o (高级)值班机工英语听力与会话(1-13课全)Answer the Questions:(问答题部分分值60%)
Lesson 1 Daily English (10题)
1. What is your name[neim]? 你叫什么名字?
My name is…… 我叫……。
2. How old are you? 你多大了?
Twenty. 我20岁了。
3. What is your marital['mæritl] status['steitəs]?
Married['mærid]/ ['siŋɡl]. 已婚/单身。
4. How many people are there in your family [ˈfæmili]? 你家里有几口人?Four people. 我家里有四口人。
5. How long have you worked[wə:kt] on board [bɔ:d]?
2 years. 两年了。
6. How many countries['kʌntriz] have you ever['evə] been to?
2 countries. 两个。
7. Do you like your job? 你喜欢你的工作吗?
Yes, I like it. 是的,我很喜欢我的工作。
8. What is your favorite[ˈfeivərit] color[ˈkʌlə]? 你最喜欢的颜色是?Blue[blu:]. 蓝色。
9. Which ason[ˈsi:zən] do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节?Spring. 春天。
10. What kind of music[ˈmju:zik] do you like? 你喜欢什么类型的音乐?
Pop music. 流行音乐
Lesson 2 Common terms on board (5题)
1. How many departments[diˈpɑ:tmənts] are there on board[bɔ:d] ship?
2 departments. 有两个部门。
2. Could you list some common[ˈkɔmən] machinery[məˈʃi:nəri] on board?
Yes, deck crane, main engine, generator and so on.
3. Who is responsible[riˈspɔnsəbl] for the engine['endʒin] department?
The Chief[tʃi:f] engineer[ˌendʒiˈniə]. 轮机长/老轨。
4. Who is responsible for the deck department? 谁负责甲板部?
The Chief officer. 大副。
5. What does UMS stand for? UMS代表什么?
Unattended Machinery Space. 无人机舱。
Lesson 4 Auxiliary Machinery Operation(Ⅰ) (10题)
1.What’s the function of fuel oil parator?
Remove water and impurities. 去除水和杂质。
2.What boiler is ud when the ship is at a?
Exhaust gas boiler. 废气锅炉。
3. What boiler is ud when the ship is in port? 船舶在港时使用什么锅炉?Donkey boiler. 辅锅炉。
4. Why do we have to treat boiler water? 为什么必须处理锅炉水?
To avoid scaling. 避免结垢。
5. What is the function of purifier? 分水机的作用是什么?
To parate/remove water from oil. 从油中分离出水。
6. What is the function of clarifier? 分杂机的作用是什么?
To parate/remove impurities and some water from oil.
(高级)值班机工英语听力与会话问答题部分7. What is the function of pump? 泵的作用是什么?
To transfer the liquid. 泵送液体。
8. The gear pump is belongs to the positive displacement pump. True or fal?齿轮泵属于
容积式泵,对还是错?True. 对的。
9. What kind of liquid is the gear pump suitable for?
Pump oil.泵油。
10. Which type of boiler does “D” type boiler belong to, water-tube boiler or fire-tube boiler? D型锅炉属于哪种锅炉,水管锅炉还是火管(烟管)锅炉?
Water-tube boiler. 水管锅炉。
Lesson 5 Auxiliary Machinery Operation(Ⅱ) (10题)
1. Who is in charge[tʃɑ:dʒ] of the anti-pollution [ˈænti-pəˈluʃən] equipment[iˈkwipmənt] on board? 在船上谁主管防污染设备?
The 4th engineer. (fourth [fɔ:θ])三管轮。
2. What anti-pollution equipment do you know? 你知道哪些防污染设备?
Oily water parator, incinerator, wage treatment plant/unit.
3. What’s the function of the oily water parator[ˈpəˌreɪtə]?
To parate oil from bilge[bildʒ] water. 从舱底水中分离出油。
4. What’s the function of the incinerator?焚烧炉的作用是什么?
To burn the oil sludge[slʌdʒ] and solid wastes[weists].
5. Where should you treat[tri:t] wage? 在哪里处理生活污水?
In the wage treatment plant[plɑ:nt]. 生活污水处理装置。
6. Who is in charge of the ballast[ˈbæləst] water operation[ˈɔpəˈreiʃən]? 谁负责压载
The 4th engineer. 三管轮。
7. What is the oil content[ˈkɔntent]limit[ˈlimit]when discharging[disˈtʃɑ:dʒiŋ] bilge
15 ppm. 百万分之十五。
8. What may happen['hæpən] if you discharge bilge water with oil content over 15 ppm? 排出的舱底水油分浓度高于15 ppm的时候会发生什么状况?
The ship will be detained or fined. 船将会被扣留或者被罚款。
9. What other methods['meθədz] do you know to treat bilge water besides[bi'saidz]the oily water parator?
Filtering and tting. 过滤及沉淀。
10. How do you deal[di:l] with garbage['ɡɑ:bidʒ] on board?
留学条件Gathering and sorting. 收集、分类。
Lesson 6 Auxiliary Machinery Operation(Ⅲ) (10题)
1. What is pH value['vælju:]/ of cooling water / kept at 20 degree[di'ɡri:] centigrade['ntiɡreid]? 冷却水温为20℃的时候pH值是多少?
Above 7 (6.5-8) . 大于7。
2.How to remove the impurities / from bilge water?
Filtering. 过滤。
3. Who[hu:z] permission[pə'miʃən] should you get / if you discharge bilge water? 排放舱底水之前要获得谁的许可?
The permission of Chief engineer and the bridge. 轮机长及驾驶台。
4.What equipment should you u[ju:z] / if you discharge bilge water?
Oily water parator. 油水分离器。
5.What pump will you u / to transfer bilge water / from slop tank [slɔp][tæŋk] to the oily
陨落星辰第1季water parator?
Screw pump. 螺杆泵。
(高级)值班机工英语听力与会话问答题部分6. What valve[vælv]is ud to / supply[sə'plai]a water / for the fire['faiə]main directly[di'rektli]? 什么阀直接给消防总管供应海水?
Emergent suction valve. /Sea chest. 应急进口阀。/海底阀箱
7. What is fresh[freʃ] water ud for on board? 在船上淡水作何用途?
Drinking, cooling, cleaning. 用于饮用、冷却及清洁。
8. What is a water ud[ju:zd] for on board? 在船上海水作何用途?
It is mainly for cooling the fresh water. 主要用于冷却淡水。
9. What is ud as a source[sɔ:s] / to produce[prəu'dju:s] fresh water?
Sea water. 海水。
10. What equipment can be ud / to produce fresh water?
Fresh water generator. 造水机。
witch是什么意思Lesson 7 Stand by Engine (10题)
混蛋英文1. When do you need to communicate[kə'mju:nikeit] / with the bridge[bridʒ]? 你何时需
When the engine room has any trouble / or standby['stændbai] engine.
2. When should you check[tʃek] / the engine telegraph['teliɡrɑ:f, -ɡræf]?
One hour before[bi'fɔ:] standby engine. 备车前一个小时。
3. How do you check / the engine telegraph? 怎样检查车钟?
According[ə'kɔ:d iŋ] to the orders[ˈɔ:dədz] / from the bridge.福泽会计培训
4. When must you test / the steering['stiəriŋ] gear?
Before departure. 离港之前。
5. What items['aitəm]of the main engine / should you check / before starting[stɑ:t iŋ]? 主机启动前你应该检查什么项目?