⽜津英语教材中的习语,典故,谚语集锦(其中模块⼀1-9 模块六10-22 模块九23-34 模块⼗⼀35- 80)
1. a piece of cake.—something easy to do
2. a wet blanket –boring/afraid to have fun
3.all ears—listening carefully
4.pull one’s leg –-joke with sb
5.have green fingers—be good at
gardening 园艺能⼿6.the top dog—an important person in an
7.give sb the cold shoulder –be not friendly to sb
8.rain dogs and rats –rain heavily
< my cap of tea—not really to one’s taste
10.as strong as a hor—very strong
11.as busy as a bee –very busy
12.as poor as a church mou –very poor
13.as cool as a cucumber –very calm
14.sleep like a log –sleep very deeply
< laugh one’s head off –to laugh very hard
< smile on someone – you are lucky(好运降临17.over the moon 欣喜若狂
18.hot under the collar 愤怒的
< cloud nine 狂喜
20.down in the dumps ⽓馁,沮丧,垂头丧⽓
21.fly off the handle 勃然⼤怒
22.feel blue ⼼情不好
在线翻译英语23.white as a sheet –pale becau of pale
24.tickled pink—delighted; very plead
25.in the red--- in debt
疯狂英语口语版26.in the black—having money in the bank account
27.feel blue –unhappy; sad
< with envy—jealous
29.feet of clay—a hidden weakness in somebody whom we admire or respect
30.e the handwriting on the wall –e signs that disaster is coming
31.kill the fatted calf –have a large celebration(宴请,)
33.the apple of somebody’s eye—a child who is loved very much by his or her parents.
34.the salt of the earth 诚实⾼尚的⼈,社会中坚
35.be a weed—weak and not brave
36.as hungry as a lion—wanting something very much
37.as sharp as a spear—very clever
38.black is white and white is black—things appear different
39.cast-iron nerves – a very strong will
40.as sly as a fox—clever at tricking others
41.eat like a bird – eat very little
42.as tall as a tree—very tall韩语发音器
43. A child’s play –an easy job 易如反掌
44.Off the top of your head 不假思索脱⼝⽽出,
45.On paper 在理论上
46.Have butterflies in your stomach 忐忑不安,紧张/ ant in one’s pant 坐⽴不安
47.Do your homework about 为……做好准备
48.As easy as pie 易如反掌
49.As plain as day 显⽽易见
50.An arm and a leg 昂贵的代价
51.Hold firm 坚信
52. A white lie 善意的谎⾔
53.The Heel of Achilles 亦作Achilles’ heel 致命要害唯⼀弱点;薄弱环节
54.An Apple of Discord争⽃之源;不和之因;祸根
55.Helen of Troy这个成语,除了表⽰a beautiful girl or woman; a beauty who ruins her country
等意义外,还可以⽤来表⽰a terrible disaster brought by sb. or sth. you like best的意思。
< one’s last legs 奄奄⼀息,过时
57.Scrooge--- a character who is extremely mean .(吝啬⿁)
58. a sacred cow—This policy, which ud to be very successful, remains a sacred cow, though it
no longer meets the needs of the current situation.. (Someone or something that is held in high regard and can not be harmed. It is from religion).
59.be over the moon—Terry was over the moon becau his favourite team had just won the
championship match. (Someone who is very happy. It is from works).
60.Pandora’s box—How could we have known that by applying for a credit card we were
opening Pandora’s box. (One action has caud a lot of bad things to happen. It comes from works).引来祸害
61.Waterloo—After spending all his money and failing to rai funds for his project, he is facing
his Waterloo. (A final defeat or failure. It comes from history).
62.Mother Teresa—She has done a lot of charity work this year and is a real Mother Teresa. (A
person who works lflessly for others. It comes from real life).
63.Judas犹⼤To describe someone who betray their friends or beliefs.
64.Mickey Mou cour (a cour that is very easy )⾮常容易
65. a dark hor ⿊马
66.Daniel in the lion’s den 艰巨的任务
67.catch-22 令⼈左右为难的规定
68.leading light 导航灯,重要⼈物
my favorite sports
69.Jonah 带来不幸的⼈
成人学位英语考试成绩查询70. a Herculean task 极为艰巨的⼯作
71. a good Samaritan ⼼地善良,乐于助⼈的⼈
72.David and Goliath 以弱胜强
73.Jekyll and Hyde 双重⼈格者,两⾯派
74. a tough nut 难对付的⼈,胆⼤果断的⼈
< in the street 普通⼈
77.around the clock 夜以继⽇
78.between jobs = unemployed
79.in the air 悬⽽未决
80.start from the scratch 从头做起
82.face the music表⽰“⾯对失败;接受批评/处罚;承担后果
83.call w hite black/call black white 混淆是⾮
84. a black sheep 害群之马;
85. a white lie 善意的谎⾔
86.white war 没有硝烟的战争,常指―经济竞争‖。
87.White elephant ⽆⽤⽽累赘的东西;;大连日语培训学校
88.why bother?. 没必要
89.in a blue mood /having the blues表⽰―情绪低落;
90.white coffee 不加⽜奶的coffee
91.black and blue 遍体鳞伤的;青⼀块紫⼀块
< hand新⼿
93.Once bitten, twice shy⼀朝被蛇咬,⼗年怕井绳
94.Make hay while the sun shines 趁热打铁
95.You can say that again. 你说的完全真确
96.It counts for nothing这⼀点也不重要。/这不算什么。
97.so what : 那⼜怎样?? 那⼜如何??
98.Actions speak louder than words.⾏动⽐⾔语更有说服⼒。(事实胜于雄辩。)
99.The best fish are / swim near the bottom. 好鱼居⽔底。(有价值的东西不能轻易得到。)100.A rising tide lifts all boats. ⽔涨众船⾼。
101.Time lost cannot be recalled. (recall vt. 召回,恢复) 光阴⼀去不复返。
102.To stand still is to move back.. 逆⽔⾏⾈,不进则退。
103.It is no u crying over spilt milk. 覆⽔难收。(打翻⽜奶,哭也没⽤)
104.Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. 抱最好的希望,作最坏的准备。
105.All that glitters is not gold. / All is not gold that glitt ers. 闪光的并⾮都是⾦⼦。
106.Tho who live in glass hous should not thro w stones.⾃⼰有弱点,勿揭他⼈短
< man's meat is another man's poison表⽰“萝⼘青菜,各有所爱”,此处是要表达同⼀种学习英语的⽅法不是每个⼈都适⽤
108.Don’t count your chickens until they are hatched. --Don’t count on something going well until it happens. 不要过早乐观A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. ⼀鸟在⼿胜过⼆鸟在林。
110.The pot calls the kettle black.五⼗步笑⼀百步。
1.---You shouldn`t have told everyone my cret.
---wait a minute! I didn`t tell anyone…I promi!
---Oh, ________! You big mouth!
A. I didn`t buy it
B. I mean it
C. You don`t forget it
hole是什么意思D. You got it
2.---Do you know the newly appointed CEO? --_______.
A.I `ll check it
B.Only that there is one
C. More often than notzhuangbility
D. It will come to me
3.People in the office regard him as ―____‖.He is not only knowledgeable but also honest a nd nice to everyone.
A. a wet blanket
B. a black sheep
C.the apple of their eyes
D. the salt of the earth
4.---I can`t bear the air pollution in this city any more. It is getting wor and wor.
---_____!We `ve never had so many chemical factories before.
A. I wouldn`t bet on it.
B. You said it
C. Keep it up
D. come off it
5.---I think it was his excitement for his success in the first half that led to his eventual failure in the game. ----You bet. Old sayings never fail,‖______‖henu
A.failure is the mother of success
B.Pride goes before a fall
C.A hero is nothing but a product of his time
D. A fall into the pit, a gain in the wit
6.---He is a very hard—working student.
---______.As far as I know,he often burns the midnight oil.
A.You can say that again
B. Absolutely not
C. Heaven knows
D. No way
7.---Excu me, I have to return my book to the library.
---_____. It isn’t due until next Saturday.
A.take it easy
B. take it riou sly
C.take your order
D. Take your time
8.---Shall we offer the new position to Jack?
---______. You are the boss.
A. you bet
B. It`s your call
C. No problem
D. It depends
9.---Can you read the sign, madam? No photos allowed in the room!
A.Never mind
B. Don`t mention it
C. Sure , I can`t
D. Pardo n me
10.—Mum. My coach says I`m doing well in the training.
--___? You still have a long way to go.