
更新时间:2023-06-19 15:46:18 阅读: 评论:0

6.1Tires shall be free of defects in workmanship and
7.Physical Requirements
7.1The physical and mechanical test requirements are given
in Table 2.
8.Test Methods
8.1Tensile Sheet Cures —Practice D 3182.
8.2Modulus (300%)—Test Methods D 412.
8.3Tensile Sheet Durometer —Test Method D 2240,using a
Type A Shore durometer.
8.4Restored Energy (Rebound or Resilience)—Test Method
D 1054.
8.5Specific Gravity —Methods D 297.
8.6Tensile Strength —Test Methods D 412.
8.7Elongation —Test Methods D 412.8.8Tire Tread Durometer —Test Method D 2240,in addi-tion to the following procedures:8.8.1U a Type A durometer.(A 0.5-in.(12.7-mm)diam-eter presr foot,Shore,Code XAHAF is recommended.)8.8.2The durometer shall be calibrated at a reading of 60hardness.8.8.3Condition the tire and durometer to equilibrium at 73.463.6°F (2362°C)before determining tread
FIG.2Tire Section,Including Inflated Tire Dimensions TABLE 1Formulation of Oil Extended Styrene-Butadiene Blend
Rubber (SBR)Treadstayalive
Parts by Mass (Weight)SBR 1712A
48.12N347Carbon Black C
75.00Highly aromatic oil
9.00Zinc oxide
3.00Stearic acid
2.00Santoflex 13D
2.00Paraffinic wax
2.00Santocure NS E
1.10D P G F
Styrene-butadiene rubber (23.5%styrene)37.5parts of high-aromatic oil.B Cis-poly butadiene with 37.5parts of high-aromatic oil.(CB441has been determined to be equivalent.)C N347Carbon Black,e D1765.
D Santoflex 13,dimethyl butylphenyl phenylenediamine.
E Santocure NS,butyl benzothiozole sulfenamide.
F DPG,diphenyl quanidine.
TABLE 2Physical Requirements of Tread Compound Tensile sheet cure at 300°F (149°C),min 30300
%modulus,psi (MPa)8006200(5.561.4)Tensile sheet durometer 5862Restored energy (rebound or resilience),%4662Specific gravity    1.1360.02Tensile strength,min,psi (MPa)2000(13.8)Elongation,min,%500Tire tread durometer 586notyet
8.8.4The tire tread hardness is to be determined by aver-
aging at least one t of 6readings.A t should consist of
readings taken at equally spaced intervals across the tread.It is
recommended that additional ts of readings be taken around
the tread circumference.
8.8.5Apply presr foot to the tire tread as rapidly as
possible without shock,keeping the foot parallel to the tread
surface.Apply just sufficient pressure to obtain firm contact
between presr foot and tire tread surface.Read the durometer
scale within 1s after presr foot is in contact with the tire
tread,but after initial maximum transient which may occur
immediately after contact is made.
9.1Tires are to be inflated and measured prior to shipment.
Upon request,the manufacturer shall furnish the purcharholly
certification that the test tire meets this specification.
9.2All tires under certification shall be subject to manufac-
turer’s normal variation.
10.1Tires shall be kept dry under ordinary atmospheric
conditions in subdued light,70625°F (21613.8°C).Tires
should not be stored near electric motors,welders,or other
ozone generating equipment.11.Recommendations for Tire U and Operational Requirements 11.1The tire is for skid testing only and is not designed for general highway rvice.Necessary transporting of test equip-ment should be on commercial tires.11.2A new tire break in of 200miles (320km)min should be made on tires by the purchar before using the tire for testing.11.3The tire shall be operated with not less than 24psi (165kPa)inflation.11.4The recommended static test load on the tire shall be 1085lbf (4826N),with loading to a maximum of 1380lbf (6138N)permissible,at 24psi (165kPa)inflation.11.5When irregular wear or damage results from tests or when the tire is worn to the wear line,the u of the tire as a standard test tire shall be discontinued.11.6Caution —M
easured friction force and skid number (SN)may be influenced by tire tread hardness.The magnitude of this dependence is a function of the water depth,pavement characteristics,test speed,and tire aging effects.12.Keywords 12.1skid number;skid trailer;skid-resistance;smooth tire;tire-pavement friction;water depth
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asrted in connection with any item mentioned in this standard.Urs of this standard are expressly advid that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the risk of infringement of such rights,are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and if not revid,either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addresd to ASTM Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,which you may attend.If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959,United States.Individual reprints (single or multiple copies)of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at 610-832-9585(phone),610-832-9555(fax),or rvice@astm (e-mail);or through the ASTM website雅思报名官方网站

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