[NJ-A-GJXC-S3026C-1]dis int eth 0/1
Ethernet0/1 current state : UP
IP Sending Frames' Format is PKTFMT_ETHNT_2, Hardware address is 000f-e21d-bedc
Description: to gujiao_33-
The Maximum Transmit Unit is 1500
toilet atMedia type is twisted pair, loopback not t
Port hardware type is 100_BASE_TX
100Mbps-speed mode, full-duplex mode 陶缸绘
Link speed type is force link, link duplex type is force link
Flow-control is not enabled
Port-flow-constrain has not been configured pletely
The Maximum Frame Length is 1536
Broadcast MAX-ratio: 100%
PVID: 10
Mdi type: auto
Port link-type: hybrid
Tagged VLAN ID : , 99
Untagged VLAN ID : , 10, 458
Last 300 conds input: 0 packets/c 11 bytes/c
Last 300 conds output: 7 packets/c 520 bytes/c
Input(total): 11864483 packets, 6684922188 bytes
66707 broadcasts, 9522 multicasts
Input(normal): - packets, - bytes
- broadcasts, - multicasts
swiss chardInput: 0 input errors, 0 runts, 0 giants, - throttles, 0 CRC
0 frame, - overruns, 0 aborts, 0 ignored, - parity errors
Output(total): 12008069 packets, 5178275457 bytes
3638352 broadcasts, 288120 multicasts, 0 paus
Output(normal): - packets, - bytes
报考消防工程师需要满足哪些条件 - broadcasts, - multicasts, - paus
Output: 0 output errors, - underruns, - buffer failures
0 aborts, 0 deferred, 0 collisions, 0 late collisions
0 lost carrier, - no carrier
curity是什么意思输入错误数,input errors等于各种重要错误信息的总和。不同的产品可以根据具体情况增加其它参数,或减少不能实现的参数。
1.Runts: discarded packets that are smaller than the medium's minimum packet size.
( Receive Byte Count < 64 and NOT CRC Error
mistakesor Receive Byte Count < 64 and Tag Packet and NOT CRC Error,
无论是否有vlan tag,数据段小于64字节,而且没有CRC校验错误的帧。)
2.Giants: discarded packets that are larger than the medium's maximum packet size.
teabag( Receive Byte Count > 1518 and NOT CRC Error 哈尔滨托福
or Receive Byte Count > 1522 and Tag Packet and NOT CRC Error,
没有vlan tag,数据段大于1518字节,小于最大帧长度,而且没有CRC校验错误的帧,和有vlan tag,数据段大于1522字节,小于最大帧长度,而且没有CRC校验错误的帧。)
3.Throttles: discarded packets that are inplete frames.
( 交换机察觉缓存或CPU过载,关闭接口接收器的情形称为 throttle,是cisco路由器上的一个概念,我们的交换机目前不具备这个功能,一般应该显示为不支持。)
4.CRC: discarded packets with checksum error.
( Receive Packet CRC error,帧长度在正常围(不带tag,长度在64到1518之间,或带tag,长度在64到1522之间),而且CRC校验错,如果支持此项,则不支持奇偶校验错误项。)
5.Frame: discarded packets with frame pad/quence/alignment error, out of frame etc.
( 不是整数字节,而是多1~7bit,因此不对齐,或乱序或空帧,而且CRC校验错误,但是不计入CRC错误。)
6.Overrun: the receiver hardware is unable to hand receiveddata to a hardware buffer becau the input rate exceeds the receiver'sability to handle the data.
( 由于接口输入速率超过接受方处理能力,导致丢包,由于我们的交换机一般是线速转发,这项一般应该为0,只有部分交换机对上传CPU或三层线速转发的帧有接口带宽限制,或是通过ACL实现的带宽限制,因此被丢弃的帧,计入此项。)
7.Aborts: Input abnormal frames that are discarded.
( 除其他错误之外,产品认为有必要统计的错误,例如前导码异常的帧,计入此项。)
8.Ignored: packets that are discarded becau the interface hardware does not have enough internal buffers.
( Packetignored,由于接口部buffer满,丢弃的帧,与由于主系统缓存空间缺乏,导致的丢弃帧不同。线速转发的帧,在多接口满带宽输入,单接口输出等情况下,由于输出接口的带宽不足,数据帧将部缓存占满,导致从接口输入的帧在进入部缓存之前被丢弃,以及进入部缓存的帧超时无法输出,计入此项,上传到CPU的帧,由于CPU处理能力限制,toCPU的缓存满,导致被丢弃,也计入此项。)