Choo the proper translation for the word that you think should be put in the blank, and write down the English word in its proper form in the blank.
A. 体贴的 B. 困住、使陷入困境 C. 胆小的 D. 信任 E. 典型的
F. 调动、转移 G. (在某地)旅行、视察、巡回演 H. 训练 I. 吸引、
J. 趋向、显出…趋势
1. The little girl has great talent and should be(H)_trained__ as a professional singer.
2. The lift broke down and we (B) _were trapped_ inside.
3. She is a great person -- kind, (A) thoughtful and intelligent -- all good qualities rolled up into one.
4. The salesman said to me, “You should buy the hou now, for the price are (J) __trending__ upward.
5. The minister had been invited to (G) __tour__陈虎平 the new factory.
6. I am sorry. Ms. Li isn’t available. She (F) _has been transferred_ to our Paris branch.
7. My hor is a bit (C) __timid__ and is easily frightened by traffic.
8. John’s reaction was strange. It's not (E) _typical__ of him to be so critical.
icg9. The new program is designed (I) 高考时间2020具体时间to tempt young people into studying engineering.
10. In order to (D) be trusted by the people around you, you mustn’t break your promi once you have made it.
A. 拆除、弄倒 B. 移植 C. 颤抖 D. 交易 E. 彻底的
F. 治疗 G. 对待 H. 运输 I. 让人心烦的 J. 巨大的
1.Setting off firecrackers makes a (J) 哥伦比亚大学官网tremendous noi and caus rious air pollution.
2.It costs about $10,000 to(H)transport 0.45kg of materials from Earth to the Moon.
3.He went very pale, and could not stop his whole body(C)trembling.
哥伦比亚大学排名4.There are(E)thorough maintenance checks on each pasnger plane before take-off.
5.The workers are (A) _tearing__ down the old hous to build a new office block.
6.He is a(I) troublesome child; he is not obedient to his parents.
7.The way a person精卫填海 翻译 (G) treats others can reflect what kind of person he is.
8.The kidney is then successfully (B)transplanted blouinto a patient, saving her life.
9.For centuries, Native Americans (D) have traded with European ttlers for food ingredients.
10.It was difficult to (F) _treat__ patients becau of a shortage of medicine.
A. 强硬的、严厉的 B. 请客、款待 C. 悲剧的 D. 给……加盖 E. 扭伤
F. 查出踪迹 G. 容忍 H. 紧凑的 I. 传统的 J. 威胁
1.The government is taking (A) _tough__ measures to deal with terrorism
2.She had given up all hope of (F) _tracing__ her missing daughter.
注:此处如填tracking不妥,track的动词意思是follow the track of sb,指的是“有线索有踪迹的情况下去跟踪某人”,而这里指的是“她已经放弃找到遗失的女儿踪迹的希望”,说明已经没有踪迹,trace的动词解释是to find someone or something that has disappeared by s
earching for them carefully
3.There are also some people who come to take such cours as (I) traditional Chine medicine, painting and calligraphy.
4.Hospital authorities admitted that a (C) __tragic__ mistake had taken place.
高中历史知识点5.The arrival of this South American species(J)(has) threatened/ threatens the survival of native ones.
6.On Mom’s birthday, we (B) treated her to lunch at the Savoy.
7.I landed awkwardly and (E)twisted my ankle.
8.The president has a(H)tight schedule today.
9.Friends have to learn to put up with annoying habits and to (G ) tolerate differences of opinion.
10.Hi, I want that ice-cream (D) __topped__ with chocolate sauce.
A. 踮着脚走 B. 宽容的 C. 烘、烤 D. 紧紧地 E. 音调的
F. 领土的、领地的 G. 系、扎 H. 驯服、使顺从 I. 口渴的 J. 为…定制
1.After such a long(I)thirsty journey, the travelers drank deep of the fresh spring.
2.He waited until his daughter was asleep, then (A) _tiptoed_ quietly out of the room.
3.Can I have a (C) _toasted_ sandwich, plea?
4.After thirty years, they met again. He told her that he kept all her letters (G) _tied_ together with a ribbon (缎带).
5.It is the only country which has no (F) __territorial__ disputes with the others.
6.I keep the flour and sugar in individual jars, aled(D)tight with their glass lids.
7.Men have never given up attempts to (H) _tame_ the elements.
8.Luckily, unlike some of my classmates, my parents were (B) _tolerant_ of my choice of music.
9.The class in our school (J) _are tailored_ to each learner’s needs.
10.Chine is a (E) _tonal_ language.