AAK Alive And Kicking
AAR At Any Rate
AAS Alive And Smiling
ADN Any Day Now
AFAIK As Far As I Know
which引导的定语从句AFK Away From the Keyboard
AFN that's All For Now
AOTA All Of The Above
a/s/l or asl Age/Sex/Location - (ud to ask a chatter their personal information)
AV Avatar - Graphical reprentation (a picture) often ud in chat rooms to depict a person that is in the room and chatting.
b4 Before
BAK Back At Keyboard (I'm back)
BBL Be Back Later
BBS Be Back Soon
BCNU I'll Be Seeing You.
b/f Boyfriend (also shown as bf, B/F, or BF)
BEG Big Evil Grin
BFN Bye For Now
dinnerwareBMA Bite My A** (became popular with the Simpson's cartoon show)
boot To get kicked out of a chat room, or have to restart the computer becau you couldn't talk in the chat room anymore.
BR Best Regards
BRB Be Right Back
BRH Be Right Here
BSEG Big S**t Eatin Grin
BTW By The Way
btw BeTWeen you and me ...
chat room A web page where people gather using software that allows them to talk to one another in real time.
CRS Can't Remember S**t
自虐CU See You - also posted as cya
CUS Can't Understand S**t (stuff)
CNP Continued in Next Post (en more on message boards than chat)
CP Chat Post
CUL8R See You Later
CUOL See You On Line
CYA See Ya
dd, ds, dh Darling or Dear: Dear Son, Dear Daughter, or Dear Husband. Usually exchanged in family chats.
DDSOS Different Day, Same Old S**t
你好吗英文DEGT Don't Even Go There (I don't want to talk about it)
DIKU Do I Know You?
DIS Did I Say
D/L, DL, d/l, dl Downloading, or Download it.
EG Evil Grin
EM E-Mail
EMA E-mail Address (example: ?ema or ema? = what is your email address)
EOT End Of Thread (meaning end of discussion)
ez or EZ easy (one of the really old ones)
F2F Face To Face
FAQ Frequently Asked Question
FISH First In Still Here (someone who is on line TOO much)
FITB Fill In The Blanks
flame to insult someone. Ud when a person asks a stupid question, or says something rude to irritate the urs of a chat room or message board.
FOCL Falling Off Chair - Laughing
forum What todays message boards are called. Often using php as defining language to quickly write 'real time' messages and replies to a web site (or page)
FTS F*** This S***
fu f*** you (If you can't figure this one out, you shouldn't be on line)
FUBAR "Fouled" Up Beyond All Repair / Recognition
FUDleavealone Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt
FWIW For What It's Worth
FYI For Your Information
GA Go Ahead
GAL Get A Life
gest Gesture ... a small multimedia file played over the internet, usually expressing an emotion or comment.
g/f Girlfriend (also shown as gf, G/F, or GF)
GFN Gone For Now
GGOH Gotta Get Outta Here
GMTA Great Minds Think Alike
GR Gotta Run
GR&D Grinning, Running, and Ducking.
GTR Got To Run
GTRM Going To Read Mail (leaving chat room to check email)
H&K Hugs and Kiss
hack person who breaks into software, or disrupts a chat room.
HAGD三年级英语上册课本 Have A Good Day
HAGO Have A Good One
Halsoftherborist Name of a company that purchad the brand of Chat that Excite offered, now a pay as you go rvice.
HB Hurry Back
Hosts Refers to the people that are running the chat room, they usually have the ability to kick a person off due to rude behavior.
HTH Hope That Helps
huggles Hugs
management是什么意思IAC In Any Ca
IB I'm Back
IC I See
IDN I Don't kNow
fzhIDK I Don't Know
IDTS I Don't Think So
IANAL I'm Am Not A Lawyer (expect an uninformed opinion)
IC I See
ICQ I Seek You. A computer program ud to communicate instantly over the Internet.
ILU or ILY I Love You
IM Instant Message
IMHO In My Humble Opinion (or In My Honest Opinion)
IMO In My Opinion
IOH I'm Out of Here
IOW In Other Words
IRL In Real Life
IYO In Your Opinion