1) financial innovation
2) stimulus package
3)overheat ing
4)stamp tax
5)capital-inten sive ctor
tow>miranda6)state-ru n firm
Unit 1
2.Fill in each blank of the following ntences with one of the phras in the list given below. Make changes when necessary.
1)At a time whe n the n eed is grow ing for men tai health rvices, many coun tries are unfortunatelycutting back onits spending.
2)There is an in creas ing nu mber of people out of work. But the wester n media ofte n unf
airly label them as lazy and reliable.
3)Now that the flow of oil has been stopped by BP, thempact of all the spilled oil and n atural gas is still being measured.
4)Once again its ability to steer economic policy will be tested against the ability to deliver on rvices and projects aimed at growing the economy and jobs.
老友记第一季5)Hous ing prices are in credibly high today. But he bought his hou for a song about five years ago.
6)As people are complaining high prices, especially tho related to daily n ecessities, the gover nment feels rather urge nt to hold down in flati on rate immediately.
clit7)Under the new economy policy investors are invited to buy into state-owned en terpris.
8)Since a rious gun shooting occurred in Arizona last week, curity concerns have trickled down toall places, in clud ing reside ntial build in gs.
9)Social unrest is a daily occurrence in the country nowadays. It is in the last place when it comes to nv estme nt for mult in ati onal compa ni es.
10)Efforts to ban smoking in China are so effective yet. Some chain smokers never think of quitting while many others have battled in vain to quit.
3.Match the terms in column A with the definitions in column B:
A)简单的英语小故事A reducti on in the gen eral availability of loans (or credit) or a sudde n tighte ning of the con diti ons required to obta in a loan from the banks1
B)A non-bank entity or organization such as investment companies andisneyland怎么读d mutual funds that inv ests in large qua ntities.§
C)A legal en tity created by a government to un dertake commercial activities on its behalf.6
D)The trad ing of a corporation's stock or other 什么是wapcurities (e.g. bonds or stock options) by in dividuals with pote ntial access to non-public in formatio n. 9
E)An in dustry that requires large amounts of capital, mach inery and equipme nt to produce goods5
F)Gen erati on of new and creative approaches to
curities, money man ageme nt or in vest ingl
G)An economy that is expanding so rapidly that too much money is chas ing too few goods and
econo mists fear a ri in in flati on 卫
7)credit crisis H) tax levied on certa in legal tran sact ions such as the
tran sfer of a property such as build ing, copyright, land, pate nt, and curities.
8)in stituti onal inv estor I) A pla n or a ries of measures take n by a
gover nment to jump-start its aili ng economy,
gen erally as a part of its fiscal policy. _2
10) in sider tradi ng Unit 2
2.Fill in each blank of the following ntences with one of the phras in the list given below:
1)The arch for the child was scaled bactofel考试报名kharply today, with almost a third of the volun teers head ing home.
The former Federal Rerve Chairman saysthere is a risk that the US could slip 3)The CEO of the firm said that they would switch priority from traditional
labor- inten sive productsto more hi-tech and value-added ones.
4)In the aftermath of the financial crisis the group has put on hold初中英语词组 some of its