Good meetings aren't accidents - they are the result of good planning. The time you spend before will result in major benefits later by efficiently using the meeting time, accomplishing objectives, and avoiding the need for follow-up meetings. When deciding to hold a meeting, you should also decide who should attend and what is the purpo of the meeting. To help in planning meetings, below is a checklist of major elements esntial for meeting effectiveness. | 好的会议不是偶然的——它们是好的计划的结果。 通过有效地利用会议时间、完成目标和避免后续会议的需要,您以前花费的时间将会带来重大的好处。 在决定召开会议的时候,你也应该决定谁应该参加会议,会议的目的是什么。 为了帮助计划会议,下面是会议有效性的主要要素的清单。 |
Purpo: Plan meetings with purpo. Define the purpo or objective of the meeting (e.g. to reach connsus onunder a violet moonprecipitous how volunteer leaders should allocate their time). Participant: Who needs to attend this meeting to accomplish the purpo? Structure: How should the meeting be organized to best accomplish the purpo? Some techniques may include: guest speakers, videos, brainstorming ssions, panel ssions, discussion groups, demonstrations, etc. Whatever technique is lected, it should have the greatest impact on the participants to attain the meeting objective. | 目的: 计划会议的目的。 确定会议的目的或目标(例如,就志愿者领袖如何分配他们的时间达成共识)。 参与者: 为了达到这个目的,谁需要参加这个会议? come on结构: 会议应该如何组织以达到最佳的目的? 一些技术可能包括:嘉宾演讲者、视频、头脑风暴、小组讨论、讨论小组、演示等等。无论选择什么技术,都应该对参与者产生最大的影响,以达到会议目标。 |
Location and Time Select a meeting place that best matches the participant's needs, the objective, and the meeting structure. When planning where to meet, give consideration to size, comfort, accessibility, adequate parking, room acoustics, equipment needs, etc. Choosing a meeting time depends on the availability of participants and meeting facilities. The anticipated length of the meeting should also be a factor in deciding when to schedule the meeting. | 地点和时间 选择一个最适合参与者的需求、目标和会议结构的会议场所。 在规划会议地点时,要考虑到会议的规模、舒适性、可及性、足够的停车位、房间音响、设备需求等。选择会议时间取决于会议参与者的可用性和会议设施。 会议的预期长度也应是决定何时安排会议的一个因素。 |
Agenda A meeting agenda should be prepared and distributed to participants at least three days prior to the meeting day. An agenda is crucial to meeting success in three ways: 1) it clarifies the objectives so people understand the meeting purpo and tasks; 2) distributing the agenda prior to the meeting helps participants plan and prepare to make an effective contribution; and 3) during the meeting, the agenda provides direction and focus for the discussion. There are a variety of agenda styles but esntially they should contain at least the following elements: title (e.g. evaluation review meeting), time (e.g. 8:00-10:), date, location, discussion items, and names of persons responsible for covering each item. Some people prefer to include time allotments for each agendaextreme ways item to improve meeting effectiveness (e.g. review minutes 13:05-13:1). | 议程 会议议程应至少在会议前三天准备好并分发给与会者。 议程对于成功的实现有三种方式:1)明确目标,让人们了解会议的目的和任务; 2)在会议前分发会议议程,帮助与会者计划和准备做出有效贡献; 会议议程为讨论提供了方向和重点。 议程形式多种多样,但本质上至少应包含以下要素:标题(如评估评审会议)、时间(如上午8:00-10:00)、日期、地点、讨论项目,以及负责覆盖每个项目的人员的姓名。 有些人喜欢为每个议程项目预留时间,以提高会议效率(比如下午13:05-13:15)。 |
Responsibilities: There should be a mutual understanding of not only the meeting purpo, but also individual assignments and how they fit into the total program. Tho meetings that are more focud on brainstorming or creativity may require little or no individual assignments. In task-oriented or policy deciding meetings, it is best to prepare a written summary of assigned duties so individuals know what their responsibility is for the meeting. | 职责: 不仅要相互理解会议的目的,还要理解个别任务以及它们如何融入整个项目。 那些更专注于头脑风暴或创造力的会议可能只需要很少或没有单独的任务。 打工姐妹花第一季在以任务为导向或决策为导向的会议中,最好准备一份指定职责的书面总结,以便每个人都知道他们对会议的职责是什么。 |
Confirmation: If it is a first meeting or if the meeting is on a new day or time, individually contact all participants a week to three days before the meeting day. Contact can be as simple as nding everyone a friendly reminder through office e-mail, phone calls, or a post card reminder through the mail. For regularly scheduled meetings, choo a location and meeting time and try not to change it. Planning does take a certain amount of time, however the burden of planning does not have to fall fully on thetravelto leader’s shoulders. The leader is responsible for eing that the planning gets done, not necessarily for doing it. Every step can be delegated. If you are responsible for conducting the meeting and you cho to delegate the tasks of organizing the meeting, make sure you are familiar with the agenda, objectives, and any relevant background information before the meeting begins. | 确认: 如果是第一次会议,或者会议是在新的一天或时间,请在会议之前的一周到三天分别与所有与会者联系。 联系可以很简单,通过办公室电子邮件、电话或邮寄明信片提醒给每个人一个友好的提醒。 对于定期的会议,选择一个地点和会议时间,尽量不要改变它。 计划确实需要一定的时间,但是计划的负担并不完全落在领导者的肩上。 领导负责看到计划的完成,而不是做它。 每一步都可以被委派。 如果你负责主持会议,并且你选择委派组织会议的任务,确保在会议开始前熟悉议程、目标和任何相关的背景信息。 |
is anyone up |
The meeting leader or facilitator is responsible for tting the meeting tone, keeping the discussion on track, and making sure everyone has a fair chance of being heard. The leader or facilitator should also summarize relevant points and tie things together when the discussion jumps around between interrelated topics. Filling the role of leader or facilitator is no easy task, especially when personal agendas clash or misunderstandings occur. Although a well-planned meeting will significantly reduce surpris and meeting confusion, there is no guarantee everything will run smoothly, even with the best planning. Here are some suggested guidelines on how to run effective meetings: | 会议领导人或主持人负责设定会议基调,保持讨论的正常进行,并确保每个人都有公平的机会被倾听。 当讨论在相互关联的主题之间跳来跳去时,领导者或主持人也应该总结相关的观点并将它们联系在一起。 填补领导者或促进者的角色不是一件容易的事情,尤其是当个人议程发生冲突或误解时。 尽管精心策划的会议将大大减少惊喜和会议的混乱,但并不能保证所有事情都能顺利进行,即使是最好的计划。 以下是一些关于如何开展有效会议的建议: |
Begin on time and end on time - If you begin a meeting five to ven minutes after it was scheduled, you are starting late. Starting a meeting late nds the message that it's okay to be late and it shows a lack of respect and appreciation for tho who make the effort to arrive on time. Some people may have back-to-back meetings. Ending on time shows respect for participant’s valuable time. However, no one ever complains if you are fortunate enough to end early. U the Agenda - Review the agenda with participants at the beginning of the meeting and ask them if any changes need to be made on time allocations or discussion content. Continually refer back to the agenda throughout the meeting to keep discussion centered on the stated purpo and specified agenda items. Post the agenda on an eal pad and tape it to the wall, this way everyone can refer to the agenda when discussion ems to be getting off track. | 准时开始,准时结束——如果你在会议开始后的五到七分钟,你就开始迟到了。 开会迟到会传达出迟到是可以接受的信息,而且对那些努力准时到达的人缺乏尊重和感激。 有些人可能会开连续的会议。 准时结束显示了对参与者宝贵时间的尊重。 然而,如果你足够幸运,提前结束,没有人会抱怨。 使用议程——在会议开始时与与会者一起审查议程,并询问他们是否需要在时间分配或讨论内容上做出任何更改。 在整个会议中不断地回顾会议议程,将讨论集中在明确的目的和特定的议程项目上。 把议程贴在画板上,贴在墙上,这样当讨论似乎偏离轨道时,每个人都可以参考议程。 |
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