Cour Paper平静的英文
On the importance of the cour of Selected Readings from American and British Newspapers and Magazines
Specialty and Grade: 10级 英语2班
Number; 20100351004
Name: 严青为
Submitted time: 2012/10/16
Title: On Linguistic Features of Financial Coverage in English News Publications
Abstract: Bad on first-hand examples characteristic of journalistic style, this,paper probes into the ven major linguistic features of financial coverage in English news publication. It adopts the view that the language ud in financial news, who primary function is to inform, is suppod to be specific, accurate and conci. Though sharing the common features of journalistic English in terms of writing style, financial coverage stands out for its own uniqueness.
Key words: Financial news significance features English learning
1.The significance of the financial coverage
Financial news is an important style of news report in modern time. With the development of technology and social level, people concentrate more on the economy. Financial news plays an increasing role in human’s daily life, and individuals are suppod to acquire the information and knowledge from it. The significance of the financial news can be classified into tow points.
1.1The improvement of English levels
It is believed that reading is an esntial way of learning English. Reading English newspapers can not only help the students increa knowledge, and helps develop students’ ability of obrvation, understanding, thinking and judgment. English newspapers are attention to current events. The novel is very interesting. Reading English newspapers can effectively avoid out of touch with real life, helps to stimulate interest in learning English and to strengthen their confidence and motivation for learning English. At the same time also allows us to better understand the way of news features and news. Newspaper reading is not only ud the simple and obvious words, popular language, illustrated, but also introduce learning methods and techniques of column, helping to improve the ability to actually u the language.
1.2 The enlargement of knowledge of Economy
The main aim of news is to transfer information. Reading is the beginning. What we should do when we read is scope knowledge. It is crucial for us to get the effective information. Having read financial news, we have learnt that many governments and parti
es have taken effective and drastic measures to protect the country from the economic recession and step forwards to recovery. At the same time, we get to know some economic specialized terms, words such as Fluctuation, Recession,英语过去完成时 Stocks, Overheated, IMF (the International Monetary Fund), phras and expressions such as the Adjustment of Industrial Structure, Wall Street, Regional economy. They are either specialized words or t phras, which can help us with a better understanding of economy—related texts and enlarge our storage of the knowledge of economy.
2. The features of financial news
2.1Features of Words
1. Specialty
On the one hand, there are many terminologies introduction是什么意思(professional language) and some words have their special meanings.
For instance: long(多头sam怎么读)、 short(空头西安o培训>rosas)、 rally(价格回稳)、call(看涨)、 put(看跌)
On the other hand, sometimes there are slang and oral words ud in Economic News.
Like: Clinton has vowed to veto the bill on grounds that it is unfair to America's have-nots.( have-nots means poor, it always ud in spoken English.)
2. Creativity (New words and minor term)
Creating new words and using minor terms are tow effective ways to get the meanings across to readers.
For instance, rout=defeat completely ; swap=influence.
3. Midget Words
Using midget words is very common in a piece of financial coverage. The midge words can be ud to describe many lunch是什么意思phenomena, so they also called synonyms words (万能同义词).
For instance:
a. Quake Death Toll May Top 2000
= The Death Toll in the Earthquake exceeds 2000
b. Governor to Axe Aide?
=Is the governor going to cut his aides?
c. FBI Foils Bid to Hijack Plane to Iran
=FBI has prevented gangsters’attempt to hijack plane to Iran
4. Vividness
It is commonly believed that economy is a rious topic, but the news is read by ordinary people. In order to stay clo to the life and the readers, there are not only various of terminologies, but also some common sayings and vividly metaphors or similes are ud in financial news at the same time
Such as:
加勒比海盗4迅雷下载The company, , is arguably the hottest ticket on the runaway train of electronic commerce.
“the hottest ticket on the runaway train” describe the influence of this company in electronic commerce.
Express the phras in various ways