地面和楼面面层 | Ground and floor surface cour |
现浇混凝土楼面 | Cast-in-place concrete floor |
人人说英语水泥沙浆楼面 | Cement mortar floor |
现浇水磨石楼面 | Cast-in-site terrazzo floor |
百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我块料楼面 | Block flooring |
砖楼面 | Brick floor |
预制混凝土块楼面 | Precut concrete block floor |
预制水磨石楼面 | Precut terrazzo floor |
人造大理石楼面 | Manu marble block floor |
grow的过去式 碎拼大理石楼面 | Filler broken-marble floor |
德文在线翻译缸砖楼面 | Clinker floor |
马赛克楼面 | depositionMosaic tile floor |
镶嵌楼面 | Floor inlaid |
拼花楼面 | Mosaic pavement |
水泥花砖楼面 | Cement tile floor |
水泥压光 | 洪恩幼儿英语视频Cement troweled |
塑料面 | Plastic floor |
纤维板楼面 | Hard board floor |
胶合板楼面 | Glued slab floor |
无缝楼面 | Jointless floor |
叠层楼面 | Laminated floor |
供形楼面 | Arched floor |
抗静电活动地板 | Anti-static movable floor |
活动地板支架 | overwhelmed>competence Support of movable floor |
有吊顶的楼板 | Double floor |
人造石铺面 | Granolithic finish |
玻璃钢面 | Glassfiber floor |
拼花花岗岩 | Granite floor |
地砖 | Floor tile |
防滑砖 | Non-slip tile |
抗静电铝合金地面 | Anti-static aluminium alloy floor | 教材教法试题
地毯 | Carpet |
踢脚 | Skirting |
木踢脚 | Wooded skirting |
dwolves PVC踢脚 | PVC skirting |
玻璃钢踢脚 | Fiber glass skirting |
水泥踢脚 | Cement skirting |
本文发布于:2023-06-19 16:27:40,感谢您对本站的认可!
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