I arrived in London on a foggy day, to go to a very important meeting. The place ①where the
meeting was going to be held was on the other side of the town.unstuck All traffic came to a stop②becau
the drivers were not able to e more cts是什么意思than a yard in front of them. The meeting would begin at 9:00,
so I decided to go there on foot.
Minutes later, I was completely lost. I boqistood there and though t③ that I would have to phone to
the meeting to explain ④that I was not able to arrive there on time. Then I heard a young man ’s
voice coming out of the fog, “I suppo ⑤you are lost. Can人教版高三英语单词 I help chiptyou? ” I was very glad to have goofya
man ⑥who could take me to the meeting. Afterward I told him ⑦where I wanted to go, took his
arm, and we started. We walked quite fast, turning corners and crossing roads.
⑧As I followed 英语作文格式him through the dark streets, I wondered ⑨why he found his way so easily. “I
know this part of London quite well,” he said.
“But in such a fog 情人节英语怎么说it’s impossible to e anything,” I said.
“I am blind, sir.” he answered, “In the fog, it is exactly the same for me as usual.”
1. 简单句:最基本的句子类型,一个句子中只含有一个主谓结构。
Eg:My uncle gives me a camera.
2. 并列句:由两个或两个以上独立的主谓结构或简单句并列在一起的,通常用并列连词
Eg:Jim went to the party last night, but his wife didn’Study hard and you uu ewill make progress.
3. 复合句:由一个主句与一个或一个以上的从句(从句有相应的连词引导)组成的句子。
因此,复合句含有两个或两个以上的主谓结构(完整的句子) 句子与句子之间用连接词
连 接。其中,主句部分可以独立存在,但从句担当了主句某一句子成分,故通常不能独立
存在。 根据从句在句子中充当的成分,可以将其分为niceday是什么意思 6 类,即主语从句、表语从句、宾语从
※从句的本质 :
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