common wealth: India, Canada, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand…
European Union:1973
2.class structure
3.race:India,carribean,Pakistan1/20are British
4.region.Scotland:highland,`lowland 雅思烤鸭
England:south north (province and capital)sophisticated and arrogant
Highly urbani:80% in cities.largest in population and area
Before 1st AD----Celtic
43Ad--------------Roman Empire(England and Wales)
400yeas later-----Germanic:Angles,Saxon
5th century AD: King Arthur with his magical sword Excalibur drove Angles back.
Cliff-edge Castle in Tintagel,Cornwall in southwestern England
Round table—knights have equal precedence at Camlot—real hilltop fort in Somercet
8th郑州公务员网络培训学院 AD ferocious Vikings from Scandinavia—Northern and eastern England
King Alfred the Great turn the tide
1066—William the conqueror(William of Normandy) defeated Harold in the Battle of Hastings,cross the English channel,the descendants of Vikings. ,from northern France.the tower of London.
300years—Norman aristocracy Robin Hood and his band of merry men rob from rich to poor
Scotland—2 largest
填补空白Among the components ,it spent a substancial period of unified state independent .
Population:1/4 sparly populated in highlands(north)and upland(south),3/4 others24个大写字母
Hadrians wall—anglos built to protect the northern doorkey
Edinburgh—capital Glasgow-biggest city
6th Ad scots from northern Ireland invaded and gave it the name
Picts(Celtics were displaced to the unproductive extensive highlands,speaks Gaelic
9th Vikings –the founding of singular kingdom(play Macbeth)
1298—William Wallace uprising quelled by English
Aroyal mail few years later---Robert the bruce victory at the Battle of Bannockburn(1306the king,1314 the battle 1328treaty)
1603 James the 6th become the king of England,unified the Throne but not the politics
1707 agreement of parliament led to the union
1715,1745 heir to Stuart claim attempted 2 rebellion to reasrt right to rule Britain
The battle of Culloden destroyed clan culture,it exist only to part money by lling tartan and histories to root-finding people.
Scottish parliament and executive endord in a referendum in the1972 Act.
Innovation in philosophy,science: invention of telephone transmit a telephone picture有空
literature : Walter Scott
Robert Burns---Auld Lang Syne
Robert Louis Stevenson—dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Summary:Superficially fully integrated into the UK,but concealed beneath is a still strong identity.
Northern Ireland(Ulster)Belfast
Physically:rural and rugged coastline .low hills, lake district in the southeast.
come up
Famous landmark:Giants cauway.a rocky promontory made of hexagonal columns formed by cooling lava---by Finn Macool
Known for political troubles,but crime is low.until newspaper or armoured car remind them
Active cultural life:theaters,restaurants,pubs,and muums.
Seamus Heaney---1995 Nobel prize.(eleven poems,door into the dark,death og a naturalist)
Film-maker Neil Jordan---1992 Oscar “best Original Screenplay”,by “crying games”
Van Morrison—新东方英语六级pop musician Brian Friel---play acclaimed in London and Dublin
W.B.Yeats---1923 Nobel (The vision,The Tower,,The winding stair)
Economy problems:1 discouraging investment 2.peripherality(周边) related with UK
Shorts—commuter aircraft,Boeing , Shipbuilders----Harland,Woolf
1509~ British colonial period,,new ttlers loyal to crown and protestant in persuation were granted privileges from the indigenous Ctholics,which led to ingrained rentment .—Great hatred,little room.---Keats.
The third home rule bill---pasd in 1914,suspended becau of the WW1.carried out in1921
The Easter Rising of 1916,11—Rebels took the post office,forcing british to suppress it by military
memorialdayTime line:1169—invade—1800---united kingdom of Britain and Ireland—1921—southern 26 states form”free state”—1937---get rid of Common Wealth
North:1/3 nationalists ,2/3 loyalist or unionst unionist control the parliament ,catholics find it hard to get jobs,benefit from social programmes such as housing .
In 1960s,The Civil Right Movement in United States triggered vigorous marchs,sit-ins and speeches .Protestant mobs organize counter-demonstration,riot broke out,formed paramilitary groups