
更新时间:2023-06-21 16:37:36 阅读: 评论:0

Service LIS Description Units Class / ECLIPS
Name Units Name
4CAL C13 caliper axis from arms 1 and 3 DIAMETER in c13
4CAL C24 caliper axis from arms 2 and 4 DIAMETER in c24
FEET depth in feet FIXED feet feet32 %
AC AM11 amplitude for 5 foot spacing FIXED dim amp11 %
AC AM12 amplitude T1R2 FIXED dim amp12
AC AM21 amplitude T2R1 FIXED dim amp21
AC AM22 amplitude T2R2 FIXED dim amp22
AC DT interval transit time over 24 inch interval ACOU-SLOW us/ft dt %
AC FA12 fixed gate amplitude in cbl FIXED raw fga12 %
AC FA22 fixed gate amplitude in cbl FIXED raw fga22 %
AC FP11 fixed gate pick for cbl FIXED us fgp11 %
AC FP12 fixed gate pick for cbl FIXED us fgp12 %
AC FP21 fixed gate pick for cbl FIXED us fgp21 %
AC FP22 fixed gate pick for cbl FIXED us fgp22 %
AC GD11 w aveform gain factor (db) in analog acoustic FIXED dB gnd11 %
AC GD12 w aveform gain factor (db) in analog acoustic FIXED dB gnd12 %
AC GD21 w aveform gain factor (db) in analog acoustic FIXED dB gnd21 %
AC GD22 w aveform gain factor (db) in analog acoustic FIXED dB gnd22 %
AC GN11 w aveform gain factor FIXED dim gn11 %
AC GN12 w aveform gain factor FIXED dim gn12 %
still是什么意思AC GN21 w aveform gain factor FIXED dim gn21 %
AC GN22 w aveform gain factor FIXED dim gn22 %
AC LTHR lower agc percent of max FIXED pct lthr %
AC PP11 ur-entered predicted pipe time TIME us ppt11 %
AC PP21 ur-entered predicted pipe time TIME us ppt21 %
AC PP22 ur-entered predicted pipe time TIME us ppt22 %
AC SG11 signature from tr ansmitter 1, receiver 1 FIXED raw sg11 %
AC SG12 signature from tr ansmitter 1, receiver 2 FIXED raw sg12 %
AC SG21 signature from tr ansmitter 2, receiver 1 FIXED raw sg21 %
AC SG22 signature from tr ansmitter 2, receiver 2 FIXED raw sg22 %
AC ST11 waveform start time FIXED us st11
AC ST12 waveform start time FIXED us st12
AC ST21 waveform start time FIXED us st21
AC ST22 waveform start time FIXED us st22
AC T011 threshold value ud for synch pul pick AC waveform FIXED 1 th011 % AC T012 threshold value ud for synch pul pick AC waveform FIXED 1 th012 % AC T021 threshold value ud for synch pul pick AC waveform FIXED 1 th021 % AC T022 threshold value ud for synch pul pick AC waveform FIXED 1 th022 % AC TAU channel a/d sampling per iod FIXED us tau %
AC TH11 threshold value ud for picking surface first arrival FIXED dim th11
AC TH12 threshold value ud for picking surface first arrival FIXED dim th12
AC TH21 threshold value ud for picking surface first arrival FIXED dim th21
AC TH22 threshold value ud for picking surface first arrival FIXED dim th22
AC UTHR upper agc percent of max FIXED pct uthr %
BAL AMPB signal amplitude T1R1 FIXED dim ampb
BAL BAS bond attenuation T2R3 ATTENUATION dB/ft bas
BAL BAT bond attenuation ATTENUATION dB/ft bat
BAL BRAT bond rating FIXED dim brat
BAL BRS short bond index FIXED dim brs
BAL CATN compensated attenuation ATTENUATION dB/ft catn
BAL CCL casing collar locator FIXED mV ccl
BAL CHV cablehead voltage FIXED mV chv
BAL ERR error FIXED dim error
BAL ETM elapd time FIXED ms etime %
Service LIS Description Units Class / ECLIPS
Name Units Name
27 June 1997 Part N umber 163402-915
BAL FPA uncompensated attenuation ATTENUATION dim fpa
BAL G11 waveform gain factor FIXED dim g11
BAL G12 waveform gain factor FIXED dim g12
BAL G21 waveform gain factor FIXED dim g21
BAL G22 waveform gain factor FIXED dim g22
BAL G23 waveform gain factor FIXED dim g23
BAL GBR uncompensated attenuation ATTENUATION dB/ft gbr
BAL GR gamma ray FIXED gAPI gr
BAL GWV1 gain for wavefor m 1 FIXED dim gwave1
BAL GWV2 gain for wavefor m 2 FIXED dim gwave2
BAL LTT long spaced travel time FIXED us/ft ltt
BAL PWV1 sample period waveform 1 FIXED us pwave1
BAL PWV2 sample period waveform 2 FIXED us pwave2演讲背景音乐
BAL QBAL quality curve FIXED dim qbal
BAL SAMP short-spaced cement bond amplitude FIXED dim samp
BAL STT travel time T2R3 FIXED us stt
BAL SWV1 start time waveform 1 FIXED us stwave1
BAL SWV2 start time waveform 2 FIXED us stwave2
BAL TT12 tr avel time T1R2 FIXED us tt12
BAL TT21 tr avel time T2R1 FIXED us tt21
BAL TT22 tr avel time T2R2 FIXED us tt22
BAL TT23 tr avel time T2R3 FIXED us tt23
BAL TWV1 transmitter code waveform 1 FIXED dim twave1
BAL TWV2 transmitter code waveform 2 FIXED dim twave2
BAL UATN uncompensated attenuation ATTENUATION dB/ft uatn
BAL WV1 waveform for spacing 1 FIXED dim w ave1
BAL WV2 waveform for spacing 2 FIXED dim w ave2
CAL C57 caliper from axis 5,7 DIAMETER in c57
CAL C68 caliper from axis 6,8 DIAMETER in c68
CAL CXY2 caliper from c13 and c24 of cond 8240 4-arm caliper DIAMETER in cxy2 CAL DMAX maximum caliper diameter DIAMETER in dmax
CAL DMIN minimum caliper diameter DIAMETER in dmin
CBIL ARA1 reflectance travel time r adius DIAMETER in arad1
CBIL ARA2 reflectance travel time r adius DIAMETER in arad2
CBIL ARA3 reflectance travel time r adius DIAMETER in arad3
CBIL ARA4 reflectance travel time r adius DIAMETER in arad4
CBIL ARAD r eflectance travel time radius DIAMETER in arad
CBIL BH TA reflectance peak volts FIXED mV bhta
CBIL BH TT reflectance travel time FIXED us bhtt
CBIL DCNT data count FIXED dim dcnt
CBIL FAMP fluid wave peak voltage FIXED mV famp
CBIL FDBI fluid wave gain FIXED dB fdbi
CBIL FGAT fluid noi gate FIXED us fgat
CBIL FTIM fluid wave travel time FIXED us ftim
CBIL MXSP maximum logging speed LENGTH-SPD ft/min mxspd
CBIL NCNT north count FIXED dim ncnt
CBIL NSCN number of scans FIXED dim nscn
CBIL QR TT acquire quality FIXED dim qrtt
CBIL QSHB Quality of shifted data. FIXED 1 qshfb %
CBIL QSHC Quality of shifted data. FIXED 1 qshfc %
CBIL QSHD Quality of shifted data. FIXED 1 qshfd %
成长的烦恼国语版下载CBIL QSHE Quality of shifted data. FIXED 1 qshfe %
CBIL QSHF Quality of shifted data. FIXED 1 qshf %
CBIL QSHF Quality of shifted data. FIXED 1 qshff %
Service LIS Description Units Class / ECLIPS
Name Units Name
27 June 1997 Part N umber 163402-915
CBIL QSHI Quality of shifted data index. FIXED 1 qshi %
CBIL QSIB Quality of shifted data index. FIXED 1 qshib %
CBIL QSIC Quality of shifted data index. FIXED 1 qshic %
CBIL QSID Quality of shifted data index. FIXED 1 qshid %
CBIL QSIE Quality of shifted data index. FIXED 1 qshie %
CBIL QSIF Quality of shifted data index. FIXED 1 qshif %
CBIL QSPD quality curve - speed FIXED dim qspd
CBIL QSPN quality curve - spin rate FIXED Hz qspn
CBIL RAD reflectance travel time r adius DIAMETER in rad
CBIL RBOF tool body mark orientation offt FIXED dim rbof
CBIL SANG signature sweep control FIXED dim sang
CBIL SDBI signature gain FIXED dB sdbi
CBIL SFLD fluid w ave slowness ACOU-SLOW us/ft sfld
CBIL SGAT signature start time FIXED us sgat
CBIL SIG signature (flash) values FIXED dim sig
CBIL SNU M wave identification FIXED dim snum
CBIL SPER sample period FIXED us sper
CBIL STIM signature travel time FIXED us stim
CBIL TRIG orientation lection FIXED dim trig
CBIL AAV average reflectance peak volts FIXED mV aav %
CBL CBL waveform, 12-bit data with 4-bit gain code FIXED dim cbl
CBL FGA3 fixed gate amplitude in cbl FIXED dim fga2
CBL FGA5 fixed gate amplitude in cbl FIXED dim fga1
CBL FGAA fixed gate amplitude in cbl FIXED dim fga11
CBL FGAB fixed gate amplitude in cbl FIXED dim fga21
CCL ACCL analog (continuous) ccl for shooting FIXED dim accl %
CCL CCL casing collar locator FIXED mV ccl
CCL WCCL wireline telemetry casing collar locator FIXED dim wccl %
CDL CAL caliper DIAMETER in cal
CDL CALX caliper from x axis of x-y caliper(s) DIAMETER in calx
CDL CALY caliper from y axis of x-y caliper(s) DIAMETER in caly
CDL CORR density correction FORM-DENSITY g/cm3 corr
CDL CPP crossplot porosity FIXED pu cpp
CDL DEN compensated bulk density FORM-DENSITY g/cm3 den
CDL DENI integrated compensated bulk density FORM-DENSITY psi deni
CDL DNC corrected bulk density FORM-DENSITY g/cm3 dnc
CDL DNIC integrated corrected compensated bulk density FORM-DENSITY psi denic
CDL FD formation factor from density FIXED dim fd
CDL FDC formation factor from density (corrected) FIXED dim fdc
CDL LSD long spaced detector countrate FIXED cts/s lsd
CDL PORD density porosity FIXED pu pord
CDL PRDC borehole corrected density porosity FIXED pu pordc
CDL RWAD apparent for mation water resistivity, f from fd FIXED ohm.m rwad
CDL SSD short spaced countrate FIXED cts/s ssd
CHTS CHT cable head tension TENSION lbf cht
CHTS CHT4 cable head tension TENSION lbf cht4 %
CMI CCL1 casing collar locator 1 FIXED mV ccl1 %
CMI CCL2 casing collar locator 2 FIXED mV ccl2 %
CMI DPCD Logging direction at sample time FIXED raw dpcdir %
CMI DPC T Time in Milliconds FIXED ms dpctm %
CMI DRES Ur tting of to the encoder resolution. FIXED raw dpcresol %
CMI GR1 gamma ray 1 FIXED gAPI gr1 %
CMI GR1C gamma ray 1 depth reference FIXED cts gr1c %
CMI GR2 gamma ray 2 FIXED gAPI gr2 %
Service LIS Description Units Class / ECLIPS
Name Units Name
27 June 1997 Part N umber 163402-915
CMI GR2C gamma ray 2 depth reference FIXED cts gr2c %
CMI GR3 gamma ray 3 FIXED gAPI gr3 %
CMI GR3C gamma ray 3 depth reference FIXED cts gr3c %
CMI GR4C gamma ray 4 depth reference FIXED cts gr4c %
CMI QGR1 gamma ray 1 depth corrected FIXED gAPI qgr1 %
CMI QGR2 gamma ray 2 depth corrected FIXED gAPI qgr2 %
CMI QGR3 gamma ray 3 depth corrected FIXED gAPI qgr3 %
CMI QGR4 gamma ray 4 depth corrected FIXED gAPI qgr4 %
CMI RDPC Raw Corrected Depth Pul Count FIXED raw rcdpc %
CMI RUPC Raw Un-Corrected Depth Pul Count FIXED raw rudpc %
CMSL C MSL conductivity from CMSL CONDUCTIVITY mS/m cmsl %
CN CN compensated neutron porosity FIXED pu cn
CN CNC borehole size corrected compensated neutron porosity FIXED pu cnc
CN CNCF field normalized compensated neutron porosity FIXED pu cncf
CN CPP crossplot por osity FIXED pu cpp
CN CPPZ crossplot porosity from ZDEN FIXED pu cppz
CN FCN formation factor from compensated neutron FIXED pu fcn
CN FCPZ formation factor from crossplot FIXED pu fcpz %
CN LSN long spaced neutron FIXED cts/s lsn
CN LSNR long spaced neutron (raw) FIXED cts/s lsnr
CN RWAN apparent formation water resistivity, f from fcn FIXED ohm.m rwan
CN SSN short spaced countrate FIXED cts/s ssn
CN SSNR short spaced countrate (raw) FIXED cts/s ssnr
DAC AM11 amplitude for 5 foot spacing FIXED dim amp11
DAC AM12 amplitude T1R2 FIXED dim amp12
DAC AM21 amplitude T2R1 FIXED dim amp21
DAC AM22 amplitude T2R2 FIXED dim amp22
DAC ATT1 Uncompensated cbl attenuation curve for DAC/MAC/DAL ATTENUATION db/ft att1 % DAC ATT2 Uncompensated cbl attenuation curve for DAC/MAC/DAL ATTENUATION db/ft att2 % DAC ATTN Uncompensated cbl attenuation curve for DAC/MAC/DAL ATTENUATION db/ft attn % DAC CGN3 monopole multiplex waveform gain FIXED dim trmgn04
DAC CGN3 monopole multiplex waveform gain FIXED dim trmgn21
DAC CGN5 monopole multiplex waveform gain FIXED dim trmgn03
DAC CGN5 monopole multiplex waveform gain FIXED dim trmgn11
DAC CST3 monopole multiplex waveform start time FIXED us trmst04
DAC CST3 monopole multiplex waveform start time FIXED us trmst21
DAC CST5 monopole multiplex waveform start time FIXED us trmst03
DAC CST5 monopole multiplex waveform start time FIXED us trmst11
DAC CTT3 monopole multiplex first arrival time FIXED ms trmtt04
祛斑美白方法DAC CTT3 monopole multiplex first arrival time FIXED ms trmtt21
DAC CTT5 monopole multiplex first arrival time FIXED ms trmtt03
DAC CTT5 monopole multiplex first arrival time FIXED ms trmtt11
DAC CWV3 acoustic multiplex waveform FIXED dim trmwv04
DAC CWV3 acoustic multiplex waveform FIXED dim trmwv21
DAC CWV5 acoustic multiplex waveform FIXED dim trmwv03
DAC CWV5 acoustic multiplex waveform FIXED dim trmwv11
DAC DT interval transit time over 24 inch interval ACOU-SLOW us/ft dt24
DAC DTC compressional w ave slowness ACOU-SLOW us/ft dtc
DAC DTCR compressional wave slow ness from receiver array ACOU-SLOW us/ft dtcr DAC DTCT compressional w ave slow ness from transmitter array ACOU-SLOW us/ft dtct DAC DTH 6 inch interval tr ansit time ACOU-SLOW us/ft dth
DAC DTMN minimal delta-t ACOU-SLOW us/ft dtmn
DAC DTR interval transit time for receiver array ACOU-SLOW us/ft dtr
DAC DTRS interval transit time for receiver array ACOU-SLOW us/ft dtrs % APPENDIX C
Service LIS Description Units Class / ECLIPS
Name Units Name
27 June 1997 Part N umber 163402-915
DAC DTSD shear wave slow ness from dipole pick ACOU-SLOW us/ft dtsd %
DAC DTT interval transit time for transmitter array ACOU-SLOW us/ft dtt
DAC DTTS interval transit time for transmitter array ACOU-SLOW us/ft dtts %
DAC F formation factor FIXED dim f
DAC HGN monopole multiplex wavefor m gain FIXED dim tr mgn01 %
DAC HGN monopole multiplex wavefor m gain FIXED dim tr mgn05
DAC HGN monopole multiplex wavefor m gain FIXED dim tr mgn06
DAC HGN monopole multiplex wavefor m gain FIXED dim tr mgn07
DAC HST monopole multiplex w aveform start time FIXED us trmst01 %
DAC HST monopole multiplex w aveform start time FIXED us trmst05
DAC HST monopole multiplex w aveform start time FIXED us trmst06
DAC HST monopole multiplex w aveform start time FIXED us trmst07
DAC HTT monopole multiplex first arrival time FIXED ms trmtt01 %
DAC HTT monopole multiplex first arrival time FIXED ms trmtt05
DAC HTT monopole multiplex first arrival time FIXED ms trmtt06
DAC HTT monopole multiplex first arrival time FIXED ms trmtt07
DAC HWV acoustic multiplex waveform FIXED dim tr mwv01 %
DAC HWV acoustic multiplex waveform FIXED dim tr mwv05
DAC HWV acoustic multiplex waveform FIXED dim tr mwv06
DAC HWV acoustic multiplex waveform FIXED dim tr mwv07
DAC MGN monopole multiplex wavefor m gain FIXED dim tr mgn02
brightstarDAC MST monopole multiplex waveform start time FIXED us trmst02
DAC MTT monopole multiplex first arrival time FIXED ms trmtt02
DAC MWV acoustic multiplex wavefor m FIXED dim trmwv02
DAC NREJ number of rejected 6 inch delta-t FIXED dim nrej
directionalDAC NSRJ number of rejected 6 inch delta-t FIXED dim nrejs
DAC PKSL slowness from compresd mblance (surface) ACOU-SLOW dim pkslow DAC PORA acoustic porosity FIXED pu pora
DAC PPT ur-entered predicted pipe time TIME us ppt
DAC QP11 acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim qp11
DAC QP12 acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim qp12
DAC QP13 acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim qp13
DAC QP14 acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim qp14
DAC QP15 acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim qp15
DAC QP16 acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim qp16
DAC QP17 acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim qp17
DAC QP18 acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim qp18
DAC QP19 acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim qp19
DAC QP1A acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim qp110
DAC QP1B acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim qp111
DAC QP1C acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim qp112
DAC QP21 acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim qp21
DAC QP22 acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim qp22
DAC QP23 acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim qp23
DAC QP24 acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim qp24
DAC QP25 acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim qp25
DAC QP26 acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim qp26
DAC QP27 acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim qp27
DAC QP28 acoustic pick quality curve FIXED dim qp28
DAC RWAA apparent formation water resistivity, f from acoustic FIXED ohm.m rwaa DAC S011 surface pick first arrival time, T1R1 FIXED us sfa11
DAC S012 surface pick first arrival time, T1R2 FIXED us sfa12
DAC S013 surface pick first arrival time, T1R3 FIXED us sfa13
DAC S014 surface pick first arrival time, T1R4 FIXED us sfa14
Service LIS Description Units Class / ECLIPS
Name Units Name
27 June 1997 Part N umber 163402-915
DAC S015 surface pick first arrival time, T1R5 FIXED us sfa015
DAC S015 surface pick first arrival time, T1R5 FIXED us sfa15
DAC S016 surface pick first arrival time, T1R6 FIXED us sfa016
DAC S016 surface pick first arrival time, T1R6 FIXED us sfa16
DAC S017 surface pick first arrival time, T1R7 FIXED us sfa017
DAC S017 surface pick first arrival time, T1R7 FIXED us sfa17
DAC S018 surface pick first arrival time, T1R8 FIXED us sfa018
DAC S018 surface pick first arrival time, T1R8 FIXED us sfa18
DAC S021 surface pick first arrival time, T2R1 FIXED us sfa21
DAC S022 surface pick first arrival time, T2R2 FIXED us sfa22
12月 英文
DAC S023 surface pick first arrival time, T2R3 FIXED us sfa23
DAC S024 surface pick first arrival time, T2R4 FIXED us sfa24
DAC S025 surface pick first arrival time, T2R5 FIXED us sfa025
DAC S026 surface pick first arrival time, T2R6 FIXED us sfa026
DAC S027 surface pick first arrival time, T2R7 FIXED us sfa027
DAC S028 surface pick first arrival time, T2R8 FIXED us sfa028
DAC S110 surface pick first arrival time, T1R10 FIXED us sfa1110
DAC S111 surface pick first arrival time, T1R11 FIXED us sfa1111
DAC S112 surface pick first arrival time, T1R12 FIXED us sfa1112
DAC S113 surface pick first arrival time, T1R3 FIXED us sfa113
DAC S119 surface pick first arrival time, T1R9 FIXED us sfa119
DAC S213 surface pick first arrival time, T1R3 FIXED us sfa213
DAC S321 surface pick first arrival time FIXED us sfa321 %
DAC S322 surface pick first arrival time FIXED us sfa322 %
DAC S323 surface pick first arrival time FIXED us sfa323 %
DAC S324 surface pick first arrival time FIXED us sfa324 %the frozen ground
DAC S325 surface pick first arrival time FIXED us sfa325 %
DAC S326 surface pick first arrival time FIXED us sfa326 %
DAC S327 surface pick first arrival time FIXED us sfa327 %
DAC S328 surface pick first arrival time FIXED us sfa328 %
DAC SDDT standard deviation of 6 inch delta-t ACOU-SLOW dim sddt
DAC SMSP mblance step ACOU-SLOW us/ft mbstep
DAC SMST mblance start ACOU-SLOW us/ft mbstrt
DAC SMTR mblance trace FIXED dim mbtr
DAC ST11 w aveform start time FIXED us st11
DAC ST12 w aveform start time FIXED us st12
DAC ST21 w aveform start time FIXED us st21
DAC ST22 w aveform start time FIXED us st22
DAC TH11 threshold value ud for picking surface first arrival FIXED dim th11 DAC TH12 threshold value ud for picking surface first arrival FIXED dim th12 DAC TH21 threshold value ud for picking surface first arrival FIXED dim th21 DAC TH22 threshold value ud for picking surface first arrival FIXED dim th22 DAC TT integr ated travel time from acoustic delta-t FIXED ms tt
DAC XGN x-y multiplex waveform gain FIXED dim trxgn01 %
DAC XYGN x-y axis multiplex wavefor m gain FIXED dim txygn01 %
DAC XYST x-y axis multiplex waveform start time FIXED us txyst01 %
DAC XYWV x-y axis dipole multiplex w aveform FIXED dim txywv01 %
DAC YXGN x-y multiplex waveform gain FIXED dim tyxgn01 %
DAC YXST x-y axis multiplex waveform start times FIXED us tyxst01 %
DAC YXWV x-y axis dipole multiplex w aveform FIXED dim tyxwv01 %
DAL AM11 amplitude for 5 foot spacing FIXED dim amp11
DAL AM12 amplitude T1R2 FIXED dim amp12
DAL AM21 amplitude T2R1 FIXED dim amp21
DAL AM22 amplitude T2R2 FIXED dim amp22
Service LIS Description Units Class / ECLIPS
Name Units Name
27 June 1997 Part N umber 163402-915

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