What makes a good meeting?
A) What makes a good meeting?
B) Language
C) Assignments
A) What makes a good meeting?
1. Preparation
Have the participants been informed of: date, place, time, agenda, objectives, specific preparation, documentation, and specific roles?
2. Purpo
Do the participants have clear objectives and do they share the same expectations?
3. Procedure
Has the procedure (formal chairing, informal brainstorming, information-giving, problem-solving, decision-making) been agreed?
Has the agenda been agreed and understood?
Are the limits clear (duration, finish time, date and time of next meeting)?
4. Roles
Are the roles clearly understood? Chairperson (voorzitter); Minute-taker (notulant); Participants (deelnemers)
5. Communication
Do all the participants get a chance to contribute?
Do the participants understand each other?
Is there a clear outcome to the meeting?
Is there a clear direction to the meeting?
Is there a positive atmosphere?
B) Language:
1. Here are some words and expressions you can u for discussing and evaluating meetings.
What do we call it? A meeting A conference A get-together A discussion A chat How do we organize it? To call a meeting To t up a meeting Who participates? 万事如意英文Chairman/woman Participant Delegate (afgevaardigde) Colleague | What’s the atmosphere like?individual Positive Friendly Co-operative (meewerkend) Uncooperative Negative Unfriendly Hostile (vijandig) Competitive (concurrerend) What do we do? Discuss Brainstorm Negotiate (onderhandelen) Propo (voorstellen) Recommend (aanbevelen) Decide (beslisn) Postpone (uitstellen) What do we talk about? Items Issues at prent Points Matters Topics Subjects | What’s the output? Minutes (notulen) Reports (verslagen) Action Proceedings A decision A recommendation/ aanbeveling) What do we think of it all? Fruitful Uful Productive Stimulating Helpful Positive Interesting Pointless Fruitless Uless Unproductive Boring A waste of time |
| | |
助你一臂之力2. Where do we start? Here are some words and expressions you can u to open a meeting.
- Let’s get down to business. - OK, shall we make a start?
- We’d better start (we kunnen maar beter beginnen). - Right, let’s begin.
We’re very plead to welcome…
It’s a pleasure to welcome…
I’d particularly like to welcome … (ik wil in ‘t bijzonder … van harte welkom heten)
aeronautsI’d like to start by welcoming
I’d like to introduce…
I don’t think you’ve met…
Stating purpo/ objectives/ aims (doel van vergadering aangeven)
We’re here today to…
Our aim is to…
I’ve called this meeting in order to…
The purpo of this meeting is to…
By the end of this meeting, we need to…
I suggest we go round the table first.
I’d like to hear what you all think before we make a decision.
Setting the agenda
As you’ll e from the agenda…
Have you all en a copy of the agenda?
I suggest we take this item first/next/last.
There are three items on the agenda.
Is there any other business?
This should take about two hours.
certainThe meeting is due to finish at…
We’re short of time, so can I ask you to be brief?
I’d like to keep each item to ten minutes, otherwi we’ll never get through.
I would like to finish by four o’ clock.
Defining roles
…, could you take the minutes?
… has kindly agreed to give us a report on…
… is going to take us through…
…, I wondered if you’d like to tell us something about…?
Making a proposal神奇动物周末票房
I’d like to know if you’d be prepared to …
Rejecting a proposal
I’m afraid I can’t
3. Where are we going? Here are some words and expressions to link items and ideas.
Closing an item Next item
Right, I think that covers the first item. Let’s move on to the next item…
Shall we leave that item? The next item on the agenda is…
If nobody has anything el to add. Now we come to the question of…
Moving off the point Referring forward
This might be a good point to mention… We’ll come to that later
It’s not on the agenda, but… That point is coming up in a moment
By the way,
Keeping to the agenda Referring back
Can we just deal with…? As we said earlier,
Let’s just deal with…
Postponing/Moving around
Shall we skip the next item?
I suggest we take that up at another meeting.