(2010?江苏省苏州市,13,1)—Why don’t wetakea lit tle b reak?
—Did n’t w e jus t hav e_________?
A.itB.that C.o ne D.this
(2010?浙江省东阳市,21,1)( ) 21.—Is t his y our s weate r, Jo y?
—N o, It's no t________sweat er. ________isyello w.
A. my, My B. my, Mine C. m ine,MineD. min e, My
(2010?台湾省,9,1)I ca nnotunder stand whySteve n bou ght s o man y wat ches
but n everwearsof th em.
(A)any (B) bo th (C) eve ry (D) oth ers
(2010.浙江省衢州市19. 1) As w e all know, smo kingis ba d for us ,______ for chil dren.
A.espec ially B. rece ntly C. p robab ly D. Ne arly
(2010.江苏省无锡市.11. 1)I can’t fi nd my watc h,but it m ust b e_______in this room. A.e veryw here B.no where C.a nywhe re D.some where
(2010?陕西省,23,1)Som etime s itrains ________i n Xi’an in summ er.
A.heav y B.heav ily C.s trong
D.stro ngly
(2010?湖北省十堰市,31,1)—Mr Sm ith ,would youpleas e spe ak alittl e mor e
--Sorr y ! I thou ght y ou wo uld f ollow me.
A.slo wly
B.p olite ly
C.r iousl y
D.clear ly
(2010?浙江省卷,18,1)Thefamou s wri ter W illia n Sha kepea re wa s bor n 1564. A. inB. on C a t .D o f
(2010?广东省,17,1)I f you geton we ll yourclass mates, you’ll e njoyyourschoo l lif e mor e.
A. to B. at C. withD. in
(2010 .河北省卷,26.1)Cindy is ama zingsinge r. Sh e has lots of f ans.
A. a
B. an
C. t he D.不填
6.Somet imes______________(深厚的)feeli ngs a re ha rd to putintowords.
7.M r Wan g was busy,buthe_____________(坚持) on s eeing me o ff at theairpo rt.
8.Will youjoinus in the_____________(讨论)abo ut th e tee nageprobl ems.
9.You cancross theroadin____________(安全)wh en th e tra fficlight s tur n gre en.
10.Inthe m ornin g tak ing a walk and_____________(呼吸)som e fre sh ai r are good
foryourhealt h.
答案: 6.d eep 7.ins isted 8.d iscus sion 9.sa fety 10.b reath ing
(2010?湖北省荆门市,二,7)阅读下列短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Frien ds ar e imp ortan t inour l ife.But f irst, youhaveto de cidewhatkindof fr iends youwantto ▲36 .
My id eal(理想的) f riend is o f cou r a good frie nd wh o g oodne ss is show n bel ow —he ha s nobad l iking s, su ch as smok ing a nd dr inkin g. He live s infruga lity(节俭).He st udies hard so a s not to ▲37 his g olden time. Athomehe ho norshis p arent s and love s his brot hers. At s chool he ▲ 38 h is te acher s and shar es fe eling s wit h his clas smate s. He trea ts th o w ho ▲39 tr ue to himhones tly.In aword, he h as al l the good char acter s
▲ 40 tha n min e. Ican f ollow himas amodel. ▲ 41 his help, I a m fre e fro m all
diff icult ies.
Indee d, if I ha ve su ch aperso n asmy fr iend, I sh all n everbe af raidof ▲ 42 andI
sha ll ne ver k now t he ex isten ce(存在) ofthe w ord "failu re".
36. A. off er B. h ave C. r ecogn ize D. tal k
37. A. aff ord B. r emind C. f ind D. w aste
38.A. re spect s B.hates C.annoy s D. lis tens
39.A. isB. w as C. ar e D.does
40. A. g ood B.well C.bestD. bet ter
41.A. Wi th B. AtC. Thr ough D. To
42. A. suc cess B. di fficu lty C.freed om D. dark ness
哈利波特 mp3【答案】 BDA CD AB
Rea der’s Dige st is a mo nthly maga zine. Befo re th e 1980s, i t bel onged to a
priv ately held comp any,which wasstart ed in 1922 by L ila B ell W allac e and Dewi tt
Wa llace. Thi s mag azine is s malland e asy t o car ry, j ust h alf t he si ze of most Amer ican
magaz ines, whic h cau d a phra in 2005, “Am erica in y our p ocket.” It is t he
be st se lling maga zinein th e USA. Atprese nt, i ts ci rcula tion(发行量)in th e USA hasreach ed 10 mill ion c opies andthe n umber of t he re aders ther e is38 mi llion. Its glob al
ci rcula tionoutsi de th e USA hasreach ed 40 mill ion p eople thro ughou t mor e tha n 70count riesin 21 lang uages.
Thi s mag azine s fo cus(焦点) is notnewsbut m ore o f cul tural view s bec au
the e ditor s thi nk pe oplenow c an ge t tim ely n ews f rom s omewh ere e l.Theyhopethismagaz ine c an gi ve re aders some thing that is a boutspeci al pe rsona l exp erien ces,
somet hingthe r eader s can shar e wit h the ir fa milie s. In diff erent coun tries, thi s mag azine prov idesa win dow t o the worl d for thelocal read ers.Someparts of t he ma gazin e are
abou t the loca l cus tomsand i ntere sts o f the loca l rea ders. Theother part s giv e the loca l
rea dersinfor matio n fro m all over theworld.
Thi s mag azine actu allyudto be a fa milybusin ess u ntilthe W allac es di ed in the1980s. Bec autheyhad n o chi ldren, the re wa s noone t o tak e ove r the comp any.Sixte en
ye ars a go, t his c ompan y wen t pub lic a nd be camea pub lic c ompan y.
( )29 How ofte n doe s Rea der s Dige st c ome o ut in theUSA?
A. On ce ayear.B. On ce amonth. C. O nce a week. D. O nce a day.
( )30 What s the numb er of thereade rs of this maga zineall o ver t he wo rld?
A. 38 mill ion.B. 40milli on. C. 78 m illio n. D.108 m illio n.
( )31 Thi s mag azine’s fo cus i nclud es th e fol lowin g top ics e xcept .
A. some thing abou t the time ly ne ws
B. some spec ial p erson al ex perie nces
C. so me in forma tionfromall o ver t he wo rld
D. the loca l cus tomsand i ntere sts o f the loca l rea ders
【答案】B C A
1 Th e fam ily p lanni ng po licy(“计划生育”政策) wasintro duced in 1979 t o sol ve th e pop ulati on pr oblem s. Mo st co uples coul d hav e onl y one chil d exc ept s ome s pecia l
fam ilies andthose in s ome s pecia l are as.
2 Usua lly,all a round good stud ent,which wascalle d “th rice good”, was give n to
the s tuden ts wh o wer e vir tuous(品德高尚的), t alent ed a nd go od at PE.It wa s fir stlyudin to 1950s byMao t o enc ourag e you ng pe opleto ke ep fi t, st udy w ell a nd wo rk ha rd. 3 Duri ng th e ear ly 1990s,state owne d com panyrefor ms(国有企业改革) were
gett ing t ough. Theworke rs we re mo re th an th e job s inmostof th e cit ies.Manyworke rs
we re lo singtheir jobs. “Jo bless” was a ho t top ic at that time, sothe l eader s hop ed th e
lai d off work ers c ouldfindnew j obs o r sta rt up thei r own busi ness.
4 On e ofDeng s cle ver i deas, “one coun try,two s ystem s”, w as fi rst p erfor med i n 1997. It desc ribed Hong Kong andMacao s si tuati on af ter t hey r eturn ed to Chin a. Th is po licywould also be s uitab le fo r Tai wan.There woul d beone C hina, butHongKong, Maca o
and Taiw an co uld h ave t heirown e conom ies a nd po litic al sy stems.
5 L ei Fe ng wa s a s oldie r who washappy to h elp o thers. Hediedin an acci dentin
1962. O n Mar ch 5t h,1963, Ma o wro te apiece, “Le arn f rom c omrad e Lei Feng”, to saythe C hines e sho uld h elp o thers when nece ssary. Aft er th at, M arch5th b ecame a
Vo lunte er Da y.
6 Thephras e “ha rmoni ous s ociet y” ap peare d in2004, refe rring to a peac efulsocie ty
wh ere a ll pe oplewould work toge therto ma ke th e lif e bet ter.Thisideahas b ecome themaingoalof th e Chi neCommu nistParty now.
( )32 The f irstparag raphis ma inlytalki ng about.
A.the p opula tionof Ch ina B. theonlychild in C hina
C. th e one chil d fam ily D. thefamil y pla nning poli cy
( )33 The unde rline d wor d “al l aro und”(Line 1, P ara.2) isclose st in Chin e t o “”. A. 与……相匹配的 B. 到处的 C.向各个方向的 D. 有多方面才能的
( )34 Do y ou kn ow wh o men tione d “on coun try,two s ystem s” ac cordi ng to the
沉甸甸读音passa ge?
A. Den g Xia oping. B. H u Jin tao.C. Mao Zedo ng. D. Jian g Zem in.
( )35 Pl earearr angethe e vents abov e inthe c orrec t ord er ac cordi ng to thetime.
A. 2→1→4→3→5→6B. 2→5→4→3→1→6
C. 2→5→1→3→4→6D. 2→1→5→3→6→4
【答案】DD A C
Man y yea rs be forethe U nited Stat es wa s fou nded(建立),Ameri canshad a lread y inv ented barb ecues. But thefirst barb ecues, infact,were theinven tionof th e Tai no In dians
of H aiti, whodried thei r mea t onraise d fra mes(架子)ofstick s ove r fir es. S panis h
exp lorer s spe lledthe T ainowordas ba rbaco a, an d astimepasse d, En glish tt lersalong theAtlan tic c oat h ad th eir o wn ba rbecu es.
O ne su mmerday i n 1773, Be njami n Lyn de, a citi zen o f Mas sachu tts, wro te in hisdiary, “Fa ir an d hot ; Br owne;hackovers et.”Thatis ,on abrigh t and hotday h e wen t to
the B rowne s toatted n a b arbec ue, a nd hi s car riage(马车)f ell o ver.It sh ows t hat t he
ba rbecu e had itssocia l occ asion by t hat t ime.Large anim als w ouldbe ro asted whol e onframe s ove r hot fire s, an d nei ghbou rs wo uld b e inv itedto di nner.
In l atercentu ries, as s ettle rs mo ved t o the west, the barb ecuewentalong with it,
reach ing a n esp ecial ly la rge s ize i n Tex as, w herea pit (坑)f or fu els(燃料) su ch as tree
bran chesmight be o ver t en fe et de ep. T oday, the barb ecuegrill s(烧烤架)whic h are
fuel ed by char coal(木炭) o r ele ctric ity a re li kelyto be smal l and easy to m ove , and
can c ook o nly p artsof an anim al at a ti me, b ut pe oplestill have barb ecues outof
do ors a nd al waysinvit e the ir ne ighbo urs o r fri endsover.
34.W ho in vente d the barb ecues firs t inhisto ry?
A.A meric an pe ople. B.Ta ino I ndian s. C.Spani sh ex plore rs. D.Engli sh
se ttler s.
35.Thecon d par agrap h mai nly t ellsus th at th e bar becue_______________.
A.isonlyheldon ahot s unnyday B.wel comes peop le wh o kee p dia ries
C.is he ld bo th in doors andoutdo ors D.has i ts so cialoccas ion f or ov er 200
yea rs
36.Theunder lined expr essio n “ s ocial occa sion” canbe be st
tr ansla ted i nto______________.
A.社交功能B.社会福利 C.社会地位D.社会背景
37.T he fo llowi ng ar e all thebarbe cue w ays EXCEP T __________________.
A. dr yingmeaton ra idframe s ofstick s ove r fir es
生日的英文 B. r oasti ng awhole anim al ov er apit f ull o f bur ningtreebranc hes
C.c ookin g par ts of anim als o ver f ireson gr illsfuele d bycharc oal
D.h eatin g mea t inthe b right andhot d aylig ht
【答案】34~37 BD AD
A po or fa rmerhad a frie nd wh o was famo us fo r the wond erful appl e tre e hegrew.
四川大学录取分数线 Oneday,his f riend gave thefarme r a y oungapple tree andtoldhim t o pla nt it. The
farm er wa s ple adwiththe g ift,b ut he didnot k now w hereto pl ant i t.
He wasafrai d tha t ifhe pl anted thetreenearthe r oad,stran gerswould stea l the frui t. If he p lante d the tree in o ne of hisfield s, hi s nei ghbor s wou ld co me at nigh t and stea l
som e ofthe a pples. Ifhe pl anted thetreenearhis h ou,his c hildr en wo uld t ake t he fr uit.Final ly he plan ted t he tr ee in hiswood. Butwitho ut su nligh t and good soil(土
壤),the t ree s oon d ied,
Later thefrien d ask ed th e far mer w hy he hadplant ed th e tre e insucha poo r
pla ce. "What's the diff erenc e? "the f armer said angr ily a nd th en to ld wh at he hadthoug ht."Yes," said thefrien d, "b ut at leas t som eonecould have enjo yed t he fr uit.Now y ou
no t onl y hav e rob bed e veryo ne of thefruit,butalsoyou h ave d estro yed (毁掉) a good appl e tre e !"
59.Whatgiftdid t he fa rmerget f rom h is fr iendone d ay?
60. Ho w man y peo ple a re th ere i n the stor y?
61. Whe re di d the farm er pl ant t he ap ple t ree a t las t?
62. Why didthe a ppletreesoondie?
63. W ho de stroy ed th e app le tr ee?
【答案】59.An a ppletree.60.Tw o./2. 61.In hi s woo d.62.Witho ut su nligh t and good soil.63.T he fa rmer.
Zhou Hui和Ge Bi n是“一帮一”活动中结成的一对学习伙伴。 Zhou Hui在Ge Bi n的帮助下有了明显的进步。请根据下表信息写一篇60字左右的短文。(开头已写出,不计入总词数)
Zh ou Hu i In thepastdidn’t li stencaref ullyin hi s cla ss , liketo pl ay co mpute r gam es ev ery d ay
G e Bin Now stu dy ha rd
get o n wel l wit h his clas smate s
M ake Z hou H ui be inte reste d inhis s tudy
Hel p Zho u Hui with hisstudy
爱德华卡伦On e pos sible vers ion