Approach to Medicine, the Patient, and the Medical Profession: Medicine as a Learned and Humane Profession
Approach to Medicine
Medicine is a profession that incorporates science and the scientific method with the art of being a physician. The art of tending to the sick is as old as humanity itlf. Even in modern times, the art of caring and comforting, guided by millennia of common n as well as a more recent, systematic approach to medical ethics (Chapter 2), remains the cornerstone of medicine. Without the humanistic qualities, the application of the modern science of medicine is suboptimal, ineffective, or even detrimental
医学是一种职业,包含了科学和科学方法的艺术做一个医生。 照顾病人的艺术作为人类本身一样古老。 即使在现代,艺术的关心和安慰,由几千年的常识以及最近的一个,系统方法对医学伦理学(第2章),仍然是医学的基石。 如果没有这些人文素质,现代医学科学的应用是次优的,无效的,甚至是有害的
12英语怎么读The caregivers of ancient times and premodern cultures tried a variety of interventions to help the afflicted. Some of their potions contained what are now known to be active ingredients that form the basis for proven medications (Chapter 28). Others (Chapter 38) have persisted into the prent era despite a lack of convincing evidence. Modern medicine should not dismiss the possibility that the unproven approaches may be helpful; instead, it should adopt a guiding principle that all interventions, whether traditional or newly developed, can be tested vigorously, with the expectation that any beneficial effects can be explored further to determine their scientific basis.
古代和近代文化的护理人员尝试了各种干预措施帮助受苦。 一些药水包含目前已知活性成分,证明药物的基础(第28章)。 其他人(38章)保存到当前时代尽管缺乏令人信服的证据。 现代医学不应该解雇的可能性,这些未经证实的方法可能是有用的;相反,它应该采取一个指导原则,所有干预措施,无论是传统还是新开发,可以积极测试,期望任何有益的影响可以进一步研究确定其科学依据。
When compared with its long and generally distinguished history of caring and comforting,
the scientific basis of medicine is remarkably recent. Other than an understanding of human anatomy and the later description, albeit widely contested at this time, of the normal physiology of the circulatory system, almost all of modern medicine is bad on discoveries made within the past 150 years. Until the late 19th century, the paucity of medical knowledge was perhaps exemplified best by hospitals and hospital care. Although hospitals provided caring that all but well-to-do people might not be able to obtain elwhere, there is little if any evidence that hospitals improved health outcomes. The term hospitalism referred not to experti in hospital care but rather to the aggregate of iatrogenic afflictions that were induced by the hospital stay itlf
四级多少分才算合格相比通常长和杰出的历史关怀和安慰,医学是非常最近的科学依据。 除了了解人体解剖学和后来的描述,尽管广泛争议,正常的生理循环系统,几乎所有的现代医学是基于发现在过去的150年。 直到19世纪后期,医学知识的缺乏可能是最好的例证医院和医院护理。 尽管医院提供关怀,但富裕的人可能无法获得在其他地方,几乎没有任何证据表明医院改善健康结果。 医院制度这一术语称为不专长的医院护理而是聚合的医源性疾病引起的住院本身
shenghuodabaozhaThe esntial humanistic qualities of caring and comforting can achieve full benefit only if they are coupled with an understanding of how medical science can and should be applied to patients with known or suspected dias. Without this knowledge, comforting may be inappropriate or misleading, and caring may be ineffective or counterproductive if it inhibits a sick person from obtaining appropriate, scientific medical care. bruidGoldman’s Cecil Textbook of Medicine focus on the discipline of internal medicine,feyman from which neurology and dermatology, which are also covered in substantial detail in this text, are relatively recent evolutionary branches. The term internal medicine, which is often misunderstood by the lay public, was developed in 19th-century Germany. Inneren medizin如何梳头 was to be distinguished from clinical medicine becau it emphasized the physiology and chemistry of dia, not just the patterns or progression of clinical manifestations. Goldman’s Cecil Textbook of Medicine follows this tradition by showing how pathophysiologic abnormalities cau symptoms and signs and by emphasizing how therapies can modify the underlying pathophysiology and improve the patient’s well-beingalacrity
用于已知或疑似患者的疾病。 没有这些知识,安慰可能不合适或误导,和关心可能是无效的或适得其反如果抑制病人获得适当的,科学的医疗护理。 高盛的塞西尔医学教科书着重于内科医学学科,从神经学和皮肤病,也覆盖着大量的细节在这个文本,是相对较新的进化分支。 内科医学术语,它经常被误解的公众,是在19世纪的德国。 Inneren medizin是区别于临床医学,因为它强调疾病的生理和化学,不仅临床表现的模式或进展。 高盛的塞西尔医学教科书遵循这一传统,展示病理生理的异常症状和体征和强调如何修改底层的病理生理学和治疗改善病人的健康