Artists and craftsmen try to prerve the sounds of old Beijing
With one's eyes 1_____(clo), Beijing's main roads sound like any Chine city. All around is the roar of traffic, punctuated by honks(喇叭声) from delivery scooters, recorded 2_____(safe) warnings from bus and the 3_____(occasion) bell of a rental-bicycle.
But in the capital's last hutongs, as its ancient grey-walled alleys(胡同) are known, fragments of an older soundscape can be heard. The chirping of caged crickets(蟋蟀) is one. Hung in the doorways of courtyard homes or small shops, the incts bring a rural note into the city. Another relic is the musical clanking of steel plates strung on a cord, 4______(announce) a knife sharpener's 5_____(arrive).英语初学
An almost-vanished Beijing sound is one of the strangest. An eerie thrumming(嗡嗡声), like the noi of flying saucers(飞碟) in an old science-fiction film, it is made by homing pigeons, or more precily by pigeon whistles. Tiny flutes made from bamboo or gourds(葫芦), the 6____( w) into the tail feathers of pigeons kept in rooftop coops.
Zhang Baotong is one of Beijing's last master pigeon-whistle 7_____(maker). He is advising a muum of sound in Songzhuang, a suburb of Beijing that is popular 8_____ artists. A rooftop coop is planned, with more than 100 pigeons that will take to the skies for visitors.
The co-founder of Fen Sonic HQ, a cultural institute 9____ will run the muum, is Colin
Siyuan Chinnery, a British-Chine artist and collector of Beijing's sounds. He lists the gongs(锣声), rattles(摇铃声) and rhythmic cries(有节奏的吆喝声) ud by fortune tellers and medicine llers, doctors, barbers and knife sharpeners. Many of the will feature in 10 ____ exhibit about old Beijing narrated by an animation of Mr Zhang, among others.
1 clod 2 safety 3 occasional 4 announcing 5 arrival
6 were wn 7 makers 8 with 9 that/which 10 an
guest是什么意思FDA issues guidelines to reduce salt in foods
The Food and Drug Administration, citing(引用) an epidemic(流行病) of diet-related illness, relead new guidelines Wednesday aimed at 1_____(reduce) the amount of salt that Americans consume at restaurants, school cafeterias and food trucks, or when they are eating 2_____(package) and prepared foods at home.
The recommendations, 3_____(issue) after years of delay, ek 4_____(reduce) the average daily sodium (钠) intake by 12% over the next 2 1/2 years by encouraging food manufacturers, restaurants and food rvice companies to scale back their u of salt.
That goal translates into 3,000 milligrams of salt — 5_____(slight) more than 1 teaspoon — compared to the 3,400 milligrams that Americans typically consume in a day. America's love affair with 6_____(salt) foods has been linked to alarmingly high rates of high blood pressure, a leading risk factor for heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure.
Much of the excess sodium that Americans consume, about 70%, comes from procesd and packaged food and meals rved at restaurants, according 7_____rearchers. The 8_____(guide) will apply to 163 categories of procesd and packaged food and provide different targets for, say, rye bread(黑麦面包), salad dressing(沙拉酱) and baby food.
Nutritionists and public health experts commended the FDA for taking on the problem of excess sodium, saying the effort would help 9_____(sharp) the public's focus on the dangers of overindulgence and create pressure on food companies to reduce their reliance 10_____ salt as a cheap flavor booster.
1 reducing 2 packaged 3 issued 4 to produce
5 slightly 6 salty 7 to 8 guidance 9 sharpen 10 on
angra mainyu疫情掀起整形热潮,“外貌焦虑”为何在此时爆发?
Covid-19 is fuelling a Zoom-boom in cosmetic surgery
Call it "Zoom face-envy". Becau of the ri of video-conferencing during the pandemic, legions(军团) now spend hours 1_____(star) at their own faces and, inevitably(不可避免地), 2_____(compare) them with tho of others. Poor lighting and the skewed angles of laptop cameras are 3_____(rare) flattering. Nor is "lockdown face"(封锁脸), 4_____(bring) on by stress, or a dearth of sunlight.
Many cosmetic surgeons had expected the pandemic to hammer business. Instead the industry is enjoying a Zoom-boom. In France, 5_____ limits on elective procedures during the pandemic, cosmetic surgeries are up by nearly 20%, estimates the French Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons.
朝鲜柳京饭店Apart from face-envy, other forces are at play. In the age of teleworking, patients can recover inconspicuously (悄悄地)at home as bruis and swelling fade. Also, recuperation(恢复) is made 6_____(easy) by the widespread u of face-masks.