旁白:A cold winter day. A baby, her name is Snow White. She is very beautiful.
旁白:The queen loves her. Everybody loves her. (音乐起,人们、老王后下场)
(音乐起,动物和公主跳上场,老王后上场睡床上) 旁白:The animals love her, too.(音乐渐弱) 动物:(一个人上场)Snow White! Snow White! Your mother is ill.(焦急)
公主:Mum! Mum! (边跑边下,动物跟下) (公主上台围在床前,小动物上)
公主:Oh! Mum. No! No! What’s wrong with you?
老王后:(摸公主的脸)My dear. I love you for…ever… (手垂下,脸歪,死掉)
(音乐悲惨,抬老王后下,公主坐地上哭) (音乐欢快,新王后上,围公主走一圈,瞟一眼)
旁白:A new queen comes. She is beautiful but bad.(公主无奈,小动物气愤)
魔镜:(音乐起,上场) 旁白:This is a magic mirror. 新王后:Mirror, mirror. Who is beautiful?
魔镜:Not you. Snow White.
新王后:No! No! No! (回头对猎人说)Kill Snow White!
猎人:(上场,半跪低头)Snow White?(抬头) But …
新王后:Kill her! 一对一辅导 猎人:(低头,无奈下场) (马蹄声。公主拎裙跑,马挡公主前面,
) 公主:(双膝跪下)Help me, plea! Plea!(乞求) 猎人:(思考一会儿)All right. Go, Snow White.(把举起的枪放下,马让道)
公主:(边跑边说)Thank you! Thank you!(猎人下,公主继续跑)
公主:(四下张望,来到门前)May I come in?(敲门,无人答)Anybody here?(推门进,数)One, two,
three,… Oh, ven chairs and ven cups. Who live here?(打个哈欠)I’m too tired.(抽出凳子,坐凳上
)Oh, I’m too thirsty.(喝两杯,边打哈欠边睡) (欢快音乐,小矮人上场) 小矮人:(推门,进来,跑到桌前) 小1:Who sat here?(手指椅子) 小2:(拿起杯子)Who drank this? 其:Who is it?(互相看,纳闷)
小3:(跑到最后一张椅子)Who’s sleeping here?(大家围上)
小4:Look! She’s sleeping. 小5:She’s beautiful! 小6:嘘!Let her sleep! 其:(蹑手蹑
脚走开) (天亮,放音乐) 公主:(伸懒腰) 小矮人:(上场)Good morning! 公主:(吓大跳)Who are you?
小7:We are the masters of this hou. What’s your name?
公主:I’m Snow White. 小1:Why are you here?
公主:(哭)My mother is dead. The new queen wanted to kill me. So …
小2:What an evil queen!
小3:I’ll help you.
小4:Me too.
其:(一起)Me too.
小5:Stay with us, ok?
公主:Thank you.(大家手拉手,跳舞)
郑州考研辅导班 魔镜:(上场)
新王后:(上场,奸笑,边照镜边问)Mirror, mirror! Who(拖腔)is beautiful?
魔镜:Not you! Snow White!
新王后:What?(生气)I’ll英语月份 kill her!
新王后:(一转身,拿出一个苹果,坏笑)哼!Snow White!
新王后:(上场)Apples! Apples! Buy some apples!(拎篮子)
新王后:Oh! You’re so beautiful! Give you a beautiful apple.(递)
公主:(接过苹果)Oh! How lovely!(咬一口,倒下死掉)
Mirror, mirror! Who is beautiful?
魔镜:It’s you.
小1:Oh! What happened?
其:(大家跑去)Snow White! Snow White! Wake up! Wake up!
小2:Oh! She died! (小矮人抬起公主,放到床上,哭)(音乐,马蹄声,王子上)
小3:Poor Snow White!
王子:(上前看)Oh! What a beautiful girl! I want to marry her.
小4:But you can’t. She is dead.
王子:(摇头)Oh! No!(摇公主)Snow White! Snow White!
公主:(咳嗽,吐苹果)What happened?(对王子说)Hello!
小矮人:(惊讶) 王子:(单膝跪下)Marry me, Snow White.
小5:Snow White, the prince helped you!
公主:(看看大家,害羞点点头) 小矮人:(手拉手转圈)
新王后:Mirror, mirror. Who is romanticismbeautiful?
魔镜:Not you. Not you. Snow White.
新王后:No! No!(边说边后退) (魔镜碎了,王后倒下死掉) (王子扶公主下床,手拉手) 小矮人:(摇手)Goodbye! Snow White. Goodbye! Prince.
王子、公主:(齐)Thank you! Goodbye!
旁白:The evil queen died. Snow White and the prince went. virusThey’ll be happy foreverbeem
assistant professor A Story of Affinity, Love, and Faithfulness Introducer[五位演员一起登场,由一位讲解员进行介绍。]
Hello, everybody here. This is a story about Diao-chan.
to male business Now I want to introduce all the characters for you.
The first role is Diao-chan, the female hero in this play.
This is Wang-yun, Diao-chan’s father. And our lovely soldier.
A brutish man, Dong-zhuo. The last is the greatest fighter
ingenss our
story, Lyu-bu, General Lyu.
Now let’s begin our story.
(Curtain up)
[幕拉开,灯光不开,同时我们的Storyteller 开始道来]
Storyteller: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,now come along and enjoy
哈喽英文 my show. Today I’m going to tell you a story-- A story about Diao-chan, a
marvelous beauty; a story about love; a story about hate, and a story
about loyalty and betrayal.
Some 1500 years ago, it was the last regime of the Han Dynasty. At a quiet
late midnight, Wang-yun, the Prime Minister of the time, was worrying