1. What are the functions of the Bank of England?
Answer: Britain's central bank, working in clo contact with the government for the control of monetary policy and for giving directives to commercial banks. It is the only note issuing bank in England and Wales. It is also responsible for keeping the exchange rate of British Pound against other currencies within certain limits by operating an Exchange Equalization Account.
2. Which are the major political parties now in Britain?
Answer: Although there are so many different parties in the United Kingdom, British politics is after all a battle between Conrvative and Labor.
The Conrvative Party believes firmly in private enterpris and free competition. But it did not undo the social legislations pasd by the Labor Government. The Labor Party, which is in power now, has traditionally drawn support from the trade unions. It has embraced sociali
st ideas, supported governmental control of important industries and advocated more equal distribution of the wealth.
Among some the key issues around which are the two parties fight are foreign policy and economic policy. Pro-Americanism is thus at the center of British foreign policy for both Conrvative and Labor governments, though the opposition always accus the party in power of being too pro-American.
The battle between the two parties over economic policy centers on nationalization and privatization. The Conrvatives have been very firm in their belief in free-trade and market
economy, while the Labor Party, owing to its socialist origin, has always emphasized the importance of government involvement in the national economy and the role of the state as provider of welfare benefits to citizens.bunch
3. What is a welfare state?
Answer: The welfare state includes Stoical Security, the National Health Service, the Housing Program, education, and personal rvices.
4. As the Head of State, does the monarch exerci political powers?
Answer: The monarch played an active role in making political decisions, but now the monarch functions only as the symbol of the country's unity and formal Head of State.
5. Which branch of the Parliament plays a more important role in the law-marking process? Why?四级分数
Answer: The most important function of the Hou of Commons is to make laws, known as Act of Parliament. Although both hous are involved in the law making process, the Hou of Commons has primacy axation Andover the Hou of Lords, especially in the processing of "money bills" that concern t public expenditure.
6. What’s the relationship between the Parliament and the Cabinet in UK?
puccaAnswer: Parliament is the law-making body of the United Kingdom. The Prime Minister is usually the leader of the majority party in Parliament. After each general election, the monarch would ask the leader of the winning party to be the Prime Minister and form a new Cabinet. The Cabinet is at the center of the British political system. It is the supreme decision-making body in British government. Cabinet members are chon by the Prime Minister from members of his own political party in Parliament.
7. How many stages is education in the U.K divided into and what are they?
Answer: primary, condary, further education, higher education.
8. What are the basic characteristics of British foreign policy after World Wall П?
Answer: After World Wall П, Britain adopted an isolationist policy toward Europe but cooperated very cloly with the United States in the Cold War.
9. Which river is the longest in Canada?
Answer: Mackenzie is the longest river in Canada.
新加坡留学条件10. What religion is the most dominant in Canada?
Answer: Roman Catholicism.
11. What are the indigenous people of Canada?
Answer: They are the Indians and the Intuits
12. What are the most important ctors in the Canadian economy?
Answer:The most important ctors in the Canadian economy are manufacturing industry,IT industry, chemical industry, rvices, minerals industry , foreign trade, forestry and forest industry, paper industry, agriculture, fishery, energy industry.
欢快的英文歌曲13. Who were the WASPs?
Answer: The WASPs were the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants from England who began to immigrate to America in 1607 and played an important role in winning America's independence from Britain.
易贝乐14. What are the main principles of government in the United States?
Answer: The principles of federalism, the paration of powers and the rule of law are the main principles of government in the United States.
15. What is the Bill of Rights?cross gene
Answer:The Bill of Rights belong to the amendment. Amendments can be added to the Constitution when propod by two thirds of the total members of Congress and ratified by three
fourths of all the states.
The first ten amendments are known as the Bill of Rights which was ratified in 1791. It listed the rights of the people which the government can not deprive, including the right to freedom of speech and religion, the right to bear arms, the right to jury trial, and the right to curity of person and property. The Bill of Rights has since been regarded as the fundamental protection of individual rights against arbitrary power of the government.