suggest,imply,indicate,conclude,infer,learn from等。
小笼包英文>去美国留学一年多少钱We can infer / assume that…
It can be concluded from the passage that…
The author of the passage would most likely imply…
The passage suggests that…
It can be learned that…
At the heart of the debate over illegal immigration lies one key question: are immigrants good or bad for the economy? The American public overwhelmingly thinks they're bad. Yet the connsus among most economists is that immigration, both legal and illegal, provides a small net boost to the economy.Immigrants provide cheap labor, lower the prices of everything from farm produce to new homes, and leave consumers with a little
more money in their pockets. So why is there such a discrepancy between the perception of immigrants' impact on the economy and the reality? (2011.6, cet6)
milkthistle52. What can we learn from the first paragraph?
A. Whether immigrants are good or bad for the economy has been puzzling economists.
B. The American economy ud to thrive on immigration but now it's a different story.
C. The connsus among economists is that immigration should not be encouraged.
D. The general public thinks differently from most economists on the impact of immigration.
lady killer【解析】这里指出,美国大众绝大多数认为移民对经济的影响是不好的。然而,大多数经济学家却一致认为,不管是合法还是非法移民,都为经济带来了小幅的净增长。由此可见,对于移民经济的影响问题,大众多多数经济学家存在分歧,故答案为D。
Some analysts(分析师) are less sure. Among consumers, only 18%are even aware that ecofashion exists, up from 6% four years ago. Natalie Hormilla, a fashion writer, is an example of the unconverted consumer. When asked if she owned any sustainable clothes, she replied : “Not that I’m aware of .” Like most consumers, she finds little time to shop, and when she does, she’s on the hunt for “cute stuff that isn’t too expensive.” By her own admission, green just isn’t yet on her mind. But –thanks to the combined efforts of designers, retailers and suppliers –one day it will be. (2009.6, cet4)
61. What does the author think of green fashion?
英文手机铃声A. Green products will soon go mainstream.
B. It has a very promising future.
C. Consumers have the final say.
D. It will appeal more to young people.
at times
【解析】文章中提到,Natalie Hormilla这样的消费者脑中现在还没有环保时尚的概念,接着最后一句通过but 转折指出,但是有了设计师、零售商和供应商的共同努力,有一天,环保时尚会进入消费者的头脑中(will be 后面省略了on her mind),由此可推知,作者认为绿色环保服装前途光明,故答案为B,其中的future对应one day.
There are few more sobering online activities than entering data into college-tuition calculators and gasping as the Web spits back a six-figure sum. But economists say families about to go into debt to fund four years of partying, as well as studying, can console themlves with the knowledge that college is an investment that, unlike many bank stocks, should yield huge dividends.
A 2008 study by two Harvard economists notes that the “labor-market premium to skill”—or the amount college graduates earned that’s greater than what high-school graduate earned—decread for much of the 20th century, but has come back with a vengeance (报复性地) since the 1980s. In 2005, The typical full-time year-roundU.S.worker with a four-year college degree earned $50,900, 62% more than the $31,500 earned by a worker with only a high-school diploma.
There’s no question that going to college is a smart economic choice. But a look at the strange variations in tuition reveals that the choice about which college to attend doesn’t come down merely to dollars and cents. Does going toColumbiaUniversity(tuition, room and board $49,260 in2007-08) yield a 40% greater return than attending theUniversityofColoradoatBoulderas an out-of-state student ($35,542)? Probably not. Does being an out-of-state student at theUniversityofColoradoatBoulderyield twice the amount of income as being an in-state student ($17,380) there? Not likely.
No, in this consumerist age, most buyers aren’t evaluating college as an investment, but r
ather as a consumer product—like a car or clothes or a hou. And with such purchas, price is only one of many crucial factors to consider.嘱咐的意思
As with automobiles, consumers in today’s college marketplace have vast choices, and people arch for the one that gives them the most comfort and satisfaction in line with their budgets. This accounts for the willingness of people to pay more for different types of experiences (such as attending a private liberal-arts college or going to an out-of-state public school that has a great marine-biology program). And just as two auto purchars might spend an equal amount of money on very different cars, college students (or, more accurately, their parents) often show a willingness to pay esntially the same price for vastly different products. So which is it? Is college an investment product like a stock or a consumer product like a car? In keeping with the automotive world’s hottest consumer trend, maybe it’s best to characterize it as a hybrid (混合动力汽车); an expensive consumer product that, over time, will pay rich dividends.