英语reading report模板小学三分钟英语演讲稿
Team number:7
Team members in the meeting:Wang Hanwen,Yang Xianfang.Liu Dali, Zhao Xin By liner: Liu DaliTitle of the reading material:Chris Tarry Love story Meeting time span:one hour Meeting place:9402
Membe rs' designed questions and suggested phras and expressions:失算
Name1(Member 1)王汉文
Questio ns:what makes their relationship broken up?leye
Suggested phras and expressions:pour over 倒上;comeout出现,出版,结果是; turn out 生产结果是,关掉,出动,驱逐;eanover探身出去;stipp off脱去了
Name 2(Member 2)刘大丽
Questions:Can you find out some proofs to prove that Brain an Stephanie ud to live a happy life?
barrierSuggested phras and expressions:drawnout 抽出;拉长glance up抬头看
pour over浇灌 pullback(使)(某人,尤指一组十兵)撤出阵地: grape a opportunityto do 抓住机会做….ollon 滚滚向前think backto回忆起,回想起
Questions:What is the real reason that woke Step hanie up?
Suggested phras and expressions:terminal adi.末期的;晚期的;定期的:末端的: n终端:终点站;航空站;(电路的)端子the edges of的边缘
Questions:In this storywhat did prove Stephanie's unreliability?Suggested phras and expressions:keep up保持;继续;不低落:不落后trigzer v.引发,引起;触发松开扳柄n机;电子1
触发器;制滑机 imperceptible adj.感觉不到的;极细微的
Summarv of the reading material
Brian and Stephanie ud to lead a happy life.But Brain jumped the rails t's Jessica who worked with him on the Gillette account.lt had started
innocently enough but Brian is deeply lost in this extramarital affair, he always thi nk again of Jessica, her healthy skin,vibrant and luxurious hair and thing she did with her tongue. lt was hard for Brain to pinpoint the exact time
consider的用法everything changedLatelyBrain knew Stephanie had had a fair,just after the diagnosis when their whole life emed in turmoil. Both of them were
ancestor是什么意思struggling.They still loved each other and wanted to ek a way to get relieved Finally,Stephanie poured the pills into her hand and pushed them into her mouth while Brain lowered his head and let the water flow through his hair.