TPO 53
invalidargumentMany countries require cigarette smokers to pay particularly high taxes on their purchas of cigarettes; similar taxes are being considered for unhealthy foods. The policy of imposing high taxes on cigarettes and other unhealthy products has a number of social benefits.
First of all, the taxes discourage people from indulging in unhealthy behaviors. Raising taxes on cigarettes, for instance, leads people to buy fewer of them. Smoking has declined as taxes on tobacco have rin, showing that the taxes do work to make society healthier. It can be expected that imposing similar taxes on unhealthy food and beverages would help reduce obesity rates.
高中英语作文大全Second, taxes of this kind are financially fair. When people get sick as a result of their smoking or eating unhealthy foods, they create medical costs. It is unfair that everyone in th
e society, including nonsmokers and people who follow a healthy diet, should contribute equally to covering the costs. Taxing people who engage in unhealthy behaviors creates extra income that can be ud to cover the medical costs. In this way, some of the financial burden is shifted from all of society to just tho who choo to participate in the unhealthy activities.
Finally, the high rate of taxation on cigarettes significantly increas revenue for the government. In addition to using this tax revenue on medical assistance, governments often u the revenue for other projects that benefit public welfare, such as building stadiums or creating public parks. Even basic government-supported rvices like public education benefit from the taxes. Thus, the taxes on cigarettes, and the propod taxes on unhealthy foods, benefit everyone.
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Now listen to part of a lecture on the topic you just read about.
Each of the arguments about the benefits of cigarette and other such taxes can be challenged.
First, the taxes don’t necessarily lead to healthier behavior. For instance, high cigarette taxes have led some smokers to buy cheaper lower quality cigarettes. Such cigarettes typically contain even more harmful substances than better quality cigarettes and prent even greater health risks. Similarly, imagine how some consumers might react to higher taxes on unhealthy foods. They might continue buying the unhealthy foods they prefer even if they’re more expensive. And as a result, have less money left to spend on healthy foods. That certainly wouldn’t benefit their health.
Second, there are different ways of thinking about fairness. It might em fair for people indulging in unhealthy behaviors to pay for the conquences of tho behaviors through high taxes. But some people would argue that the taxes are unfair, becau they don’t take into account people’s incomes. If a high-earning person and a lower-earning person are addicted to cigarettes and each smokes a pack of cigarettes a day. Paying the tax wo
squarepantsuld be a greater expen for the low earner relative to his or her income. The same argument applies to the food taxes. So many people believe that the taxes are not fair becau they create a much greater burden for tho with smaller incomes than for tho with higher incomes.
Finally, the fact that governments can u this tax revenue for various projects has the downside. This income reprents millions and millions of dollars and governments become dependent on it and don’t want to lo it. In conquence, the governments might not be forceful enough pursuing policies and implementing laws that might eliminate unhealthy habits altogether. For example, they are unlikely to adopt radical measure such as not allowing smoking in outdoor public areas such as parks or even banning smoking in all outdoor areas, public or private, becau they don’t want to lo this income.
In the reading passage, the author lists three reasons to prove there are many social ben
efits of imposing high taxes upon cigarettes as well as other unhealthy products. However, the professor in the listening contends that each of the arguments about the benefits of the cigarette and other such taxes can be challenged.
Firstly, the reading passage claims that high taxes could prevent people from unhealthy behaviors, but the professor argues that the taxes don't necessarily lead to healthy behaviors. For instance, heavy taxes can lead some smokers to buy cheaper and lower quality cigarettes. Such cigarettes typically contain even more harmful substances than better quality cigarettes, and prent even greater health risks. Similarly, imagine how some consumers might react to same taxes on unhealthy foods. They might continue buying the unhealthy foods they prefer even if it's more expensive, and as a result, have less money left to spend on healthy foods. That certainly wouldn't benefit their health.
Secondly, in the reading passage, it is said that this kind of taxes are financially fair. On the contrary, the professor hold the opinion that there are different ways of thinking about fairness. It might em fair for people indulging in unhealthy behaviors to pay for the cons
equences of tho behaviors through high taxes, but some people would argue that the taxes are unfair, becau they don't take into account people's incomes. If a higher earning person and a lower earning person are addicted to cigarettes, and each smokes a pack of cigarettes a day, paying the tax would be a greater expen for the lower earner relative to his or her income. The same argument applies to the food taxes, so many people believe the taxes are not fair, becau they create a much greater burden for tho with lower incomes than for tho with higher incomes. 电子信息工程就业