《Making Today A Perfect Day (From "Frozen Fever")》歌词
演唱:- Idina Menzel 伊迪娜?门泽尔
You've never had a real birthday before
Except, of cour, the ones just spent outside my locked door 当然 除去在我紧锁的门外度过的生日
how do you do是什么意思So I'm here way too late to help you celebrate And be your birthday date if I may
Achoo, Elsa, I'm thinking you might have a cold I don't get colds besides
喷嚏声,埃尔莎 我觉得你可能感冒了我才没有感冒 而且
A cold never bothered me anyway Just follow the string 感冒了我也不 怕沿着摆放的字母 你会发现惊喜
I've got big plans, I've got surpris for today
Nothing but nothing's gonna get in our way
all the way没有什么没有什么能妨碍我们
I've worked for weeks, planned everything within my power 我忙碌了几 周筹备了好了力所能及的一切
I even got Kristoff and Sven to take a shower If someone wants to hold me back
我甚至让不修边幅的克斯托夫都洗了澡如果谁想阻止我 I'd like to e them try I'm on the birthday plan attack
I'm giving you the sun, the moon, and the sky
创始人英文我会给你准备灿烂的阳光皎洁的月儿还有湛蓝的天空 I'm making today a perfect day for you 我会让今天成为你最美好的一天
I'm making today a blast if it's the last thing I do
For everything you are to me and all you've been through 只为你就是 我的一切只为你我经历过所有
I'm making today a perfect day for you Achoo Achoo 我会让今天成为你 最美好的一天喷嚏声 喷嚏声 They come in threes I'm fine achoo 他们都来为 你庆祝了喷嚏而已 我没事 Surpri, surpri thisone especially achoo 惊喜这会是个特别的大惊喜 喷嚏声
Wow you've got me reeling, but I'm still concerned for you
厉害你让我好意外 但我还是担心你
I think it's time that you go home and get some rest
thin clientWe are not stopping cau the next one is the best ah achoo
我才不要因为接下来的会是最精彩的环节 喷嚏声
Elsa, you gotta go lie down No way, we have to paint the town
短裤的英文埃尔莎你得卧床休息 才不要我们要重新粉刷城墙
But you need medical attention Are you sick How 'bout a cold remedy
但你需要医生给你看看你生病了吗 试试我自己研发的
Of my own invention No thanks We'll take it
感冒药怎么样不用了 谢了心领了
We're making today a perfect day for you Making today a special day 我们要让今天成为你最美好的一天让今天成为你最美好的一天audioin
We're singing a birthday song to make your wishes come true 我们一起高唱生日歌让你的愿望成真
Wishes come true We love Princess Anna And I love you too 愿望成真我们爱你 安娜公主我也爱你们
So we're making today a perfect day A fabulous day in every way 来让我们将今天变成美好的一天 精彩绝伦的一天
Yes we are making today a perfect day Come on Now we climb 我们让今天变成美好的一天来吧 就让我们开始爬上去吧
Elsa that's too much You need to rest
埃尔莎真的够了 你需要休息
No we need to get to our birthday chills I mean thrills Making dreams
不我们需要让生日派对更惊悚 不更惊喜 像梦一般
Making plans Go go go go Follow the string to the end 计划好一切来吧 加油沿着字母 走到尽头
You are my very best friend Elsa What I'm fine
你是我最好的朋友埃尔莎 怎么了我很好
We're gonna climb We're gonna sing Follow the string To the thing 我们要爬高点我们要一起高歌 沿着字母你就会发现
Happy happy happy Merry merry merry Hap-birth-hap-birthday
开心快乐 快乐开心 生日快乐
Woah Elsa, look at you You've got a fever You're burning up 埃尔莎看看你 你发烧了你全身发烫
All right, we can't go on like this Let's put this day on hold 好吧我们不能这样下去 今天就到这里为止吧
Come on, admit it to yourlf Okay I have a cold I'm sorry Anna 别这样承认吧 好吧我感冒了 对不起安娜
I just wanted to give you one perfect birthday, but I ruined it
我只想给你一个完美的生日惊喜但我还是给毁了 又一次
如何考会计证You didn't ruin anything Let's just get you to bed 你才没有毁掉什么 让我扶你上床休息吧 Surpri
We're making today a perfect day for you我们要让今天成为你最美好的 一天
We're making today a smiley face all shiny and new 我们要让今天满是 灿烂明媚崭新无比的笑脸 There's a fine line between chaos