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(鞍山师范学院  外语系  鞍山  114005
kellerman  要: 本文从英语动态动词和静态动词的分类入手,根据分析和比较的结果,系统地阐述动态动词和静态动词的用法。
关键词: 动态动词  静态动词
Abstract: This thesis elaborates the usage of the English dynamic and stative verbs systematically and focuss the attention on the accurate u of various verbs in the English language.
Key Wrds: Dynamic verbs    Stative verbs
            英语中的动态动作和静态状态可以表现在动词中,从语义角度讲,动词可以分为动态和静态。本文着重就动态动词(dynamic verbs)和静态动词(stative verbs)的语义和句法特征做进
一、 动词(dynamic verbs)和静态动词(stative verbs)的概念及分类。
1. 动态动词(dynamic verbs):表示运动状态的动词。这类动词分为五种:
(1) 活动动词(activity verbs)
(2) 过程动词(process verbs)
(3) 感觉动词(verbs of bodily nsation)
(4) 过渡性动词(transitional verbs)
(5) 瞬间动词(momentary verbs)
2012灾难片2. 静态动词(stative verbs): 表示相对静止状态的动词。这类动词分为三种:
(1) 感觉动词(verbs of perception)
(2) 认识动词(verbs of cogition)
(3) 关系动词(relation verbs)
二、 动态动词(dynamic verbs)
1. 活动动词(activity verbs): 这类动词表示动作的发出者的有意识的,主动的行为。
这类动词有: ask, write, listen, play,run, keep,work  etc.
One of the students asked me a question.
The girl writes to her mother once a week.
2. 过程动词(process verbs): 这类动词表示“过程”含有逐渐过渡的语义,通常情况下,表示动作转化为状态。
这类动词有: change, grow, get, widen, become, mature, deteriorate etc.
The village has changed a great deal since we last visited it.
It is growing cold.
3. 感觉动词(verbs of bodily nsation): 这类动词表示客观事物的个别特征在人体中引起的反映。
这类动词有: ache, feel, hurt, itch etc.
My back was hurting.
Are your mosquito bites still itching?
4. 过渡性动词(transational verbs):这类动词表示动作由一个阶段逐渐发展而转入另一种状态。
这类动词有: arrive, die, fall, land, leave, lo etc.
The train arrived at the station.
Tom’s grandfather died five years ago.
        The train was arriving. (火车快到站了.)
        Tom’s grandfather was dying. (汤姆的祖父快要去世.)
5. 瞬间动词(momentary verbs)
The boss hit the boy on the head.
The teacher tapped the child on the shoulder.
值得语言学者重视的是: 瞬间动词一旦用于进行体,常表示重复性动作。
母亲节快乐英文怎么写The boss was hitting the boy on the head. (连续打击)
The teacher was tapping the child on the shoulder. (连续拍打)
其中begin 虽为瞬间动词,但用于进行体中,并不表示重复,而是表示“刚刚开始”:
You are beginning to wonder whether the plan can be practicable.
通过对上述动态动词(dynamtic verbs) 的语义特征进行的分析, 可以概括为以下几点用法:
1) 动态动词可以用于祈使句。
Stop talking.
Plea open the door.
2) 动态动词可以用于进行体。
The students are reading the text.
The weather is changing for the better.
3) 动态动词可以用于复合宾语中。
I told him to go to the clinic.
She asked the student write the composition.
4)动态动词可以用于带有do 代词形势得假拟分裂句。
What I did was to make notes.
What I did was to leav.
三、 静态动词(stative verbs
1. 感觉动词(verbs of perception):感觉动词用来表示主体的思维和五官活动的动词。这类动词有:e, hear, smell, sound, taste, etc.
We can smell something burning.
Can you taste onion in the soup?
2. 认识动词(verbs of cognition):认识动词用来表示各种思想感情及心理状态。
His words astonished all.
I didn’t recognized her.
3. 关系动词(relational verbs):关系动词用来表示主体和其他事物之间的静止关系或状态。这类动词有:apply to,be,belong to,concern,remble,consist of,contain,cost,depend on,derve,fit,have,remain,em,need,own,etc.
The rules apply to all undertakings.
Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.
通过对上述静态动词(stative verbs)的语义分析,可以概括为以下几点:
1) 静态动词不能用于祈使句。 不能说:
Hear, someone is knocking at the door.
Know him, plea.
2) 静态动词一般不以进行体形式出现。不能说:
I am knowing that Jack went there.
Our class is consisting of 20 students.
3) 静态动词不能用于复合宾语(complex objects)中。不能说:
I ask him to smell something unpleasant.
preactI advid him remember it.
4) witnessing静态动词不能用于带有do 代词形式的假拟分裂句。不能说:
What I did was to feel pain on my head.
What she did was to dislike the novel.
四、 动态动词(dynamic verbs)和静态动词(stative verbs)的其他用法。
I can smell gas, it smalls awful. (汽油味是无意识闻到的,闻起来很难闻。)
I can hear someone singing. (唱歌是无意识听到的。)
Don’t be late.(be 在这里不是“是”的意思,而是与表语late一起构成迟到的行为。)
Know the answer.(know 在此处不是“知道”的意思,而是“弄清”。)
1) 表示某一具体时间内的暂时心理活动:
She is being clever. (暂时性)
His father trusted him. (经常性)
His father is trusting him. (当时的情况)
2) 表示动作的主体主动地有意识地进行某一动作:
I’m feeling this desk.(主动性)
I’m tasting tho wines for nearly an hour.(主动性)
3) 表示某种心理,情感的行为反复发生,并且含有感情色彩:
What are you wanting this time?

本文发布于:2023-06-21 13:26:53,感谢您对本站的认可!



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