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接下来选取一篇文章做个示范《OG Test 1 P404》—City 并结合前两章讲解的技巧—预测和结构化阅读。
首先来看文章介绍,“The passage is adapted from a book published in 1994.” 毫无任何有效性信息,却暗示了这篇文章结构非常非常非常清楚!
其次我们一边用结构化阅读法阅读文章,一边对这篇文章的关键词等做个标记。 This passage is adapted from a book published in 1994.
As a scientist, I find that only one vision of the city
rely gets my hackles up—the notion that a city is
flypaper somehow “unnatural,” a blemish on the face of nature.
Line The argument goes like this: Cities remove human
5 beings from their natural place in the world. They are
a manifestation of the urge to conquer nature rather
than to live in harmony with it. Therefore, we should
abandon both our cities and our technologies and return
to an earlier, happier state of existence, one that presum-
10 ably would include many fewer human beings than now
inhabit our planet.
There is an important hidden assumption behind this
attitude, one that needs to be brought out and examined
if only becau it is so widely held today. This is the
15 assumption that nature, left to itlf, will find a state of
equilibrium (a "balance of nature") and that the correct
role for humanity is to find a way to fit into that balance.
If you think this way, you are likely to feel that all of
human history since the Industrial (if not the Agricultural)流利说英语
20 Revolution reprents a wrong turning-a blind alley,
something like the failed Soviet experiment in central
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3 planning. Cities and particularly the explosive postwar
growth of suburbs ("urban sprawl"), are agencies that
destroy the balance of nature, and hence are evil prences
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At a somewhat deeper level, a natural ecosystem like
a forest is a powerful metaphor to aid in understanding
how cities work. Both systems grow and evolve, and both
domestic70 require a larger environment to supply them with materials
and to act as a receptacle for waste. Both require energy
from outside sources to keep them functioning, and both
have a life cycle—birth, maturity, and death.
abcFinally, our cities are like every other natural system
75 in that, at bottom, they operate according to a few well-
defined laws of nature. There is, for example, a limit to
how high a tree can grow, t by veral factors including
the kinds of forces that exist between atoms in wood.
rather than
There is also a limit to how high a wood (or stone or steel)
80 building can be built—a limit that is influenced by tho
same interatomic forces.
So let me state this explicitly: A city is a natural system,
and we can in the same way we study other natural
systems and how they got to be the way they are.
11月 英文*An ecosystem is defined as all plants and animals that live in a place .along with their physical surroundings .数学学习
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