the meaning of us
Digital Trade, E-Commerce, the WTO and Regional
人认为期刊名称: World Trade Review
第三轮中美战略与经济对话作者: JANOW, MERIT E.,MAVROIDIS, PETROS C.laminate flooring
年份: 2019年
摘要:The digitalization of trade is a reality, and yet the regulation of the world trading system as embedded in the World Trade Organization (WTO) only tangentially, if at all, touches upon this issue. True, digitalization of the economy,
乔治维阿the fourth industrial revolution as it is colloquially referred to, is a recent phenomenon, and to some extent post-dates the conclusion of the Uruguay round agreements (1994). True also, however, is the reality that the world trading system has shown a remarkable inability to adjust to modern business realities in its multilateral rule architecture. To the extent the transformations are being reflected in nehomebrew
中秋 英文w rules, they are being introduced in regional or bilateral frameworks, albeit in an incomplete fashion. It is also the ca that the world is witnessing veral different regimes around