
更新时间:2023-06-21 23:11:54 阅读: 评论:0

Turbo propeller 涡轮螺旋桨式飞机 Jet engine 喷气式发动机Piston engine 活塞式发动机
Super constellation 超星座飞机    Viscount 子爵号        Concorde 协和号飞机
Supersonic aircraft 超音速飞机    Short-to-medium-haul aircraft  中短程飞机
Long-haul aircraft  远程飞机      Sound barrier 声障      Load factor 载运率
in real or constant value term 净现值      The ratio of debt to equity capital  资产负载率彩排
direct non-stop flights 直达的不经停的航班 over-capacity 运力过剩的
航空公司如何解决融资问题:1.飞机制造商为客户提供融资,不论是通过自己国家的商业银行还是通过特殊的出口贸易银行,制造商争相为他们的客户提供更好的融资安排和购买贷款条款 2.出现了购买的飞机,然后出租给航空公司的银行财团。财团享受税收优惠,也保留了飞机的所有权,在飞机转售价值很高的当时,这是一个安全的做法。 3.结论:在20世纪80年代早期的许多主要的航空公司都严重负债,他们的资本比率变得太高。
Operating cost 运营成本    Per capita income  人均收入    Inclusive tour 综合旅游
Discretionary income 可自由支配的收入      Disposable income 可自由支配的收入
Affinity charter 共同利益包机              ITCs(Inclusive tour charter) 综合旅游包机
The ratio of return on ast 资产回报率      Labor intensive 劳动密集型
P35 The rapid growth in aie transport was characterized by two features:
哈尔滨托福aircraft Airworthiness 飞机适航性    Supervision Maintenance  维护监督       
新视野大学英语读写教程3课后答案Work- load  工作量    Recommended standard  建议标准    Cost penalty 成本罚款
Meteorological rvices 气象服务    Aviation infrastructure 航空基础设施
Performance 性能    Overhaul 大修    Sovereign right  主权    air right 航权
personal是什么意思Laisz- faire 自由主义 放任主义    Frequency and capacity  班次和运力
holiday plan
Traffic right  载运权    Open-skies policies 天空开放政策
The Chicago Convention 芝加哥公约    En-route navigational facilities 航路导航设施
Bilateral agreement 双边协议    Multilateral agreement多边协议
International Air Services Transmit Agreement 过境服务协议
ISRP:International Standards and Recommended Practices
ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organization
技术规章:1.Regulation of the Aircraft Airworthiness.  2.Regulations covering the timing, nature and supervision of maintenance and over- haul work and the training and qualification of the engineers.  3.Regulations governing the numbers and type of flight an
d cabin crew.  4.Detailed regulations covering both the way in which aircraft are operated and the operation of the aircraft.
5.regulations and recommended standards dealing with aviation infrastructure.
经济规章:1.The exchange of air traffic rights, or freedom of the air.(三四航权:mutual exchange  of the commercial traffic right-loading and unloading right五六航权:the right granted by country A to an airline from country B to carry traffic between A and countries other than B.)
2.The control of fares and freight tariffs.(regulated by the international air transport association)
3、The control of frequencies and capacity.(Inter-airline agreement and sometimes for bilateral state agreement)
Retirement of property and equipment 资产和设备的报废      Deposit 存款
Depreciated book value 折旧账面价值    Affiliated company 子公司    Subsidy 补贴   
Share and curity 股票和债券    Fluctuation 波动    Financial year 财政年度
Direct operating cost  直接运营成本    Indirect operating cost 间接运营成本
General administrative cost 一般行政管理成本
P100-101 五个营业外项目
Allowance  津贴    Pension  养老金    Block time 轮挡时间      Amortize 摊销
Straight- line depreciation 直线折旧    Wide- bodied jet 宽体飞机    Residual value  残值
Crui altitude 巡航高度    Cost of accommodation 住宿成本  Liability insurance 责任险
Maintenance burden 维修人工
Direct Operating Costs 
1.Cost of flight operations(all costs associated with flight crews, fuel and oil,airport and en route charges,insurance of the flight equipment,cost of flight training costs or of route development)  2.Maintenance and overhaul costs  3.Depreciation and amortization法文名
Indirect operation costs(给一个成本能具体分到一下四大类中)p122-124
1.Station and ground expens  2. Cost of pasnger pasnger rvices  3. Ticketing, sales and promotion costs  4. General and administrative costs
P121 annual depreciation(折旧公式)=(price of aircraft-residual value)/depreciation peri
市场营销的四个部分:1.The marketing audit 2.Analyzing opportunities(scanning the environment< the government, customers, the economy, market condition>,analyzing customer needs)3.Developing strategy  4.Developing a control system
external environment:1、Economic, demographic, social and regulatory trends  2、The airlines’ markets, its customers, its competitors and the external distributions of its customers  3、Infrastructure- industry components
Supply and demand 供给和需求  multigment多目标市场    singlegment 单目标市场
专业用英语怎么说The marketing- profitability analysis 市场营销利润率分析

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标签:飞机   运营   成本   融资   资产
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