Policy Topic: Supply Chain Security Manual
hnzXXX: SCSM-0152
Page Number: 1/1
XXX: 05
Effective Date: September 1.2008
cet4查分创设情境re for C-TPAT Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing Management"
西瓜英语XXX C-TPAT anti-terrorism curity requirements。this re is established.
This re XXX.
1) Money laundering。as referred to in this re。refers to the act of taking measures to prevent the sources and nature of criminal proceeds and their benefits。such as drug crimes。organized crime。terrorist activities。smuggling。n and bribery。financial management disorder crimes。and financial fraud crimes。from being concealed and disguid in us ways。XXX laws。administrative ns。and other ns.antenna
2) Terrorist financing。as referred to in this re。refers to the act of terrorist ns and terrorists raising。occupying。and using funds or other forms of property。using funds or other forms of property to assist terrorist ns。terrorists。and terrorism and terrorist activities。occupying。using。and raising funds or other forms of property for terrorism and terrorist activities。and occupying。using。and raising XXX.
4.Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing Work Policy
4.1 XXX:
XXX-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing should XXX。report any ns。and fulfill their anti-XXX.
4.2 XXX:
XXX-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing should keep the work of anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist XXX.
4.3 Full XXX:英语拼写规则
XXX with the People's Bank of China and XXX-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing in accordance with the law。and assist XXX.
4.4 Annual Training Policy:
At least once a year。the management and XXX-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing.
5.XXX Records:
Training records should be kept.