男子遭雷击身亡Bank Confirmation Request
Xxx, xxx Branch, xxx Business Office:
公司(以下简称“本公司”)聘请的xxxx会计师事务所(特殊普通合伙)正在对本公司账务报表进行审计,按照中国注册会计师审计准则的要求,应当询证本公司与贵行的存款、借款往来等事项。下列数据出自本公司账簿记录,如与贵行记录相符,请在本函下端“信息证明无误”处签章证明;如有不符,请在“信息不符”处列明不符项目。如存在与本公司有关的未列入本函的其它项目,请在“信息不符”处列出这些项目的金额及详细资料。有关询证费用可直接从本公司 存款账户中收取。回函请直接寄至xxxx会计师事务所(特殊普通合伙)。
回函地址Address: | 邮编Postal Code: |
电话Tel: | | 传真Fax number: 吸血鬼日记片尾曲 |
联系人Recipient:审计 部 | wisdom是什么意思 | 项目组项目负责人: |
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Asia Pacific(Group)Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd. is engaged to audit the financial statements of the Company. According to the Auditing Standards for Certified Public Accountants of China, we shall request confirmation of the deposits and loans balances of the company with your bank. The following figures are from the accounting records of us. If you agree to the amount, plea confirm it by signing at the foot of this letter where is marked “Data Proven to Be Correct”; if you disagree, plea indicate your amount where is marked “Data Proven to Be Fal”. Reply to this letter shall be nt directly to Asia Pacific(Group)Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd.
Plea fax the confirmation directly to our auditors, Asia Pacific(Group)Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd. at the above fax numbers and nd the original confirmation directly to our auditors. The address of Asia Pacific(Group)Certified Public Accountants Co., Ltd. is 3/F Fifth Building No.9CheGongZhuang Avenue Beijing 100004, P.R.China.
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帽子戏法 英文
As of Dec. 31, 2010 the deposits, loans and other accounts balances are as follows:
1. 银行存款Bank deposit
账户名称 Accounts Name | 银行账号inman Accounts No. | 币种 汉高祖刘邦墓Currency | 利率 Interest Rate | 余额 Balance | 是否被抵押/质押/用于担保或其他限制Limitations | 备注 Notes |
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2. 银行借款Bank loans
借款人名称 Borrowers | 币种元旦诗歌 Currency | 余额 Balance | 借款日期 Starting Date | 到期日期 Due Date | 利率 Interest rate | 借款条件註Loan terms Note | 备注 Notes |
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Note:注借款条件:信用、保证、抵押、质押。Loan terms:Credit, Guarantee, mortgage,augenstern什么意思 Pledge.
3. 本公司为其他单位提供的、以贵行为担保受益人的担保Guarantee and mortgage issues provided by the Company for others
被担保人 Borrowers | 借款金额 Amounts | 担保方式the type of Guarantee | 担保金额 Guarantee amounts | 担保期限 Guarantee period | 担保合同编号Guarantee contract No. | 备注 Notes |
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4. 其他事项(如委托贷款、信托存款、贵行向本公司提供的担保等,若无除前面所述外的其他事项,则应填写“无”。)Other matters
(公司签章) (日期)
(Signature & stamp of the Company) (Date)
material什么意思以下仅供被函证银行使用For the u of the confirming bank only |
1. 信息证明无误Above balance is correct. 确认上述 贵公司账面金额与本行账目相符。We confirm that the above balance stated in your books is correct. (签名及银行盖章)(Signature & stamp of the Bank) 日期 (Date) |
2. 信息不符Disagree with the above balance. 上述 贵公司账面金额与本competitions行账目不符,差额及明细如下。We disagree with the above balance stated in your books, plea refer to the below list of this confirmation for details. (签名及银行盖章)(Signature & stamp of the Bank) 日期 (Date) |