Ur’s manual for tomoDD1.1 (double-difference tomography)for determining event locations and velocity structure from local earthquakes and explosions
By Haijiang Zhang and Clifford Thurber
Department of Geology and Geophysics
University of Wisconsin-Madison
August 2003
tomoDD is the double-difference tomography program to jointly determine event locations and velocity structure by using both absolute and differential arrival time data. The code is bad on double-difference location algorithm hypoDD, written by Waldhaur (2001). For both methods, plea refer to Waldhaur &
Ellsworth(2000), and Zhang & Thurber (2003) for details.
2.Install and syntax
This program has been tested successfully on a Sun/Unix platform. Before executing the Makefile to compile and install the program, change the array dimensions in tomoDD.inc and ray_common.inc according to the solved problem and computer memory space.
Syntax to run the program
tomoDD[control file]
3.Array dimensions in tomoDD.inc and ray_common.inc
In tomoDD.inc:
It is only necessary to change MAXEVE, MAXSTA and MAXDATA to satisfy the solved problem and computer memory space. For other hypoDD parameters MAXEVE0, MAXDATA0, MAXLAY, MAXCL, tomoDD does not u them any more and you can leave them unchanged.
In ray_common.inc:
maxnx---maximum number of nodes in x direction
maxny--- maximum number of nodes in y direction
maxnz--- maximum number of nodes in z direction
mxpari--- maximum number of parameters to invert for.
maxpar--- maximum number of potential parameters that could be included in the inversion. (For tomoDD purpo, mxpari is equal to maxpar. Both of them
should be at least equal to ius*(maxnz-2)*(maxny-2)*(maxnz-2).)
4. Control file (tomoDD.inp)
tomoDD.inp has similar structure to hypoDD.inp, as follows.
* tomoDD.inp:
* This file is for Parkfield, California datat
*--- input file lection
* cross correlation diff times:
kuam pid tid tua
*catalog P diff times:
* event file:
* station file:
*--- output file lection
* original locations:
* relocations:
* station information:
* residual information:
* source paramater information:
*DWS and velocity structure
*absolute arrival time data
*--- data type lection:
* IDAT: 0 = synthetics; 1= cross corr; 2= catalog; 3= cross & cat * IPHA: 1= P; 2= S; 3= P&S
* DIST:max dist [km] between cluster centroid and station
2 3 40
*--- event clustering:
* OBSCC: min # of obs/pair for crosstime data (0= no clustering) * OBSCT: min # of obs/pair for network data (0= no clustering)
0 0 2
*--- solution control:
* ISTART: 1 = from single source; 2 = from network sources
* ISOLV: 2=lsqr (must be equal to 2)
* NSET: number of ts of iteration with specifications following
* ISTART ISOLV NSET wgh1 wgh2 wgh3 Air_dep
2 2 8 5 5 5 0
* i3D delt1 ndip iskip scale1 scale2 iup ius iuq
2 0 9 1 0.5 1.00 1 2 0
* invdel ifixl xfac tlim nitpb(1) nitpb(2) stepl
勺子的英语单词1 0 1.3 0.0005 50 50 0.5
* lat_Orig lon_Orig Z_Orig iorig rota
35.97425 -120.5521 0 1 -40
*--- data weighting and re-weighting:
* NITER: last iteration to ud the following weights
* WTCCP, WTCCS: weight cross P, S
* WTCTP, WTCTS: weight catalog P, S
* WRCC, WRCT: residual threshold in c for cross, catalog data
蛇蝎女佣 第四季* WDCC, WDCT: max dist [km] between cross, catalog linked pairs
* DAMP: damping (for lsqr only)
* --- CROSS DATA ----- ----CATALOG DATA ----
2 0.01 0.01 -9 -9 0.1 0.08 -9 -9 10 200 0 3
2 0.01 0.01 -9 -9 0.1 0.08 8 -9 10 300 1 3
2 0.01 0.01 -9 -9 0.1 0.08 8 -9 10 200 0 3
2 0.01 0.01 -9 -9 1.0 0.8 6 -9 0.01 250 1 3
2 0.01 0.01 -9 -9 1.0 0.8 6 -9 0.01 200 0 3
2 0.01 0.01 -9 -9 1.0 0.8 6 10 0.01 250 1 3
5 0.01 0.01 -9 -9 1.0 0.8
6 10 0.01 200 0 3
*--- event lection:
* CID: cluster to be relocated (0 = all)
* ID: cuspids of event to be relocated (8 per line)
* ID
Inversion strategy
Since slowness models converge faster than the earthquake locations, it will be good
to alternate the simultaneous inversion with the event relocations.
Parameters description for file tomoDD.inp
ISOLV---- must be equal to 2. tomoDD does not u SVD to solve for equations currently due to the large problem size.
OBSCC, OBSCT: (in most cas) equal to zero, i.e., treat all the evens as one cluster.
CC_FORMAT--- cross-correlation data format: 1= hypoDD format; 2= tomoDD format.
WGH1, WGH2, WGH3--- 1st order smoothing constraints applied to slowness
changes in X, Y and Z directions, respectively.
AIR_DEP--- the event is air quake when the event depth is less than AIR_DEP.
IUSES---1= invert Vp only; 2=invert both Vp and Vp/Vs.
IUSEQ---0 (do not change)
IUSEP---1 (do not change)
IORG---1= ur defined coordinate center; otherwi hypocentroid is defined as the coordinate center.
LAT_ORIG, LON_ORIG, DEP_ORIG: ur defined coordinate center.
ROTA: coordinate system rotation angles (anticlockwi: -; clockwi: +).
tomoDD us a pudo-bending ray tracing algorithm to calculate rays and travel times between events and stations. The following parameters are ud only for ray tracing purpo (e simul2000 algorithm ur’s manual for details):
山东中考时间I3D--- 0=no pudo-bending; 1=u pudo-bending only in forward problem to compute velocity partial derivatives…; 2=…also u pudo-bending inmylf什么意思
earthquake-location subroutine…; 3=…also u diminished curvature below
‘Moho” for initial arcuate rays. (Do not t i3d=3 without such a Moho.) DELT1---originally the epicentral-distance weighting factor. For tomoDD purpo, it is only ud with nitpb.
NDIP--- number of rotation angles (from –90 to +90) of the plane of the ray to be ud in the arch for the fastest traveltime.
ISKIP--- number if (higher) rotation angles to be skipped on either side of vertical in this arch.
SCALE1--- t scale1 to the step length (km) for the travel time computation. Set no larger than the node-grid spacing.
SCALE2--- scale (km) for the number of paths tried in the ray tracing (roughly, the interval between bends in a ray.
XFAC--- convergence enhancement factor for pudo-bending (1.2<=xfac<=1.5).
TLIM--- travel time difference below which to terminate iteration (u
0.0005<=tlim<=0.002 s).
NITPB---maximum number of iterations allowed for pudo-bending (u 5 to 10).
Of this two-element arrat, nitpb(1) constrains ray paths shorther than delt1
and nitpb(2) constrains ray paths longer than delt1.
THRES---Derivative Weight Sum (DWS) threshold level for both Vp and Vs. If a node has a DWS val
ue less than THRES, this node is fixed during this
For other parameters in tomoDD.inp, they have the same meanings as hypoDD version.
5.Input files
5.1Cross-correlation data file (dt)
This file stores differential time data from waveform cross-correlation techniques.