infer [in`fE:] [义] v. 推知,推论(syn.: deduce, conclude)
[例] I infer from your letter that you have not made up your mind yet.
[派] inference n. 推论
inferior [in5fiEriE] [义] adj. 下级的;劣等的
[例] No inferior products should be allowed to pass.
[派] inferiority n. 下级,低人一等;自卑 [联] infer=infra=下
infrastructure n. 基础设施
inferiority n. 自卑, 次等
superstructure n. 上层建筑
superior n. & adj. 较高的, 上级的 superiority n. 优越, 高傲
infest [in`fest] [义] v. 大批出没于;扰乱
[例] This is a garden infested with the weeds.
[联] festival n. 节日
manifest adj. 显然的
infiltrate [in`filtreit] [义] v. 渗透,渗入(syn.: penetrate, permeate)
[例] Many Chine idioms have infiltrated into the Japane language.
[派] infiltration n. 渗透
[记] in(入内)+ filtr(过滤)=filter+ ate (动词后缀)→渗透
influence [influEns] [义] n. 影响;感动;势力(syn.: power)
[例] My teacher's influence made me study science at college.
[派] influential adj. 有影响力的
influx [5inflQks] [义] n. 流入,汇集
[例] There was a sudden influx of houhold electric products onto the market.
[记] in(入)+ flux(流)=flu=flow→流入informal [in`fC:mEl] [义] adj. 不规则的,非正式的(syn.: irregular)
[例] an informal visit
[派] informality n. 非正式
[记] in(不)+ formal(正式的)→不正式的
infu [in`fju:z] [义] v. 注入(syn.: instill)
[例] Love infu him with courage.
[记] in(进入)+ fu(流)→流入→注入ingenious [in`dVi:njEs] [义] adj. 机灵的,聪明的
[例] An ingenious idea suddenly came upon him when he was taking a walk with his wife.
[派] ingenuity n. 聪明,巧思
[记] in(加强)+ gen(生)+ ous(形容词后缀)→天生的→聪明的
ingenuous [in`dVenjuEs] [义] adj. 纯真的,淳朴的(syn.: candid, frank)
[例] Only the most ingenuous person would believe such a weak excu!
[记] 不要与上面的ingeniou(聪明的)弄混。inhabit [in`hAbit] [义] v. 居住(syn.: reside, stay)
[例] Old childhood memories inhabited the attic.
[派] inhabitant n. 居民
[记] in(加强)+ habit(居住)→居住inherent [in`hiErent] [义] adj. 固有的,天生的(syn.: internal, natural)
[例] He has an inherent distrust of foreigners.
[记] in+her继承+ent
inherit [in5herit] [义] v. 继承,遗传
[例] She inherited all her mother's beauty.
[派] inheritance n. 遗传,遗产
[联]heritage n. 遗产, 继承权
inhibit [in`hibit] [义] v. 禁止;阻止(syn.: ban, restrict)
[例] Shyness inhibited him from speaking. [派] inhibited adj. 害羞的,内向的;抑制的
[联] exhibit v. 展出, 陈列
prohibit v. 禁止, 阻止
habit n. 习惯
initial [i`niFEl] [义] adj. 开头的,最初的(syn.: beginning)
[例] The initial talks were the ba of the later agreement.
[派] initiate v. 开始;发起
[记] in(内)+ it(走)+ ial(形容词后缀)→开始走的→开始的
[联] initative
inject [in`dVekt] [义] v. 投入;注射(syn.: infu)
[例] We hope to inject new life into our business.
[派] injection n. 注射
[记] in(内)+ ject(射)→向里面射入→注射
injury [5indVEri] [义] n. 损伤,伤害(syn.: damage, harm)
[例] Excessive dosage of this drug can result in injury to liver.
hold是什么意思啊[记] 源自动词injure(伤害,损伤)。
[记] in+jury
innate [i`neit] [义] adj. 天生的,先天的(syn.: inborn, native)
[例] Correct ideas are not innate in the mind, but come from social
[记] in(内)+ nate(生)→本来就生下来的→天生的
[联] Nate=nature n. 自然
inner [5inE] [义] adj. 内部的(syn.: internal)
[例] If she had inner doubts, it was not apparent to anyone el.
[记] in(内)+ ner →内部的
[联]upper adj. 上面的
outer adj. 外面的
lower adj. 较低的
innovate [inEuveit] [义] v. 改革,革新(syn.: change, introduce)
[派] innovation n. 革新,创新
[记] in(加强)+ nov(新)=new+ ate(动词后缀)→创新
[联] renovation n. 革新
novel adj. 新颖的
novice n. 新手
inrt [in`sE:t] [义] v. 插入
[例] He inrted the key in the lock but could not open the door.
[派] inrtion n. 插入
insight [5insait] [义] n. 洞察;见识(syn.: discernment)
[例] She shows insight into human character.
[派] insightful adj. 有洞察力的
[记] in(内)+ sight(眼光)→洞察
insist [in5sist] [义] v. 主张,坚持说(syn.: maintain)
[例] We all insist that we not rest until we finish the work.
[派] insistence n. 坚持
[联] persist v. 坚持
resist v. 反抗
inspect [in5spekt] [义] v. 检查,视察(syn.: examine, obrve)
[例] He inspected the car before he bought it.
[派] inspection n. 检查,视察
[记] in(内)+ spect(看)→看看内部→检查,视察
[联] spectator n. 观众
prospect n. 前途
inspire [in`spaiE] [义] v. 鼓励;激励(syn.: encourage, motivate)
[例] I was inspired to work harder than ever before.
[派] inspiration n. 激励
[记] in(内)+ spire(呼吸)→受到鼓励而呼吸急促→激励
[联] perspire v. 流汗
类比学习expire v. 期满, 终止
instant [5instEnt] [义] adj. 即刻的;紧急的
[例] She wrote a new book that was an instant success.
[派] instantly adv. 立即的
[联]Constant adj. 不变的
instruct [in5strQkt] [义] v. 教导;命令(syn.: command, dictate)
[例] I've been instructed to wait here until the lecturer arrives.
[派] instruction n. 教导,指示
instructive adj. 教导的
[记] in(内)+ struct(教导)→教导,命令 [联] construct v. 建造
structure n. 结构
instrument [5instrumEnt] [义] n. 工具,仪器(syn.: apparatus, appliance, tool) [例] optical instrument
[派] instrumental adj. 有帮助的
intelligent [in5telidVEnt] [义] adj. 聪明的(syn.: clever, bright)
[例] Can you say that dolphins are much more intelligent than other animals?
[派] intelligence n. 聪明,明智
[记] intel(中间)+ lig(选择)=lect=lect(c=k=g) + ent(形容词后缀)→聪明的
[联]intellect n. 智力
inten [in`tens] [义] adj. 紧张的,剧烈的(syn.: drastic, extreme)
[例] inten heat
[派] intensify v. 加剧
[记] in(加强)+ ten(拉)=den→拉长,绷紧→紧张的
[联] den adj. 密集的
density n. 密度
conden v. 浓缩
intention [in`tenFEn] [义] n. 意图,目的(syn.: aim, goal)
[例] I began reading with the intention of finishing the book, but I never did.
[派] intent n. 意图
intentional adj. 故意的
interact [,intE`Akt] [义] v. 相互作用
[派] interaction n. 相互作用
[记] inter(相互)+ act(作用)→相互作用interfere [,intE`fiE] [义] v. 干涉,打扰(syn.: intrude, intervene)
[例] I was playing with Jane, but Anne interfered and spoiled the game.
[派] interference n. 干涉
[记] inter(中间)+ fere(作用)→作用在中间阶段→打扰
[联] prefer v. 宁愿
法国国庆日refer v. 提交
infer v. 推断
interior [in`tiEriE] [义] adj. 在内的,内部的(syn.: internal, inside)
[例] This is a hou with a classical exterior and a modern interior.
[记] inter(内)+ ior(形容词后缀)→内部的六级准考证号查询入口
[联] superior adj. & n. 较高的, 上级的 inferior adj. 下级的, 差的interlock [7intE5lCk] [义] v. 互锁
[例] The two stags interlocked their horns.