Reading comprehension
Direction: In this part, there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choo the one that you think is the correct answer.
Passage 1Imagine a virus that could travel like the flu and kill humans like HIV. One is so small that it could be almost impossible to identify, let alone halt. Film like Outbreak plays on our fears of a “killer virus” scenario, but tho films are works of fiction, right?
Well, that s what Janice Acquah t out to investigate. But the facts she had unearthed didn t completely put her at ea.
For example, virus are emerging more frequently than ever before. Forty years ago, around two new virus were discovered every decade. Now the figure is more like two more virus per year.
Ebola, Lassa, Marburg and HIV are frightening examples of the deadly organisms. The death toll where they strike are sobering. Even the flu virus can be a killer. We ve known about it for many de
cades now, but flu experts are still involved in a full time race to keep up with the virus as it mutates.
Our modern life style increas the possibilities of virus attacked by exotic organisms. For example, a virus prently located in a remote rain forest could by means of air travel be in a major city by this time tomorrow. We now live in such crowded cities that the scope for transmission of a virus that travels through the air is greater than ever before.
However, although all the ingredients for a killer virus scenario do undoubtedly exist, it s hard to find a medical expert who believes it s likely that the entire human race will be wiped out by one lethal strain. They tend to put it on a par with the likelihood of us being exterminated by a killer asteroid impact. Becau although virus can be super efficient at attacking larger organisms, our bodies are phenomenally good at protecting us.
Our skin prents the first barrier to infection. Then there are defens inside the body which act as early warning system between the cells and the white blood cells helping to clo the activity of the virus.
The are very sophisticated process which often take place without the body s owner knowing a
nything about it —although sometimes the side effects of the activities are feelings of aching, shivering, sweating, temperature hike and loss of appetite that characterize a fever. Finally the body gets the measure of virus, and can begin to manufacture antibodies specifically to act against it.
There is another reason to take heart. Although a particular virus could be virulent against humans, it s not likely to kill all of us. Genetic variations between members of human species mean that there will always be some people who don t succumb to a particular infection. This has already been demonstrated recently with HIV — and needless to say is a subject of much rearch, since it may yield clues for the fighting of the virus for every one el.
1. What does “that” in the cond paragraph refers to?
A. How fast a virus can travel.
B. It is hard to identify a virus which is too small to be perceived.
C. The kind of virus which can travel like flu and have deadly conquence on the infected body.
D. How the fear of “killer virus” works on the nerves of human beings.
2. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
小学二年级英语 A. Forty years ago, a new virus was discovered every five years.
B. The flu virus can take changes by itlf at a high speed and the experts have to work very hard to keep up with it.
C. Medical experts think that the possibility of the extermination of the entire human race is extremely small.
D. There are always some people who are not infectious to HIV becau of genetic variations between members of human species.
3. We can learn from the passage that
A. Ebola, Lassa, Marburg and HIV are all deadly infectious virus which have caud surprising deaths and alarmed people.
B. Virus are not likely to travel with aeroplanes to populous areas.
C. Our bodies can protect us efficiently from infectious virus wholly by the functioning of inner defen systems.
D. We can find out special anti virus treatment through the example of HIV.
4. The most proper title of this passage is
A. Virus are hard to fight against.
公司乔迁B. Human body is protective.
C. flying virus.
D. human beings VS virus.
5. In the passage, we can infer that the phra “put it on a par with”(Para.6,Line3) means
A. consider it as same as or be similar with
B. consider it totally impossible
C. put it aside and not think about it at all
D. consider it inparable with
Passage 2Here amid the steel and concrete canyons, green grass grows. A naked cockspur hawthorn tree stands in new soil, and freshly dug plants bend in the wind.
But Chicago City Hall here ems an unlikely spot for a garden of any variety. Especially 20,000 square feet of gardens. On it s roof.
As one of a handful of similar projects around the country, the garden is part of a $1.5 million demonstration projected by the city to reduce its “urban heat islands”, said William Abolt, the commissioner of the Department of Environment.
Heat islands — dark surfaces in the city, like rooftops — soak up heat. The retention can bake a building, making it stubborn to cooling.
The roof of City Hall, a 90 year old gray stone landmark on LaSalle Street in the heart of downtown, has been known to reach temperature substantially hotter than the actual temperature on the street below.
The garden will provide greenery and shade. “And that,” said the city officials, “will save the city
dollars on tho blistering summer days.” The project savings from cooling is about $4,000 a year on a new roof who life span is about 50 percent longer than that of a traditional roof.existing
The sprawling open air rooftop garden is being carefully built on a multitiered(多层的)bed of special soil,polystyrene, egg carton shaped cones and “waterproof membrane” — all to keep the roof from leaking, or caving under the normal combined weight of soil, rain and plant life.
The design calls for soil depths of 4 inches in 18 inches. When the last plants and edlings are buried and the last bit of compost laid, the garden will have circular brick steppingstones winding up two hills.
“The primary focus of what we want to do was to establish this laboratory on the top of City Hall and get people involved and understanding their impact on the environment and how the little things that we can make an impact on the quality of life”, Mr. Abolt said, adding that the plants also help to clear the air.
Rooftop gardens, in places where concrete jungles have erad plants and trees, are not new, not even in Chicago. Arms of greenery dangling over terraces or sprouting from rooftops, common in Europe, are becoming more so in the United States as people become increasingly conscious a
bout the environment.
Richard M. Daley, who urged the environment department to look into the project after noticing rooftop gardens in Hamburg, Germany a few years ago, has praid the garden as the first of its kind on a public building in the country.
It will hold thousands of plants in more than 150 species wild onion and butterfly weed, sky blue aster and buffalo grass to provide data on what species adapt best. Small plants requiring shallow soil depths were chiefly lected.
1. The rooftop garden projectreciprocal
A. is common and popular in the country.
B. is a demonstration project and costs the city government 1.5 million dollars.
C. will make the ordinary cooling down of the city in summer unnecessary.
D. aims at get people involved and understanding their impact on the environment.
2. What can we learn about the City Hall?
A. It was built ninety years ago and is the most outstanding feature in the center of the city.
all ri B. It is originally proper to build a garden on the top of the City Hall.
C. The temperature on its top is a little bit higher than that on the street below.
D. It is the first building in America to have a garden on it.
3. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Every year, Chicago spends about $4,000 on cooling the city.
B. The design of the garden on the City Hall specially takes weight the roof can stand into consideration.
C. The Mayor urged the environmental department to look into rooftop gardens in Hamburg and build similar ones in America.
D. Heat islands mainly refer to tho dark colored rooftops which receive and retain heat and will not easily relea the heat.
4. Why should the rooftop garden be build on the top of City Hall other than on any other buildings?
A. Becau the City Hall is large.
B. Becau the mayor had urged the environmental department to do so.
C. Becau it can make people understand their impact on environment better through a public building.
D. Becau the experts just want to make the City Hall a convenient laboratory.
5. The word “substantially”(Para5, Line2) most likely means .
A. a little bit
英语转换汉语B. in fact
C. considerably
D. materially
Passage 3 Violent computer games have been strongly linked with aggression in teenage boys in a study that shows the machines are increasingly becoming substitutes for friendship.
The rearch gives powerful support to the suspicion that virtue violence could be one of the factors behind the surge in crimes of aggression of young people.
John Colwell, a lecture at Middlex University, who carried out the rearch, said aggression in boys emed to increa with the amount of exposure to such games.
“There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that there is a link between playing computer games and aggression,”he said.
Previous studies have shown a correlation between such games and aggression. This conclusion was ambiguous becau it could mean that children who played the games did so becau they had a predisposition to violence.
Colwell s work showed, however, that there was a strong causal link, meaning that playing such games made children more aggressive. He reached his conclusion after studying the behavior of 204 pupils aged 12—14 from a comprehensive school in north London.
Children became markedly more aggressive the longer they had been playing violent games. They shouted, pushed and hit other children. Tho who played in occasional bursts showed little discernible effect.
All the children spent many hours playing such games. Nearly 97% of boys and 88% of girls were regular urs. Among the boys the heaviest computer urs tend to have the fewest friends and are reported eing their machine as a substitute friend.日语翻译器在线翻译
Mark Griffiths, a psychologist at Nottingham Trent University specializing in computer abu and addition, said Colwell s work confirmed studies in much younger children. His recent work found that children aged between four and eight
who were allowed to play mildly violent games showed a dramatically higher lever of aggression. “The games we ud were not violent by adult standards becau we could experiment on children in that way. But even mild levels of aggression on screen would alter the way the children behaved afterwards,” he said.
The studies tally with another carried out recently in America, which showed that playing games with interactive violence rais aggression levels further and faster than watching violent television o
r films.
The rearchers, at Lowa State University, asked 210 students to play violent games such as Wolfenstein 3D, in which a human hero is shown in graphic detail killing Nazi guards; Doom, also very violent; or Myst, a non violent,role playing adventure game.
All the games are sold in Britain. After 15 minutes, the students were switched to another game where they were told they could punish their opponent with a blast of noi. Tho who played the violent game delivered longer blasts.
In America, such findings are taken riously, largely becau of a spate of killings by young people. Rearch has showed that people with aggressive tendencies can be detected by scans that show their brains have slightly different configurations.
Some experts believe such people could be particularly influenced by computer games and this may have been a cau of last year s massacre at Columbine High School in Colorado.
Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold murdered 12 students and a teacher before shooting themlves. Subquent inquiries found they were fans of Doom, a video game licend by the American military to train soldiers to kill.1. The rearch carried out by John Colwell
A. shows that friendship between teenage boys disappeared as a result of playing computer games.
B. convinces us that juvenile delinquents must have played a lot of violent computer games.
C. shows that the more violent computer games teenagers play, the more aggressive they tend to be.
D. agrees that becau children have a predisposition to violence they are fond of playing violent comput e r g a m e s . / p > p > 0 0 2 . T h e w o r d a m b i g u o u s i n p a r a g r a p h 5 m e a n s . / p > p > 0 0 A . i n c o r r e c t B . i n s u p p o r t a b l e / p > p > 0 0 C . u n c e r t a i n i n m e a n i n g o r i n t e n t i o n D . h a v i n g t w o m e a n i n g s o p p o s i t e t o e a c h o t h e r / p >