Evaluation of the potential biocontrol activity of Dicyma pulvinata against Cladosporium fulvum , the causal agent of tomato leaf mold
期刊名称: Plant Pathology伦敦火灾
作者: Iida Y., Ikeda K., Sakai H., Nakagawa H., Nishi O., Higashi Y.aiting
年份: 2018年
关键词: biocontrol agent;Cladosporium fulvum;Dicyma
pulvinata;mycoparasite;physiological race
摘要:Cladosporium fulvum , the causal fungus of leaf mould of tomato, is prent in most countries that grow tomatoes, and is an economic problem,peeling
particularly in Japan. The diver, complex race structure of C. fulvum in Japan
enables the fungus to overcome all resistant commercial cultivars. It was noted that
C. fulvum lesions on tomato leaves in the greenhou were overgrown with white
mycelia and that leaf mould did not spread further. Two isolates from the white
mycelia, designated 414‐2 and 414‐3, were identified from morphological and
phylogenetic analys as the mycoparasite Dicyma pulvinata . Scanning electron端午节ppt模板
microscopy of inoculated leaves showed the mycoparasite had coiled around C.
fulvum hyphae around stomata. Microscopic analysis revealed that C. fulvum ,
utstar>japaneyounggirlengineered to express green fluorescent protein, died