Science Fiction
脸部皮肤保养步骤P: Well, let’s start with this one, it looks really cool.
必须的英文A: Yes. This is a movie with fantastic special effects. The video is difficult to find. Where did you get it?
P: We managed to hack into the director’s Facebook. That was not easy. You e, we’ve done a lot for this interview. As an actor, you know what you should do. Cooperation, OK? (To the teacher) Don’t broadcast this.
A: I e, I e. I will tell the director to watch another program by that time.
P: All right. 3, 2, 1, action!
不可抗力英文A: I’m the peerless warrior of the Great Kingdom. Nobody can beat me. Come on, you stupid monster!
Pmorbid>苏黎世大学: (Ready to attack, roaring)
A: (Run away) Help! Help!
P: (Laugh) What was that?
A: I was frightened by that monster, but it was none of my business. You e, the monster was kind of too scary as the special effects were extremely good. I have to admit that it was embrassing indeed, but no one could keep calm while facing it.
madthumbsP: Oh, here’s a passage written by the director that day. It says, ‘It was quite good today except one thing. I think the one we choo is the most good looking one among the monsters. However, our warrior was like a scared kid and ran away immediately when he saw it. We had to change the main actor. What a shame! I cannot believe that he’s a grown man. Oh, there’s another ridiculous thing ‘
A: (Interrupt) The next video is more interesting. (To the teacher) Don’t broadcast this.
P: Well, let’s move on. Wow, it’s a comedy, my favourite.
Acv是什么: Ah ha, I was the main actor and the director and the writer and the producer.
P: Good for you. Can you tell us more about it?
A: Just as the advertiment said, ‘Caution, your head may be laughed off!’not only but also
P: OK. (Hands on the head) 3, 2, 1, action!
A: Tell you what? The straight-A student in our class said that he would go die after the exam. And it turned out that he got the first place again! Such a liar! Yes? PS: That student is me. I’m such a genius.
inarrayP: Oh, no. Definitely one to avoid. Only the advertiment itlf makes laugh my head off. Skip this.
A: Wait, it’s an amazing piece of work. (To the students) Right? It’s terrific. HeHe.
P: I’m afraid that the good acting cannot save the awful script.