping animals. | ||
The rabbit changed cour veral times until he was surrounded by the dogs. | |||
只见它纵身一跃有六七尺高,掉下地就给狗咬住。 | After a final, desperate leap into the air it fell to the ground and was savaged. | He jumped into the air, as high as six or ven Chine feet, and when he hit the ground he was t upon by the dogs. | In a desperate effort to escape, the rabbit jumped six or ven feet into the air, but when he landed, he was caught by the dogs. |
在它纵身一跃的时候,我代它心胆俱碎。 | When it pounced into the air my heart emed to jump into my throat. | I felt so frightened and sorry for him when he jumped that my heart nearly broke. | My heart ached for this unfortunate creature. |
从此我听到“哈!哈!哈!”粗哑的訇喝声,再也没有好奇心去观看。 | From that moment on, when I heard the boys screaming and beating their sticks, I never had the slightest interest in watching the hunt. | From then on, the coar, loud of “Ha! Ha! Ha!” held no attraction for me to go take a look. | From then on, when I heard “Ha…Ha… Ha…,” I knew what was going on and refud to look further. |
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