throws 篇一:英语读书笔记
Never too old to learn
-----The book report on The art of public speaking
It’s very honored to take the public speaking cour this team. Though it’s the first time for me, it never to be the last time. Not only did I learn a lot from this cour, but it also stimulated my interesting in studying public speaking.
In this cour, I had learned to do three styles of speeches, there were: information, persuasion and entertainment. It usually includes 5 steps: 1. Select and narrow an audience-centered topic; 2.Develop content through rearch and sound support; 3.Draft the introduction, body and conclusion; 4.Develop the language of the speech with care; 5.Practice!
Among the, which deeply impresd me was the audience-centered. To begin with, as public speaking is an audience-centered activity, the reason for prenting a speech is to icate the message to others in the clearest, most convincing way. So every time I prepared my speech, I always analyzed my audience---my classmates, and tried my best to adapt to them. What’s more, when I reprented my speech, I tried to convey my message with the language of simple and direct. Becau my audience should not need an interpreter, if I ud the unfamiliar terms in my speech, I always defined them to keep the message clear. Also I’m font of some visual aid, such as photographs, drawings, charts and PowerPoint and so on to delivery my speech. Only in this way can I outline the main point of the speech in order to understand easily for my classmates. Last but not least, when I prepared the manuscript of my speech, I usually practiced it as fluently as possible. As the professional speaker and author Bill Bachrach said on the subject: “Practice! Practice by videotaping, audiotaping, or roleplaying with friends and colleagues. Be so comfortable with what you are going to say that you don’t have to think about it. This frees your thoughts to be totally in tune with your audience” I remembered c
learly that the first time I do my speech, I didn’t practice very well, although the outline had been developed, when I spoke aloud, I found it’s difficult to know whether the speech flowed and the material “worked” for me.sweetheart
I had to tweak my word choice.
equalization In conclusion, through this cour, I improved my public speaking ability to some extent. For one thing, I built confidence and reduced nervousness in front of the audience, for another, I learned how to make best u of the time allowed. What’s the most important is that it inspired my interesting in public speaking, after class I went to the English corner every Friday night to practice my oral English. As the famous saying goes:” Never too old to learn” This cour is just an excellent beginning of learning public speaking, I will do it furthermore in my life.
《英语课程标准》指出:学生的发展是英语课程的出发点和归宿。英语课程在目标设定、教学过程、课程评价和教学资源的为等方面都要突出以学生开发主体的思想。 笔者认为,树立“对话”意识,运用新课程理念经营理念备好课是基础和前提。
my family 英语作文
生对英语知识的掌握情况,忽略了学生自学过程大学生中的感受及体验。其实,真正的有效教学就是要让学生从浅层次的“学会”上升到“会学”与“乐学”,这样的学习方才会让学生的终身学习获益。 在备课过程中,我们还要结合教材内容。预设大量的与学生的对话。在这个过程中,我们要注意与学生的对话必须付出真心真情。教师真心真意对待学生,才能让孩子们之间真心真意,课堂才会真实。这些年的英语教学实践证明,我们已经从激赏表演的、热闹的、师生对答如流的课堂转变为期待真实的课堂和真实的交流。真实的教学问题、自然的教学过程、和谐的教学最大才能氛围程度地促进学生综合语言运用能力的形成。
晚安英文 作为教师,是不是我们是否有勇气常常与自己对话,反思自己教学实践投资过程中的不足并及时加以弥补呢?叶澜先生曾经说过:“一个教师写一辈子教案不一定成为名师,如果一个教师写三年反思可能正式成为名师。”
The great Gatsby
In fact ,if our teacher don’t require ,I will never be interested in this kind of story .However ,after my reading ,I have to say it’s so dramatic and profound that I have already been fond of this story deeply.